F3 Knoxville

triceps and raindrops

THE SCENE: 68 and muggy

right over left, and left over right

cherry pickers

stretch on your own

Mosey down to the rock pile and pick up a coupon. Mosey back up to the pavilion

two sets of thangs 120 seconds on and 10 seconds’ rest.

  • curls
  • Freddy Mercury
  • Air Taps
  • Welsh Dragons
  • OHP
  • LBC
  • Triceps extensions
  • merkins
  • Squat thrust

Stopped for time and mosey back to the AO-


Ring of Fire until time


Good push this morning men, I want to show you the Tabata timer, it’s a great app! Easy to use and setup workouts so you can press play and let the lady tell you what to do.


Everyone take time to download it and try to lead a workout with it.

America’s Birthday Workout

THE SCENE: High 60s, windy and a little cloudy.


Welcome to F3, Fitness, Fellowship and Faith. F3 is a free workout program designed to improve fitness, share some camaraderie, and foster male leadership in the community. I’m Jetlag and I will be your Q today.  I am not a professional, and I do not know your fitness level or injury history.  Please push yourself, but modify the workout as necessary to avoid making any existing injuries worse.  The goal is to get better together!


  1. Side straddle hops
  2. Sumo squats
  3. Raquet
  4. Butt kicks
  5. Leg stretches
  6. 4 burpees

Workout 1: Mini cardiac 4 rounds

Top: Merkin plank jacks 4ct
Bottom: 2 burpees

Mosey to bottom of picket’s charge, 4 burpees each hill

Workout 2: Around Colosseum 4 rounds 4ct

1: plank hops
2: toe touches
3: kneeling squats

Mosey to PM AO

Workout 3: Mountain Climbers, 4 burpees, go down Everest, 4 burpees

Workout 4: Slow mosey up basecamp

4 rounds: 4 side straddle hops at base, 4 burpees at the summit

Workout 5: Indian run back to AO + 4 burpees


22 HIMs. Space Cowboy and Cart Girl not tagged.


The workout is dedicated to Coach K (from F3 Low Country) who’s heading to Mayo Clinic to conduct a plan in fighting an insidious disease. Taking part in formulating this plan is doing the 25 burpee challenge everyday, or at least in every workout, for the month of July.

This is to create awareness for the battle that lies before Coach K and to promote a culture where we close ranks and protect, serve, and empower one another.

More of the details here: https://f3lowcountry.wordpress.com/2021/07/02/brotherhood-bridges-burpee-challenge/

Prayers for Abacus’ mom as she prepares for surgery.

CSAUP at Dog Pound will likely be moved. No official announcement yet.

Thunderous Workout

THE SCENE: Low 80s, drizzling with little bit of thunderstorms.


Welcome to F3, Fitness, Fellowship and Faith. F3 is a free workout program designed to improve fitness, share some camaraderie, and foster male leadership in the community. I’m Jetlag and I will be your Q today.  I am not a professional, and I do not know your fitness level or injury history.  Please push yourself, but modify the workout as necessary to avoid making any existing injuries worse.  The goal is to get better together!


  1. Side straddle hops
  2. Raquet
  3. Windmill
  4. Leg stretches


Workout 1: 20s

  1. Side straddle hops
  2. Jump squats
  3. Butt kicks
  4. Frog hops
  5. High knees
  6. 4ct Mountain climbers

Workout 2: 20 Pull ups, 20 Squats, 20 kneeling to squats, run 1 lap around parking lot

Workout 3: 20 merkins, 20 derkins, 20 decline merkins, 20 shoulder press with squat using the CMU, run 1 lap around parking lot

Workout 4: 20 tricep ext, 20 biceps, 20 4ct planks, 20 mountain climbers, run 1 lap around parking lot

Workout 5: Suicides – run and bernie going back

Workout 6: Suicides – sprints


6 HIMs


Push yourself to the limit but always remember to listen to your body. It’s nice to push your boundaries, but also make sure that you don’t push yourself too hard that it defeats your progress. Train, eat, and recover. Recovery is as vital as training. This is where you absorb all what has been put in during the work.

