F3 Knoxville

10 for 11s at the Equalizer

THE SCENE: Low to mid 30s. Perfect gloom.



  • Cherry Pickers IC | Baby Arm Circles IC
  • SSH IC | Rockettes IC


Simple Q today: a pair of 11s

  • 10 Pull-up at Playground | 1 squat at splash pad
  • Break for Cobra Kai x5 OYO
  • 10 burpees at outhouse. | 1 BBS at splash pad until recover was called


  • Pickle Pounders
  • LBCs IC
  • Flutter Kicks IC



Luke 2:39-40 – When Jesus’ parents had fulfilled all the requirements of the law of the Lord, they returned home to Nazareth in Galilee. There the child grew up healthy and strong. He was filled with wisdom, and God’s favor was on him.

The Christmas story is incredible and powerful, but it’s not the end. Jesus lived a life that serves as an example to us. What is one aspect of Jesus’ character you wish was more a part of you? Make a plan to make Jesus’ whole story a part of your daily life & routine.


Check out the 43 Challenge on Slack & fill that 2021 Q Calendar

Birthday Boys Triple Q

THE SCENE:  Frigid and sunny.  Temp about 14 degrees. This was the birthday of Charmin, High-Heels and Lilydipper.  The three of us Q’d together.

Plenty of Side-Straddle Hops while Charmin gave the F3 Welcome and Disclaimer.  7 Cherry Pickers.  20 High Knees.  Squats.
We did the workouts below with Charmin starting us off at the Coliseum.  Before we got started with his exercises, good ol Charmin got us to have a snow fight with the last man hit being the first one to get a Hot Toddy after the workout.  The last man standing was Gibbler.  Here are the workouts:

Saturday, December 26, 2020
Lily’s Birthday Boy Triple Q 15 Minute Workout
To be performed at the Caribbean aka Circus Maximus.
We will go counterclockwise around the parking lot five times, using different
methods of movement which will be listed below. At each end of the parking lot
we will be doing reps of exercises which are also listed below. I will have
instructions posted on both ends of the parking lot so that people won’t have to
remember all of this.
West End
1. 20 Squat Jumps. Sprint to East End.
2. 20 Big Boy Sit-ups. High Knees to East End.
3. 15 Shoulder Taps (both shoulders = 1). Skip to East End.
4. 20 Carolina Dry Docks. Karaoke Right to East End.
5. 20 Bicycle Kicks (4 ct). Bernie to East End.
East End
1. 20 Merkins. Bernie to West End.
2. 20 Iron Mikes (both legs = 1). Butt Kick to West End.
3. 20 Hello Dollies (4 ct). Half-speed Sprint to West End.
4. 10 Burpees. Karaoke left to West End.
5. 20 Plank Jacks. Sprint to West End.
I don’t know how long the above will take but it may be more than 15 minutes. If
so, end early and go to next post. If it take less than 15 minutes, have guys rinse
and repeat.

Charmin at the Colosseum
25s x 5 (That’s fifty reps of each exercise cause I’m 50) and 5 rounds of 25s for
each decade of my 50 years. In between each round, we run laps around the
Colosseum, with descending number of laps because each decade seems to go
that much faster.
So, 25s of merkins and big boys, run 4 laps
25s of Smurf jacks and mountain climbers, run 3 laps
25s of American Hammers and plank jacks, run 2 laps
25s of pickle pounders and monkey humpers, run 1 lap
25s of Bobby Hurleys and dips. The end. Mosey to the next station.
I haven’t actually run through this yet, so I don’ know if it can be done in 15
minutes or not. If not, I’ll shorten it, but the idea will be the same.

High Heels Kick’n it at the Ball Fields
I plan to do my Ab End / PT End workout.
Ab End
Exercise 1 – LBC – 15 4 count
Exercise 2 – Flutter Kick – 15 4 count
Exercise 3 – Box Cutter – 15
Exercise 4 – Holly Dolly – 15
Exercise 5 – Big Boys Sit ups – 15
PT End
Exercise 1 – SSH – 15 4 count
Exercise 2 – Hand release Merkin – 15
Exercise 3 – The Squat – 30
Exercise 4 – Carolina Dry Docks – 20
Exercise 5 – Burpee – 10
On one side of the parking lot you start the Ab exercise and do the stated reps.
After completing the reps you run to far side of parking lot and do the same Ab
exercise just completed until the six arrives. Once the six is in then you start the
next exercise from PT side and do the stated reps. Then run to other side of
parking lot and do the same PT exercise until six arrives. Do all five exercises.

Some 25s at the Pavilion with Picnic Table Pull-ups and Bench Dips.
17 men, no FNGs
Charmin, High-Heels and I now equal up to 169 years of living and I, Lilydipper, am the oldest of the “Respect”able crew.  It is nice to know that, no matter how old we get, we still have room for growth.  At 64 I hope to continue working out with F3 for quite some time to come.  And, no matter who leads the F3 workouts and no matter what their age, I feel I grow with each message I hear.  Yet, even when I can no longer run about, perhaps even walk about, there will be room for me to grow as an individual.  God wants us keep growing in Him throughout our lives.  Isn’t it nice to know that we always have more to learn?  I was listening to a radio station about a man who had injured his back and for quite some time was in pain, unable to walk about.  He decided to get on the internet and learn as much as he could about different subjects.  For example, he found spiders to be fascinating and found he could spend day after day learning more and more about them.  One subject, tons to learn.

