F3 Knoxville

27 – Simpler Than You Think

The Scene 

  • Asylum PM 
  • 5:45pm – 6:30pm
    • ShieldLock ruck at 5:10pm
  • Hot + sunny

F3 Welcome + Disclaimer

  • Welcome to F3: Fitness – Fellowship – Faith 
  • My name is Steam and I’ll be your Q this morning 
  • A few things before we begin: 
    • I’m not a professional 
    • You’re here on your own volition
    • You know your injuries if you have any so if you need to modify anything we do today feel free to do so, but push yourselves and the men around you. They deserve it and so do you. 
  • FNGs? — 1 (Pre-rucked his FNG workout!)


  • Apollo Slowno: 8
    • Apollo Ono, but slow
  • Baby Arm Circles: (F) 10×4 (B) 10×4 
  • Windmill: 10×4
  • Chattanooga Cherry Pickers (Shoulders): 10×4 
  • Squat: 10×4

The Thang  — Theme of 27

(Mosey to the the rock pile below the Coliseum)

(1) A Rocky Start 

  • Grab a rock 
  • Warm up round:
    • 1 count
    • 27 chest presses 
    • 27 curls 
    • 27 triceps 
    • 27 rows 
  • Mosey down the hill to the field 
  • Execute the Xs again at the bottom
  • Use your rock to get to the next plateau – incline murder bunnies
  • Repeat the Xs again
  • Mosey to the next incline
  • Use your rock to get to the next plateau – incline murder bunnies
  • Repeat the Xs again
  • Rinse and repeat until we get to the top of the stairs by the coliseum 

(Fellowship mosey to the parking lot below the stairs with the wall)

(2) Keep Rockin’

  • 2 POC: here and top of the curve 
  • 4 rounds 
  • Round 1
    • 27 American hammers w/rock 
    • Run to the top of the curve
    • Execute 2 man-makers 
    • Run back 
  • Round 2 
    • 27 flutter-kicks w/rock overhead 
    • Run to the top of the curve 
    • Execute 2 man makers 
    • Run back 
  • Round 3
    • 27 rock squats 
    • Run to the top of the curve 
    • Execute 2 man makers 
    • Run back 
  • Round 4 
    • 27 rock curls
    • Run to the top of the curve 
    • Execute 2 man makers 
    • Run back 

(Mosey to put rocks back)

(Mosey back to the AO)


(Insert information about any additional post-Thang work)



COT (Circle of Trust)

Count Off

  • 20

Name o Rama

  • Dung Beetle, Brick, Pusher, Petunia, Crisper, Tenderfoot, Lizzy, Onstar, Scrubs, Pele, F6, High-Heels, Glamper, Z-Bone, Drum Major, Lillydipper, Doubtfire, Cheetah Boy, Sparkler, Steam

Word — 27 Things From Proverbs 27

There are 27 verses in Proverbs 27 — one of which we use quite frequently. So on the 27th day of June, here are 27 encouraging reminders and wisdom from Proverbs 27:17 (MSG)

⬆️ this was the original plan for my Word tonight ⬆️ and obviously it went with the theme of 27 reps tonight – I like simple what can I say. 

But after my wife got home from work today, we were sitting on our back porch with these 2 things – and call it the Holy Spirit leading me in a different direction and putting this on my heart instead or just a simpler Word, but here is my actual Word. 

(I’ll post the original one too in case you were wondering). 

Some thoughts on fans

  • We all need a fan in our lives – we all need people cheering us on in our lives
  • Fans come in different sizes 
  • We can be a fan to anyone in our lives, no matter how big or small our influence or power is
  • The true value of a fan is not what it is, but it’s what it does
  • Fans help create energy for others 

So be a fan of someone to someone else this week. 

Here’s the original Word I thought of – Proverbs 27

A little backstory: Because these proverbs are a part of the whole of God’s Word, they are not simply for entertainment; they exhort, encourage, and offer hope. Solomon called readers, especially youth, to pursue wisdom rather than foolishness. He encouraged the inexperienced to become wise rather than mockers, to be teachable rather than incorrigible, to live rather than to die. He predicted that people who pursued wisdom would generally find success and happiness in this life, but he promised they would absolutely find joy and blessing in eternity. 