Last Saturday after the Asylum AM workout, I was fortunate enough to meet the living legend, our F3 brother, Pinto and he delivered a great BOM. Going thru multiple surgeries and therapies the past few years, he may not be as strong as the man he was, but he’s definitely a better man than before – as he told about his journey to recovery and slowly getting back to working out with F3 again.

Prayers for Abacus’ mom as she prepares for surgery.

CSAUP at Dog Pound end of July.

Not the man I was, but I’m better than I used to be

THE SCENE: High 70s low 80s mild amount of humidity

10 baby arm circles in cadence

10 reverse baby arm circles in cadence

10 imperial walkers in cadence

10 cherry pickers in cadence

10 mountain climbers in cadence

10 American hammers in cadence

30 SSH in cadence

mosey to field above Everest
6 stations 2 exercises at each 50-40-30-20-10 rep scheme. Start with 50 reps and work down each round. Bear crawl to next station.

  • Merkins and Big boys
  • Squats and box cutters
  • Carolina Dry Docks and LBCs
  • Lunges and hello Dollies
  • Star jacks and Freddy mercuries
  • Shoulder taps and flutter kicks

A little boat/canoe and then ATM led by Waffle House
20 pax with 1 FNG
An amazing word from the man, the myth, the legend Pinto! He detailed his journey over the last few years which was a powerful account of struggle and triumph. He reminded us that we aren’t who we used to be but better than we were!

Work day at Wesley house


[ The Scene ]

– Hot, sunny, minimal clouds or cloud coverage

[ Welcome/Disclaimer ]

1 – Welcome to F3: Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

    • Name is Steam and I’m pumped to be your Q tonight

2 – Couple of things before we begin

    • I am not a professional
    • You are here on your own volition
    • If you need to modify anything we do this evening feel free to do so but push yourself and the men around you!

3 – FNGs? — No

Theme of the day: “The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones”

Whatever got you to this point today, whatever your experience was at work, in your spheres of influence, your relationships, your family, let that pass. You’re here now. Lock in with me for the next 45 and everything that you’ve walked through today fade away.

[ Warm o Rama ]

  • This will be a true warm O (circle) Rama
  • SSH: 20×4 IC
    • Run down to the R tree = 1 burpee
    • Run back
  • Baby Arm Circle: 10×4 F + 10×4 B IC
    • Run down to the L tree = 1 burpee
    • Run back
  • Imperial Walker: 10×4 IC
    • Run down to the R tree = 2 burpees
    • Run back
  • Cherry-Pickers: 10×4 IC
  • Windmill: 10×4 IC
    • Run down to the L tree = 2 burpees
    • Run back
  • SSH: 24×4 IC

[ The Thang ]

(Mosey down to The Bowl)

(1) 90 Degree Pyramid of Strength

POCs: Point – Sign on the other side of the street // Top Corners – 2 benches

  • Point: 10 SSH (1 count)
  • Top Corners: 10 Dips/10 Incline Merkins (1 count)
  • R+R 2x for a total of 90 reps
  • All end up back at the sign
  • Done? Pickup the 6

-10 count-

(Mosey to the next shaded tree — curb)

  • Rocky Balboas: 15×4 IC
    • Back peddle across the street
  • 15 down/up squats
  • Walk up to the curb — Rocky Balboas: 10×4 IC
    • Back peddle across the street
  • 10 down/up squats
  • Walk up to the curb — Rocky Balboas: 5×4 IC
    • Back peddle across the street
  • 5 down/up squats

(Mosey to below the coliseum rock pile)

(2) Rock It

  • grab a rock
  • 1: mosey to 2nd rock pile with it overhead
  • Execute 10 curls on a 4 count IC + drop
  • 2: Get another rock from rock pile 2 + walk back to rock pile 1 bear hug style
  • Execute 10×4 chest presses IC + drop

