F3 Knoxville

Soot Summer Special


3 Rounds of Four Stations (Dealer’s Choice between station):

  • Push-up Ring of Fire
  • Medicine Ball Chest Pass + Burpee Chain
  • Squat Ring of Fire
  • Exercise Dice

1 lap Indian Lunges around parking lot

Deny Yourself (What you feed grows, what you starve dies), Pickup your cross daily (Think Vertically, not horizontally), Follow Jesus (Faith without works is dead)

Nothing Fancy

THE SCENE: Perfect weather 67 degrees

10x side straddle hops

10x cherry pickers

10x oyo merkins

Michael Phelps

A little of this and that


Burpeecides – Start at 1st cone do 5 burpees, go to 1st cone do 5 burpees then run back to 1st cone and proceed to 2nd cone and do 5 burpees back to first cone then to 3 cone and do 5 burpees.  Rinse and repeat until you get to the 6th cone for a total of 30 burpees.

Continue to the little hill by the docks (not sure the name of hill)   7’s-merkins and BBS (2 bear crawls 2 Bernie sanders 2 run up the hill)

Head to the stairs by the docks start at bottom of steps with 10 Carolina dry docks, then proceed to up the 1st set of steps  and do 20 prisoner squats and then all the way up to the restaurant  and do 30 shoulder taps.  Rinse and repeat

Head back to pee rock pile by the AO.

20-20-20 biceps triceps overhead press run to the end and do the following

20-20-20 hello Dolly’s, baby Crunches, American hammer Rinse and repeat.

Headed back by lunging and stretching out to the AO.

Pusher led us in doing 10x flutter kicks then ran out of time


I took some statistics from https://www.dosomething.org/us/facts/11-facts-about-suicide and read this to the group

  1. Nearly 30,000 Americans commit suicide every year.
  2. In the U.S., suicide rates are highest during the spring.
  3. Suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death for 15 to 24-year-olds and 2nd for 24 to 35-year-olds.
  4. On average, 1 person commits suicide every 16.2 minutes.
  5. Each suicide intimately affects at least 6 other people.
  1. About 2/3 of people who complete suicide are depressed at the time of their deaths. Depression that is untreated, undiagnosed, or ineffectively treated is the number 1 cause of suicide.
  2. There is 1 suicide for every 25 attempted suicides.
  3. Males make up 79% of all suicides, while women are more prone to having suicidal thoughts.
  4. 1 in 65,000 children ages 10 to 14 commit suicide each year.
  5. There are 2 times as many deaths due to suicide than HIV/AIDS.
  6. Over 50% of all suicides are completed with a firearm.

It is also the 10th leading cause of Death in the United States.

There are a lot of Men and women who struggle daily with Depression and suicidal thoughts.  Nobody should have to struggle with this alone.  If you are going thru this please contact me or any of the F3 Men.  My contact number is 865-567-6652.  Also, as men of F3 reach out to those who may be struggling or you  have not heard from a while.
Pray for Boulder’s Friend Jassone and that God will guide him to those who can help him.  Pray for Pusher’s Friends family who just recently lost a son to suicide.


THE SCENE: Sunny and warm with high in upper 80’s.

20 Side-Straddle hops, 10 Burpees, 10 Plank reaches (to count of four), 10 Windmills, 10 Baby to Wide Arm Circles Forward and 10 Backward.


Mosey to stop sign on northeast side of Admin Bldg.  20 American Hammers, 20 Hello Dollies.

Mosey to alley way that dead ends at north of Admin Bldg.  Stop where bricks are lined up near shade tree.  We will do Dora’s with partner running to dead end, doing 10 decline merkins there, and running back.  Meanwhile other partner is doing exercises with bricks.  Partners switch off when running partner gets back.  These are the exercises:

100 Overhead Presses, 100 Curls, 100 Rows with bricks on each side, 100 Neck Drops, 100 Squats with bricks over head, 100 Wings forward, 100 Wing drops, 100 Wing raises.

Mosey to Trail that begins by Northern Parking Lot.  We will lunge to first light, run next four, etc. until we reach road that leads out northern gate of park.

Mosey on perimeter trail until we are at bottom of Mt. Everest.  20 Box Cutters.   Then run to top of Mt. Everest.

Mosey to AO.


Hello Dollies.


Nine men.  No FNG’s.

The song “No Hard Feelings” by the Avett Brothers is one that we can learn from as humans who are prone to have anger toward those who have hurt us or jealousy toward those who one up us.  In the song, the authors talk about how holding on to the anger and jealousy doesn’t lead to good for anyone – rather the feelings distance us from those we have the opportunity to get to know and love.  They lead to fear and destruction.

There is a beauty and poignancy to the song as the narrator looks toward death:  “When my body won’t hold me anymore and it finally lets me free – will I be ready?”  He looks toward a time of possibility in that death, a time “when the jealousy fades away and it’s ash and dust for cash and lust – and it’s just halleluhah”  He wonders whether he “will join with the ocean blue or run into the savior true – and shake hands laughing.  And walk through the night, straight to the light, holding the love I’ve known in my life – and no hard feelings.”