This rich book of short, pithy wisdom presented a consistent theme: fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.

(You Don’t Know Tomorrow: verses 1 – 16)

  1. Don’t brashly announce what you’re going to do tomorrow; you don’t know the first thing about tomorrow. 
  2. Don’t call attention to yourself; let others do it for you. 
  3. Carrying a log across your shoulders while you’re hefting a boulder with your arms is nothing compared to the burden of putting up with a fool. 
  4. We’re blasted by anger and swamped by rage, but who can survive jealousy?
  5. A spoken reprimand is better than approval that’s never expressed. 
  6. The wounds from a lover are worth it; kisses from an enemy do you in. 
  7. When you’ve stuffed yourself, you refuse dessert; when you’re starved, you could eat a horse. 
  8. People who won’t settle down, wandering hither and yon, are like restless birds, flitting to and fro. 
  9. Just as lotions and fragrance give sensual delight, a sweet friendship refreshes the soul. 
  10. Don’t leave your friends or your parents’ friends and run home to your family when things get rough; better a nearby friend than a distant family. 
  11. Become wise, dear child, and make me happy, then nothing the world throws my way will upset me. 
  12. A prudent person sees trouble coming and ducks; a simpleton walks in blindly and is clobbered. 
  13. Hold tight to collateral on any loan to a stranger; be wary of accepting what a transient friend has pawned. 
  14. If you wake your friend in the early morning by shouting “Rise and shine!” It will sound to him more like a curse than a blessing.
  15. (And 16)A nagging spouse is like the drip, drip, drip of a leaky faucet; you can’t turn it off, and you can’t get away from it. 

(Your Face Mirrors Your Heart: verses 17 – 27)

  1. As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another. 
  2. If you care for your orchard, you’ll enjoy its fruit; if you honor your boss, you’ll be honored. 
  3. Just as water mirrors your face, so your face mirrors your heart. 
  4. Hell has a voracious appetite, and lust never quits. 
  5. The purity of silver and gold is tested by putting them in a fire; the purity of human hearts is tested by giving them a little fame. 
  6. Pound on a fool all you like — you can’t pound out foolishness. 
  7. Know your sheep by name; carefully attend to your flocks. 
  8. Don’t take them for granted; possessions don’t last forever you know. 
  9. (And 26) And then, when the crops are in and the harvest is stored in the barns, you can knit sweaters of lambs’ wool, and sell your goats for a profit. 
  1. There will be plenty of milk and meat to last your family through the winter


(Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements)

19 Strong at Asylum- Bearcrawling islands and pyramids

THE SCENE: Dark clouds, humid, 80’s with looming storms

standard disclaimer with no FNGS

Cherry Pickers (IC)

Twisties IC

Windmills (IC)

Motivators 5 IC

Grady Corns 25 IC


Mosey to parking lot west of playground

Bear crawl halfway – 5 excercises

Bernie to end – 10 exercises

Karaoke half back – 25 exercises

10 count rest

Rinse and repeat with different exercise (I forgot which 2 exercises we did)

20 count rest

Mosey back to Pavalon

2 sets of Ladders as follows:

Round Pull UP LBC
1 ct
Squat Plank Jack
10 Run
2 10 10 Run
3 10 10 10 Run
5 10 10 10 10 Run
6 Run 10 10
7 Run 10 10 10
8 Run 10 10 10 10
Round Step Up Imp Walker SSH (1 ct) Shoulder Taps (2ct)
2 10 10 Run
3 10 10 10 Run
5 10 10 10 10 Run
6 Run 10 10
7 Run 10 10 10
8 Run 10 10 10 10



You can make a difference

You can achieve a lot through either through volunteering or by starting something completely new, it just needs to begin with a spark and a little effort. There are likely others that support your cause in one way or another.  Dream big, especially when it comes to helping others. Once you get the momentum and more involved, it’s hard to stop to it. In our F3 circle we can see what can result from an idea or a desire to make a difference.