Much of what we learn we must learn more than once.  Growth comes through hearing the same thing again and again until it finally plants itself within us.  Also, we must live with what we learned and apply it again and again.  I have found sermon lessons at church to be that way.  I will hear a sermon and think, “Wow, I need to hang on to this, use it in my life.”  Yet, I some how lose it, it drifts away.  Then, another sermon comes along with a similar message.  Some of it sticks with me.  After 10 to 15 similar sermons, maybe I finally get it.  Maybe by then I start applying it.  I grow for goodness sake!  That is how growth occurs.  What we learn comes through inculcation, a repeating of the lesson, until we get it through our thick skulls.

Lord, help me to keep growing no longer how old I get!!!
Prayers for those impacting by Covid and for this pandemic to end; for an end to racism; for Ribbed and his wife, Sarah, who is recovering from the removal of a tumor near her spine; and, for all those who have family or friends who are suffering.
Hot Toddys and sausage biscuits immediately after the workout; CSAUP the last Saturday in January at the Asylum.

The Dark Night Rises

THE SCENE: Blustery, 40s and dark as a closet. Perfect night for a beatdown.

I informed the PAX that we would be having fun tonight, completing the five F’s (Fitness, Faith, Fellowship, Free-99, and Fun). Disclaimer, no lawsuit required from the mothership for branding infringements.


  • SSHs x 25 (4-count)
  • Imperial Walkers x 10 (4-count)
  • Tempo Squats
  • Tempo Merkins x 10


Pickett’s Charge

  • Run to the Asylum, touch the building and back to the Coliseum for box cutters.
  • Mosey down to the stop sign for Tempo Squats and Air Squats x 10.

Everest / Space Station in The Pitch Dark

  • 2 Trips down Everest: Merkins x 20, LBCs x 20, and Jump Squats x 20 during each trip to the bottom. First trip to the top of the Space Station and the second rendezvous at the top of Everest for Transition box cutters/star gazers.

Stop Sign Non-sense 

  • If my memory serves me correctly, we focused on form and did additional merkins and LBCs.

Parking Lot Suicides

  • Self-explanatory, but at the end we sprinted up Baby Everest.

Hello Dollies x 100. Kudos to Brick who never slowed up for a second.
Yeah, so…
That was four days ago, but I bet it was compelling.
Head lamp was helpful for the hills in the dark. I should have posted earlier in the day for other people to bring a few.

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!! (Music Included)

THE SCENE: Balmy, Humid, 26 degrees for “The Best Sunrise in America”.

F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Don’t cheat yourself, treat yourself. 


100 SSHs in cadence. Is there another way to warmup??


Chest Station To the Pavilion (pronounced “pav-i-lahn”)  

  • Regular Merkins x 12
  • Wide Merkins x 12
  • Ranger Merkins x 12
  • Bench Dips x 12
  • Bird Dogs x 12 (with each leg)
  • Run to the ticket house and back.

Do this complete cycle three times…Mosey time.

All My Benches

  • Three sets of box jumps x 45 seconds per sesh

Abs Station under the Church/Gazebo Looking Thing 

  • Two sets of 25 box cutters
  • One set of flutter kicks 4-count (20)
  • One set of hello dollies x 25
  • Planks (60 seconds)
  • Elbow planks (30 seconds)
  • Elbow planks with left leg out (30 seconds)
  • Elbow plants with right leg out (30 seconds)
  • Planks (60 seconds)

***Pickett’s Charge*** followed by star gazers at the Coliseum 

Grinch’s Hill – 7s 

  • Lunges at the top, Carolina Dry Docks at the Bottom. Mosey up Area 51, with Box Cutters in transition.
  • Squat Station by the Asylum Building. 10 Tempo and 10 OYO (4-count)
  • Mosey back to PM AO Parking Lot..

Fat Burner Station

  • Happy feet (45 seconds)
  • Mountain Climbers (45 seconds)
  • Jump Squats (45 seconds)
  • High Knees (45 seconds)

Everything you got up Baby Everest to the AO!!

Yep. 19 including one FNG (Spinal Tap).

After the Pandemic “normalizes”, we will never be the same. That may be a good thing in some areas. What things do we have in our lives that never need to be the same? That we need to peal away and keep that way. Spend time alone in the coming days identifying what has changed (or needs to change) during this year that is a good thing (or will be).

The Saturday before Christmas is by far the funnest Q of the year. The Christmas music (wireless speaker) throughout the workout was clutch.
Triple Birthday Q next weekend at the Asylum!! AYOOOOOOOOO….

Rainy Days & Mondays at the Equalizer

THE SCENE: Rainy. Windy. Fantastic.



  • Cherry Pickers IC | Baby Arm Circles IC
  • SSH IC | Rockettes IC


10,20,30,40 of these exercises:

  • Pull-up, Single leg Bridge, BBS, SSH
  • Burpees, VUps, Squats
  • Step ups, Mtn Climbers, Dips, LBCs
  • American Hammer, Incline Merks, SSH, Lunges
  • Table row, Signle leg dead, BBS, SSH

Rinse & repeat


  • Flutter Kicks IC



Prayers for our brother, his wife, and the medical staff taking care of them.