-10 count-

(Mosey over to Haslam Rock)

  • Wagon wheel if necessary 
  • end up at sidewalk across the street in the middle of tree coverage

-10 count-

(3) Lunge Plunge

  • Lunge to the tree (pine on ground)
  • 10 squats (1 count)
  • Side shuffle back
  • R&R 1x — shuffle with opposite leading foot coming back

(Battle buddy up)

(4) FP

  • BTTW to the bat cave (get flag on the way

[ Mary ]

  • Core 4
    • American Hammers: 10×4 IC
    • Flutter Kicks: 10×4 IC
    • LLBCs: 10×4 IC
    • Cockroaches: 10×4 IC
  • Stretching With Steam
    • breathing stretches (lower body/back/neck/shoulders)
    • flexibility stretches (core/chest/legs)

[ COT ]

  • # off
  • Name o Rama
  • FNGs
  • BOM

 Discernment + Humility

If we have no desire to be discerning, we won’t be discerning. Proverbs 2:3-6 says,

If you cry for discernment, lift your voice for understanding; if you seek her as silver and search for her as for hidden treasures; then you will discern the fear of the Lord and discover the knowledge of God. For the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding.

If we are driven by a yearning to be happy, healthy, affluent, prosperous, comfortable, and self-satisfied, we will never be discerning people. If our feelings determine what we believe, we cannot be discerning. If we subjugate our minds to some earthly ecclesiastical authority and blindly believe what we are told, we undermine discernment. Unless we are willing to examine all things carefully, we cannot hope to have any defense against reckless wandering faith.

The desire for discernment is a desire born out of humility. It is a humility that acknowledges our own potential for self-deception—“the heart is more deceitful than all else and is desperately sick; who can understand it” (Jeremiah 17:9). It is a humility that distrusts personal feelings and casts scorn on self-sufficiency—“on my own behalf I will not boast, except in regard to my weaknesses (2 Corinthians 12:5). It is a humility that turns to the Word of God as the final arbiter of all things—“examining the Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so” (Acts 17:11).

No one has a monopoly on truth. I certainly do not. I don’t have reliable answers within myself. My heart is as susceptible to self-deception as anyone’s. My feelings are as undependable as everyone else’s. I am not immune to Satan’s deception. That is true for all of us. Our only defense against false doctrine is to be discerning, to distrust our own emotions, to hold our own senses suspect, to examine all things, to test every truth-claim with the yardstick of Scripture, and to handle the Word of God with great care.

The desire to be discerning therefore entails a high view of Scripture linked with an enthusiasm for understanding it correctly. God requires that very attitude (2 Timothy 2:15). So the heart that truly loves Him will naturally burn with a passion for discernment.

  • As I was reading and reflecting on this article, I noticed there were guidelines for the comments on this post, and that they tied in exceptionally well to the message. In the link above you can see this. 
  • “Blog Guidelines”
    • Respectful
    • Helpful
    • Responsible
  • And as I was thinking about the message in this post and how I have failed tremendously at discernment and how I have also improved on leaning more into God’s will for my life and using discernment and wisdom from Him, these three things are great to keep in mind as we, as HIM, work on our discernment and wisdom and choices daily.
    • (1) Is it respectful?
    • (2) Is it helpful?
    • (3) Is it responsible?
  • As HIM, we have the unique opportunity to live out this. We have the unique opportunity to exemplify Christ by making sure our choices are respectful, helpful, and responsible.


  • Lastly, I am thankful. I have seen these traits played out in real time in you men, you High Impact Men of F3 Knoxville. As I am still young(ish) in my journey, I am incredibly grateful to you men for showing me what responsible decision making and discernment looks like. For showing me what helpful and considerate discernment looks like. For exemplifying what responsible discernment and decision making looks like. Thank you for living this out and setting the example for me.