Fitness, Fellowship, Faith, Free, Modify, Not Professional, Own Volition, Social Distance, Phone
Cherry Pickers
Thai Fighter Arm Circles
Seal claps
Tempo Squats
Bear Crawl F/S/B/S/F
Mosey to track and field hill
13 one heel elevated squats
Bear crawl to curb, run up hill, recover down and hold plank until everyone returns
Down to 1 by 3’s
Mosey to CMU pile stopping halfway for 10 BBS/Glute bridges
13 exercises – 13 reps – .13 mile run
We only got through exercise 8
CMU Box Jumps
CMU Swings
Overhead Press
CMU lunges
Carolina Dry Docks
Mountain Climber Knee Taps
Freddy Mercury
Curb Dips
CMU Squats
Burpees over CMU
Mosey to AO switching between Bernie and mosey
Imperial Walkers for 45 seconds
17 HIM’s
Joshua 1:9
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.”
Isaiah 41:10
“Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
Motivators from 7, Tempo Squats, baby arm circles forward & Backward, shoulder stretches THA-THANG:
Mosey to CMU pile
Grab 2 cmu’s, one for each hand
four corners have exercises, rinse and repeat at each corner
farmer carry between each station
corner 1 arms
25 curls
20 Alpos
15 Tri extensions
Corner 2 legs
25 Squats
20 Lunges
25 calf raises
Corner 3
25 shrugs
25 vertical bench press
10 each single arm rows from plank
Corner 4
20 dips
20 deep merkins
20 straight leg dead lift
Sparrow (11 years old) called out Cheatsheet (51 years old) for not doing a leg exercise. Cheatsheet became animated and talked a bunch of trash. Sparrow challenged Cheatsheet to a race, so after the workout was over, we did about a 100M sprint where Cheatsheet narrowly edged out Sparrow. Cheatsheet was going crazy, and we reminded him that he beat an 11 year old in a race. Good times were had by all!!!
No time for poor Mary COUNT-OFF & NAME-O-RAMA
We are living in a world where God is not put first, and the world suffers from the works of the flesh. We need to make God a priority, and exemplify the Fruit of the Spirit. MOLESKIN:
THE SCENE: A fine day to be at the Asylum. Mid 60’s and fairly clear. Parking lot is starting to get messy with leaves though. F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER WARM-O-RAMA:
SSH x25 IC
Cherry Pickers x5 IC
Cobra Burpees x5 OYO
Tempo CDD x10 IC
Imperial Squat Walkers x15 IC
LBAC fwd x20, bwd x15 IC
Mountain Climbers x20 IC
Got some brand-spankin’-new CMUs today courtesy of Code Brown… Time to break them in a little.
Today we have a sort of reverse Dora. Partner up, one PAX does moving exercise while the other does specified reps of stationary exercise. Then switch.
After each PAX has done the exercise twice, advance to the next exercise.
10 Bus Drivers – Mosey with block
15 Blockees – Bear crawl with block
20 V-ups – Rifle Carry
25 Derkins – Weighted Duck Walk
30 Squats – Murder Bunnies
35 Curls – Twist Lunge
Just enough time for American Hammers x20 IC COUNT-OFF & NAME-O-RAMA
Read the lyrics to Switchfoot’s song Where I Belong. This has been resonating with me for the last couple of days…
Feeling like a refugee
Like you don’t belong to me
The colors flash across the sky
This air feels strange to me
Feeling like a tragedy
I take a deep breath and close my eyes
One last time
One last time
Storms on the wasteland
Dark clouds on the plains again
We were born into the fight
But I’m not sentimental
This skin and bones is a rental
And no one makes it out alive
Until I die I’ll sing these songs
On the shores of Babylon
Still looking for a home
In a world where I belong
Where the weak are finally strong
Where the righteous right the wrongs
Still looking for a home
In a world where I belong
Feels like we’re just waiting, waiting
While are hearts are just breaking, breaking
Feels like we’ve been fighting against the tide
I wanna see the earth start shaking
I wanna see a generation
Finally waking up inside
Until I die I’ll sing these songs
On the shores of Babylon
Still looking for a home
In a world where I belong
Where the weak are finally strong
Where the righteous right the wrongs
Still looking for a home
In a world where I belong
A world where I belong
This body’s not my home
This world is not my own
But I still can hear the sound
Of my heart beating out
So let’s go boys, play it loud
And on that final day I die
I want to hold my head up high
I want to tell you that I tried
To live it like a song
And when I reach the other side
I want to look you in the eye
And know that I’ve arrived
In a world where I belong
In a world where I belong
In a world where I belong
Where I belong
Where I belong
Where I belong
Where I belong
Nov 7: convergence and 5 year celebration!
Mosey to car trunk and pick up PVC piece and weight(plate) to create ab wheel. Along side walk use ab wheel. 5 x straight out. 2 x out to right. 2 x out to left.
Mosey to football field divide into teams of 3 or 2 HIMs. At 50 yard line is pile of trinkets. On “Go.” everyone runs to trinket pile and picks one up. On trinket is exercise, each HIM does that listed exercise 30 times at the 30, 20 times at the 20, and 10 times at 10. (So a team of 3 would be doing 3 different trinkets. Everyone does their own.) Upon completion, throw trinket in your teams completion pile. Then rinse and repeat with more trinkets. ~20 minutes. Team with most trinkets wins. Yeah.
Mosey to bleachers. Winning team gets to lead the charge. Up and down bleacher steps from one end to the other. At the bottom, each time, 10 jump squats. Then up and down back with 10 Heal Drops at the bottom.
Mosey to sidewalk with ab rollers. 10 ab rollers straight. Using PVC pipe, 10 American Hammers.
Mosey to St Patrick 30 dips, 20 box jumps, 20 dips, 10 box jumps, 10 dips, 5 box jumps.
Mosey back to AO. Stopping 2 times to use ab rollers. 10 times each stop.
Mary happened during mosey back to AO. COUNT-OFF & NAME-O-RAMA
Psalm 23:3. He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. MOLESKIN:
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.
THE SCENE: Low 50s, light rain off and on. F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER WARM-O-RAMA:
SSH x25 IC
Cherry Pickers x5 IC
LBAC fwd, back, overhead claps all x15 IC
Hindurkins x10 IC
Cobra Merkins x5 OYO
Cossack Squats x10 IC
Mosey to the retention pond hill
11s with Embrace the Earth Burpees (hand release burpee, spreading arms wide to embrace the earth at the release) at the top, squat jumps at the bottom.
Mosey to the far parking lot by the practice field for random Tabata by roll of the die.
Each exercise gets 4 sets of 20s work, 10s rest.
Best I can remember, it was:
Butt Kickers
Calf Raises
Iron Mikes
Squat jumps
No time today! COUNT-OFF & NAME-O-RAMA
10 strong this morning. Everyone got a little wet, but just once. CIRCLE OF TRUST/BOM:
Proverbs 3:5-6:
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.
I was a little surprised by who was complaining about the wet this morning… 😀 ANNOUNCEMENTS:
Tomorrow, tomorrow, Bomb Shelter, tomorrow! Convergence a day away!