The narrator glimpses at death from the standpoint of one who has cast judgement and bitterness aside:

“under the curving sky, I’m finally learning why it matters to me and you.  To say it and mean it too.  For life and its loveliness and all of its ugliness.  Good as its been to me, I have no enemies . . . I have no enemies . . . I have no enemies.”

How incredible it could be if we could really say that.  What release and joy it would bring us.  To say, when our “body’s won’t hold us anymore” that “I have no enemies.

So, to be true HIM’s, we need to get rid of our “Hard Feelings.”


Movement is Life!

60 and Clear

Welcome & Disclaimer


– SSH x30 (IC)
– Tempo Squats x15 (IC)
– Windmill Merkins x10 (IC)
– Reverse Lunges x10 each leg (IC)
– Arm Circles Forward x15 (IC)
– Arm Circles Backward x15 (IC)

Mosey to back side of the Asylum at the rock pile


Flintstone Quarry Carry (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30)
Every man select a rock (or two).
Individual 30’s on the back hill with rock (going up and down by 5s from x5 to x25 at the top and bottom, total number of reps between the two exercises always equaling 30).  Start at the rock pile and run to the tree on the right.
– Overhead Press x25 (at the rock pile)
– Bent Over Rows x5 (at the tree)

Mosey to field on side of the Asylum.  Once there, partner up.


Battle Buddy Pyramid
Battle Buddy 1 runs to the top of the hill does 2 exercises while Battle Buddy 2 does shuttle runs in the opposite direction.  Rinse and repeat.

Each person will do three sets of the exercises in the following order: x5, x10, x15.

We will do 3 Rounds:

Rd 1
– Burpees
– Dry Docks

Rd 2
– Narrow Squats
– Wide Merkins

Rd 3
– Star Jumps
– Superman Swims

Mosey to other side of the front of the Asylum.


1st Battle Buddy lunges to the first cone, then sprints to second cone, does 2 reps of the exercise while Battle Buddy 2 is jumping air rope.  Switch.

Each round increase by 2 reps until each man does a total of 10 reps in one run.

We did two rounds:
– Rd 1 = Ranger Merkins (hands at should width, elbows in)
– Rd 2 = 4ct Flutter Kicks


American Hammers (4ct) – x15 IC


Number off and Name-O-Rama (16 PAX)


Be Present

This weekend, YHC took my oldest 2.0 to MTSU.  She’s is attending the Govenor’s School for the arts this summer.  She’s going to be gone for a total of 7 weeks.  She is our oldest and this is the first time she has ever been gone this long.  In many ways it’s prep for next year, she will be a senior in high school.  We had a great day getting her moved in.  We talked, laughed and enjoyed the time.  It wasn’t until I had to leave that it hit me…my role as her father is about to change.  My time with her in my home is passing.  It hit me harder than I could have ever expected, and in that moment I was so thankful to be there with her and for all the memories we shared together.  I’ll be honest, I wept most of the way home.  Not tears of sadness mixed with tears for pride and thankfulness.  I replayed all the times we hung out together, and mourned the times we didn’t.  It was a humbling time to realized just how important family truly is, and how irreplaceable our roles as dad truly are.  It may seem simple, but I also realized something else…you can’t cherish a memory you didn’t make.  The time to plant those seeds has gone.  Whatever relationship I get to enjoy with my kids as adults is sown while they are children.

I’m thankful beyond words for the men in my life who spoke life into me when I was a young dad.  The men who encouraged and exhorted me to be present with my kids while they were young.  We’ve all heard how fast time flies, but I think few of us realize how true it is.  And when it is gone, it’s gone.  There are no “redos” or “start overs.”  Each day is a gift and stewardship, and is connected to the days before it as well as those that come after.  Whenever you are with your family, be fully there!  Make the time, invest, plant the seeds.  I can honestly say I don’t regret a single thing I gave up to be with my daughter, and can testify that the fruit of those memories is the sweetest I’ve ever had.


Submitted by Cap’n Crunch

Monday Throat Punch

THE SCENE: 60 degrees and perfect weather to train

30 SSH

Warmup/Orientation loop

Run across parking lot. Do 2 Burpees every line (roughly 10 lines)

50 squats

Lunge back

50 squats

run up baby hill and around the loop

repeat 2-3 times.

Plank 30 seconds

Elbow Plank 30 seconds

Left plank 30 seconds

Right plank 30 seconds

Back extensions 10 IC

Leg lifts 10 IC

Mountain climbers 10

Repeat 3-4 times

20 Merkins OYO

50 Squats OYO

???? Can’t remember the last exercise until time
35 Strong men
It’s hard to believe God is there in the middle of the valley. It’s easier to believe it when I am on the mountain top. But the truth is that God is with us on the mountain top and in the valley. Even though I don’t feel or see or experience God walking with me – it doesn’t mean He isn’t there. I have to hold fast to that anchor when I get overwhelmed. That’s my challenge to myself and to you: Believe He is there even if it seems that He isn’t.


I’m preparing a swim lesson plan for those who are interested in learning to swim. It will be free of charge to the men of F3. Contact me on GroupMe if you are interested.