F3 Knoxville

Mog Mile

THE SCENE: Warm but comfortable morning at Arsenal

Mosey to the Oval Office
19 reps of each of the following  rinse and repeat for time with a goal of 4 rounds to complete a mile. The CMU cannot leave your body at any time or you have to restart your round

  • Ground to overhead
  • Front squats
  • Hand offset Merkins (19 each side)
  • 400 meter run

No time
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
The Mog Mile is a workout designed in honor of the Army Rangers and Delta Force soldiers who fought through the streets of Mogadishu following a helicopter crash. The armored convoy that was supposed to provide cover for them went too fast, leaving them on foot. Despite being left without the help they wanted and needed, they put their heads down and went to work. The 19 reps today were in honor of the 19 who died during the mission

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
We need to have ideas for the rope obstacle for hardship hill

A Hill Worth Dying On

THE SCENE: 67 Degrees of Perfection

  • LBAC x 10 (forwards and backwards)
  • SSH x 20
    We picked up our blocks of woe, aka CMU’s, and moseyed to the Educator, where the pax gathered at the bottom of the hill.
  • At the bottom, we did Grave-digger steps (1 set of grave-diggers per step) to the top of the hill. Then proceeded to 5 stations on the cones.
  • CMU swings x 20, 40, 60
  • CMU curls x 20, 40, 60
  • Big boys x 20, 40, 60
  • Thrusters x 20, 40, 60
  • Goblet squats x 20, 40, 60
  • Carry CMU back to the bottom of the hill and repeat.
  • Most pax were on the 2nd round when recover was called, a few made it to round 3.

A nice long CMU carry back to the grinder for the Mary seemed appropriate.
Hundo, Radioshack, Espy, Limbo, Hammy, Pinocchio, Veep, Rep Sleepy, Drifter, Swerve
Reflected on Psalm 115:4-8 where the Bible indicates that those who make idols become like them. The truth is we all have these in our lives, and we need to strive to identify them, and ask the Lord’s help in removing them.  Our families, our churches, and our communities deserve that we will be men who fight against the pull of idols in our lives.  If you want an example of a time when men didn’t care about this, just read the entire book of Judges, where “everyone did what was right in his own eyes.”  The crazy thing is almost anything can become an idol.  If you wonder what your idol is, just do a little self-diagnosis with this question, “what is the one thing that, if God took it away tomorrow, I couldn’t live without?”  The answer to that question will tell you what your idols are.  We have to put Christ first men, to be who God has called us to be.  If anything else occupies the throne of your heart, then we are headed for trouble.
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
August 14th, Drifter is speaking at Mt. Olive Baptist in South Knoxville for a Men’s Meating Breakfast at 9:00am.  Join us!!!

Training Day

  • THE SCENE: 67 degrees & the smell of campfire.
  • SSH x15

  • Swimmers x10 IC

  • High knees, side shuffle, bear crawl sidelines of basketball court

  • Tempo Dips x10

    THA-THANG: Q wanted to get some running in to recover from Drifter’s Q as well as train for Hardship Hill.

    Perform set of exercises & then run a lap. Perform exercises then run 2 laps, etc. up to 4 laps then back down.

  • 5 Superman’s  4CT (3 sec hold)

  • 10 Merkins

  • 15 Ab Blasters

  • 20 LBC’s

  • 25 Squats

15 tempo dips & hold on 15

Jim Rohn:

“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”

It takes 6 people to lift your casket when you die. Make sure your 6 people are lifting you in life.

Ask yourself: Who are the people you most admire? Who do you spend the most time with? Are those two groups of people the same?

We become like the people that we (choose to) expose ourselves to. It follows that you can accelerate your personal growth in whatever direction you desire by spending time with people who already are who you want to become.

Ultimate Frisbee

THE SCENE: It was okay. Finally had cooled off a little, but still hot. Does that make sense? It was overcast. Maybe that is more descriptive? I digress

20 SSH, 20 LBAC, warm up lap, Bring Sally Up… yeah… sorry
Run to the soccer field. Tried to pick a word in the song to do a tuck jump. Failed at first, but adjusted.

Everyone throws a disc. Farthest throw gets to run to the disc. Everyone else lunges. (Nair got to hold a squat in the sprinkler lol!) Farthest 2 throws pick Ultimate Frisbee teams.

Play Ultimate Frisbee inside the 18 yard box. Every time the Frisbee hits the ground, 5 burpees (later merkins, and then BBS).

When you score, 5 monkey humpers. When you’re scored on, 2 body builders.

Run back to AO, Mary on the way.

15 box cutters, 15 V-Ups, indian run, hold squat.
9 HIMs
Life is short. We don’t know how long we have, but we know it is limited. Do we spend our time in alignment with what we say we value? Spending a little bit of time on the right things over a long period of time has a cumulative effect. You don’t have to spend 8 hours a day on building relationships or whatever is important to you, just 20 or 30 minutes consistently can make a difference. For me, fun with friends is something I value, so I encorporated it into today’s workout. Find those things you can spend your time on and spend it wisely.
Mentioned “In Time” movie as an example.
3rd F opportunity on the 15th at Swerve’s church. Drifter speaking. Also CSAUP coming on the 21st!

Run The Rock

THE SCENE: 70 degrees and 85% humidity


SSH x10, Guardian (in honor of our guest from Cleveland) run to the fountain carrying a 20 pound rock

The person with the rock runs counter clockwise around the loop while rest of the pax runs clockwise. Person with rock gives rest of pax an exercise as he passes them. (20 reps of all exercises) When person with rock gets back to the start he sets down the rock and joins the pax running clockwise, next man to get to the rock picks it up and goes counter clockwise.

Guardian run back to the Grinder; Boxcutters x10; LBCs for time

11 HIMs this morning including Undertaker from F3 Cleveland


“Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope,” Romans‬ ‭5:3-4‬

“do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians‬ ‭4:6-7‬ ‭

When we go through difficult times in our life we can have peace and hope through Jesus. No matter what you have faced, are facing, or are going to face hold onto the promises of God.

Pray for Drifter’s wife as her leg continues to heal

Men’s breakfast at Swerve’s church on 8/14. Drifter will be the speaker. Cost is $5. Please let Swerve or Rep Sleepy know if you plan on coming.