Hardship Hill – Tank’s idea has grown into a large event making a huge difference with OEW

Saturday volunteer day at Lakeshore

Don’t be afraid to step up and volunteer or to initiate an event (small or large) you would be surprised in what you can achieve!

convergence on July 8 at Shamrock

Children of God

THE SCENE: Insert info about the weather, etc.

Run half way around parking lot and Bernie Sanders the other half, Motivators starting with 7, 10 Mountain Climbers, 10 Tempo Merkins, 7 Cherry Pickers, 7 Windmills, Little of This and That.
Mosey to the roadway that head toward the Admin Bldg.  We will stop to do 20 Rocky Balboas and 20 American Hammers.

Mosey to the Stop Sign at the Northeastern Corner of the Admin Bldg.  We will be heading along the road that semi-circles around the Admin Bldg.  We will stop at each cone to do the exercises listed and then move to the next cone according to the directions given.  Here are the exercises at each cone.

  • Cone 1:  10 Burpees.  Bear Crawl to Cone 2.
  • Cone 2:  20 Hello Dollies (4 ct). Bernie Sanders to Cone 3.
  • Cone 3:  20 Diamond Merkins.  Sprint to Cone 4.
  • Cone 4:  Go down stairs by Bat Cave then head south and run up summit of Everest to roadway and Cone 5.
  • Cone 5:  50 Baby Crunches.  Karaoke Right to Cone 6.
  • Cone 6:  20 Bobby Hurleys.  Karaoke Left to Cone 7.
  • Cone 7:  20 Imperial Walkers (4 ct).  Sprint to Cone 8.
  • Cone 8:  20 Smurf Jacks, 20 Big Boy Sit-ups, 20 Merkins, 20 Squat Jumps, 20 Flutter Kicks (4 ct), 20 Shoulder Taps, 20 Iron Mikes, 20 Bicycle Kicks, Rinse and Repeat.

Run down Mt. Everest and back up again.

At incline at top of Mt. Everest we will do Sevens starting with One Star Jump on the roadway and Six Burpees where incline flattens.

Mosey to small parking lot below and south of Coliseum. We will do Doras with partners changing after one partner has run upstairs, south, and back down road to parking lot. The other partner does exercise. Each set of partners will do the following exercises as a team:

  • 100 Dead Bugs (4 ct)
  • 100 Imperial Walkers (4 ct)

Mosey to Coliseum.  We will run counterclockwise around the loop.  Starting at 6 o’clock we will do 20 Squats.  We will do 20 squats at 3 o’clock.  We will run up and down stairs of the Admin Bldg. at 12 o’clock.  We will do 20 squats at 9 o’clock.  We will stop at 6 o’clock where we started

Mosey to AO via the route past Haslam Rock.

We had 12 men with no FNGs.  It was great to have Lebowski back with us.  We were also honored to have Sanctions visiting us from Franklin, TN.
My best friend growing up was a fellow named Neil Deutsch.  We were next door neighbors in Dallas, Texas when I was age 3.  I cried the day Neil and his family moved to Memphis, TN.  Neil and I had just finished 3rd grade.  But, we stayed in contact.  Sometimes I would go to Memphis to visit him and sometimes he would come to Dallas to visit me.  The two of us decided to go to the same University – Baylor University – after completing high school.  Neil decided to go even though he was Jewish.  Baylor actually was one of the less expensive universities in Texas that Neil could attend as an out of state resident as it had great alumni support which drew down tuition.  Neil has remained a best friend to me.  I was best man at his wedding and he was best man at mine.  Pele got to meet Neil when both of them attended the wedding of my son, Bennett (aka Puddle).

Going back to our preschool years, Neil and I did all kinds of things together.  I remember playing “guns” at his house with his Uncle Steve who was about ten years our elder.  Whoever was “it” went to hide in the house and also got to possess Neil’s toy machine gun that sounded awesome when you pulled the trigger.  The pursuers had to count and then come hunting.  They had the lesser guns but also were allowed to possess one hand grenade (the grenades were actually boxing gloves).  Uncle Steve made sure everyone played fairly.

On Saturday mornings Neil and I would sit in front of the TV set with our cowboy hats on and watch westerns. We filled his dad’s shot glasses with Red Kool Aid and called it “Red Eye”, slugging the shots down like true cowboys.  We might also go outside and climb fences.  One of our favorite places to climb was a fence between my house and another neighbor’s.  It was a high spot and Neil and I liked to see who could pee the furthest from the top of the fence.

Now best friends do fight when they are young boys and Neil and I had our fights. Since I was about ten months older and was taller by nature than Neil, I always won the fights . . . that is until we had our great great fight of Religion.

Like I said, Neil was Jewish.  I was Christian.  One fine day we were playing on the See-Saw in my back yard and started talking about religion.  I, as a Christian, claimed that Jesus was the Son of God.  Neil, being Jewish, and not being as familiar about the son of God business, claimed that Moses was the son of God.  Well, I flat out told him he was wrong and he flat out told me I was wrong.  The conversation got more heated while we went up and down on the See-Saw, which was on of those flat board like structures.  When I was down on the ground and Neil was high up in the air on the other side of the See-Saw, I, in my anger, decided to scoot off the seat of that See-Saw.  When I did, there was absolutely no weight to hold Neil up in the air.  He came crashing down with a great Kerbannnnggg!

That boy who had never beat me in a fight was mighty angry and if he were David he would have certainly slew Goliath.  He came running after me and grabbed after me by pulling on my shorts.  I fell to the ground with my shorts down and my buttocks exposed.  What did Neil do?  He bit my butt!! He bit hard!! I ran to the house crying and screaming, with Neil following me, in tears himself.

Imagine my mother, hearing both of these boys crying and telling her what happened.  And then this Christian woman was asked by each of us, “Who is the son of God?”  My mother looked at me and looked at Neil, each with teary eyes and questioning faces.  She paused and then put her arms around both of us.  Her answer to us?   “We are all the children of God.”

Gents, take comfort in that.  Isn’t it good to know that each of us, no matter what our backgrounds or beliefs are the Children of God?

Prayers for safe travel for Sanctions as he had on with his trip to North Carolina today.  Prayers for Dung Beetle who is in the process of looking for a new job.
Convergence at Shamrock on July 8.  Be on lookout for special Ruck opportunities that will be announced on Slack.

2 For Tuesday / End of Chapter 28

The Scene 

  • Asylum PM
  • 5:45pm – 6:30pm
  • Weather, etc
  • Pre-Ruck: 5:10pm

F3 Welcome + Disclaimer

  • Welcome to F3: Fitness – Fellowship – Faith 
  • My name is Steam and I’ll be your Q this evening 
  • A few things before we begin: 
    • I’m not a professional 
    • You’re here on your own volition
    • You know your injuries if you have any so if you need to modify anything we do today feel free to do so, but push yourselves and the men around you. They deserve it and so do you. 
  • FNGs?

💪 Pre-Blast for Tonight 💪 

– 70s

– Sunny 

– Shield Lock ruck/walk: 5:10pm

– 2 For Tuesday 

– AGNB = All Gas No Brakes 

– IP, PF, + FP = Initial Push, Push Forward, Final Push 

– ISI 


Welcome to THE last 2 For Tuesday of my 28th year of life. Tomorrow I turn 29, and I can’t think of a more perfect way to ring year 29 in than with a strong 2 For Tuesday.


[ IP = Initial Push ]

  • Rockette: 10×4
  • Motivator: 5
  • Cherry Picker: 10×4
  • Cherry Picker: OYO for 10 seconds
  • Rockette: 5
  • Motivator: 5
  • Cherry Picker: 5×4

The Thang 

(What went down during the workout)

(Mosey to the roundabout on the right of the Coliseum)

1 — Cone’n Around 

  • 3 cones @ the roundabout 
  • 3 cones @ the wall below
  • 3 rounds total
    • 2 cones per round / 1 up top + 1 below
    • Pick a cone you want to do at each location and crush it 
  • 25 reps / cone
  • Everything on a 1 count

(10 count or so)

2 — Cone’n Around Part II – 2 For Tuesday

  • Same thing as the 1st round – but all Xs are 25 reps on a 4 count / 50 reps total

(10 count or so)

(Mosey to the bottom of the wall, where the 3 cones below are)

[ PF = Push Forward ]

3 — Up and Over 

  • 3 lanes, each with 2 cones (exercises), at the bottom of a wall, all the way up to the top to the Coliseum roundabout
  • Complete one workout at the bottom of the wall
  • Scale the wall
  • Complete the 2nd workout
  • Run up the hill to the top, then back around down the stairs to the bottom
  • Complete all 3 lanes
  • 50 reps (1 count) each exercise

(10 count or so)

4 — Up and Over Part II – 2 For Tuesday

(Mosey to the Admin Building stairs)

[ Fp = Final Push ]

  • Core 4
    • American Hammer: 25
    • LBC: 25
    • Penguin: 25
    • Dead Bug: 25
  • BTTW to the 🇺🇸)


(Insert information about any additional post-Thang work)

  • SWS for the last 60 seconds

COT (Circle of Trust)

Count Off

  • 13

Name o Rama

  • Pele, Title9, Glamper, OnStar, Pusher, Duggar, Squirtle, Abacus, Scrubs, Sparkler, Tenderfoot, Drum Major, Steam


  • “I don’t feel brave right now”
  • “That doesn’t mean you aren’t brave”
    • From a show my wife and I watch on Netflix called SWAT

Hear some things I’ve said, either verbally or mentally, over the past year, that go along with this. 

  • I don’t know if can do this
    • That doesn’t mean I can’t do this 
  • I don’t feel like I have what it takes 
    • That doesn’t mean I don’t have what it takes 
  • I don’t feel good enough 
    • That doesn’t mean I’m not good enough 
  • I don’t feel like I’m leading or serving well 
    • That doesn’t mean I’m not leading or serving well 

So I encourage you to think about the statements you say to yourself, either out loud or in the deepest parts of mind, and flip the script. 

Just because you feel a certain way, doesn’t mean you are a certain way. 

Feelings don’t always reflect reality. 

Pre Workday Beatdown

THE SCENE: Cooler morning, partly cloudy. Very nice.

15 Side Straddle Hops

5 Cherry Pickers

10 windmills

10 baby arm circles each way

Little bit of this and that

5 burpees


Mosey to the Caribbean:

Circling fully around doing exercises listed starting at 5 and then adding 1 each island going around the full circle.

  • Bobby Hurleys
  • Big Boys
  • Merkins
  • Squats
  • Flutter Kicks
  • Plank Jacks

Head back towards AO and everyone grab a coupon and gather around the flag. Do 25 together of each exercise:

  • Overhead press
  • Rows
  • Squats
  • Curls

Head to Pavilion. Do 11s, 7s, 5s, whatever needed for time. Exercises are table pullups in pavilion and step ups/jump ups at the playground.

Finished on time
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!

Recently came back from a long road trip seeing the country, it was something I have long wanted to do and hoped at least one kid would be interested enough to do it also. This was something my parents never did with me and I wanted to be better and give a bit to my kids that my parents didn’t give to me. I also am getting no younger and didn’t want to run out of time by saying I will get there eventually.

Basically my message is close to something I shared with the PM group before heading out on this trip, but just to pick something this summer you have long wanted to do, whether it be a trip some thing local, or even something you wanted to try and do it. Answer the challenge this summer and do it. Share it with your kids or a loved one if you can and just do it. Don’t wait.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Lakeshore workday was following this workout. Dragon boat race coming up on 6/17