F3 Knoxville

Round and Round We Go at the Asylum

THE SCENE: Cool & Crisp at 45 degrees
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Yes all the things

SSH, Tempo Merkins, Cherry Pickers, Windmills, Down-Ups in the Grass for Football, BBS at the base of Baby Everest, run to the top with some Man-Makers.
Three (3) stations for the group to troupe to for mumble chatter. The workout order of the stations were for each time a group was at a station, they did the next exercise.

  • Station #1 (AO with a Coupon)
    1. Blockies (20)
    2. Curls (25)
    3. Thrusters (25)
    4. OVHD Press (25)
  • Station #2 (Pav-Lov)
    1. Table Rows (25)
    2. Box Jumps or Step-Ups (25)
    3. Lt. Dans (25) [Don’t try in cadence, not an easy count]
    4. Toe Merkins (25 in Each Direction) + Aussie Climbers (20 – 4 Count)
  • Station #3
    1. Big Boy Sit-Ups (25)
    2. Flutter Kicks (25 – 4 Count)
    3. Hello Dollys (25 – 4 Count)
    4. X-Factors (25 – 4 Count)

Freddie Mercury
7 HIMs
Discussed Hebrews 4:1-13 and focused on Verse 12. We should not be relaxed spectators, but be consistently obedient to God’s Word. Three (3) types of rest we can experience are:

  1. Promised Land / Heaven (Eternal)
  2. Sabbath Rest (Weekly)
  3. Continual Rest (Daily)


DORAs with Betty on the Mosey at the Asylum

THE SCENE: Warm & humid
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Yes all the things

SSH, Tempo Merkins, Cherry Pickers, Windmills, Down-Ups in the Grass for Football, BBS at the base of Baby Everest, run to the top with some Man-Makers.
Three (3) stations for (3) Teams with a (4th) team carrying Betty to Bump the next group. The workout order of the stations were for each time a group was at a station, they did the next exercise.

  • Station #1 (AO with a Coupon)
    1. Blockies
    2. Curls
    3. Thrusters
    4. OVHD Press
  • Station #2 (Pav-Lov)
    1. Table Rows
    2. Box Jumps or Step-Ups
    3. Lt. Dans
    4. Toe Merkins
  • Station #3
    1. Big Boy Sit-Ups (BBS)
    2. Flutter Kicks
    3. Hello Dollys
    4. X-Factors

It’s the weekend, so we had to hit the ATM
17 HIMs with the introduction of an FNG who was named 0600.
The Q focused on the quote from Jack London, “I would rather be ashes than dust! I would rather that my spark should burn out in a brilliant blaze than it should be stifled by dry-rot. I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy and permanent planet. The proper function of man is to live, not to exist. I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them. I shall use my time.“ May we all burn brightly for God’s Will and not stay idle for our own glory.


No CMUesday

THE SCENE: A hint of fall in the air.  First time in the 50’s in a while

Warmed up with 20 SSH on 4ct, Tie Fighters Left and Right x10, Rockettes x12, Imperial Walkers x10 mosey’d to pavilion for 10 tempo incline merkins and 10 tempo dips.
Mosey’d to lower parking lot for a 4 corner(ish) workout starting at corner 1 with 25 jump squats.  From there you bear crawl out to cone 1 about 20 yards out, once there switched to crab walks to cone two, then once at cone 2 back to bear crawls to cone 3.

25 gas pumpers at cone 3 then run to the 3rd corner at adjacent parking lot for 25 merkins, and then run to 4th and final corner for 25 dry docks.  Hope was to finish 4 rounds.  We didn’t quite get 4

Once 6 was up we completed a circuit in one parking lot.  Idea was one exercise at a time, performing 25 at one end, run to the other end of the lot for 20, run back for 15 and so on.  All the way to 5 reps

Once you completed 5 reps you moved on to the next exercise.

Exercises were: LBC, Flutter Kick, and F Mercury’s

Once completed we had time for one last “Hard as you can” up Baby Everest.  Then circled up.

We did 10 SSH’s on 4ct.

We talked about loss and I shared this prayer:

Lord Jesus, thank you for guaranteeing the Day of no more death—whether by “natural causes” and aging, way too early “Homecomings,” or by senseless acts and dark circumstances. Though you have already removed death’s “sting” (1 Cor. 15:55-56), it still slaps us in the face, buckles our knees, and rocks our sensibilities,.


Thank you for validating our shock, encouraging our grief, and giving us tears. Standing before your friend’s grave, you wept before you raised Lazarus to life. You revealed your anguish before you exercised your power. Death is a violation. It’s not the way things are supposed to be.


It’s only because of your death and resurrection, we now gratefully affirm death isn’t sovereign, you are. Sin didn’t triumph, you did. Our funeral doesn’t get the last word, you do. Jesus, you are the grace giver and grave robber. Death’s keys are in your hand, and so are we.

With the same hand you will wipe every tear out of eyes, reach into our painful stories of loss now. We still have questions, but we don’t question your goodness and faithfulness. Because the Gospel is true, to be absent from the body is to be present with you. Life is Christ and death is gain. Our mourning is for this brief, painful moment; but eternal joy will come in the morning. Thank you, and So Very Amen.






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Always Have a Plan B at the Asylum

THE SCENE: 70 degrees and raining. Well it was when we started.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Yes all the right things

SSH, TN Rockin’ Chairs, Froggie Squats, Windmills, Tie-Fighters & Aussie Mountain Climbers.
The plan to workout in spaces around the Asylum were thwarted by the rain. So we started at the Pav-Lov with Matlock’s Leg Day Pyramid.

  • 10 Pistol Squats
  • 20 Weighted Step-Ups
  • 30 Weighted Calf Raises
  • 40 High Knee Jumps
  • 50 Weighted Butt Touchers
  • 75 SSH
  • 50 Weighted Alternating Lunges
  • 40 Rocky Balboas
  • 30 Goblet Squats
  • 20 Jump Squats
  • 10 Bulgarian Split Squats

Phase II:

  • Run up Baby Everest & do 3 Man-Makers
  • 15 Table Rows
  • 20 Big Boys
  • 60 Calf Raises (20 Straight Ahead, 20 Toes Out, 20 Toes In)
  • Balls to the Wall
  • Then repeat Phase II from the top

Phase III:

  • Run a lap around the Cloud
  • Dante’s Core (2 times)
    • 10 Hollow Rocks
    • 10 V-Ups
    • 10 Reverse Crunches
    • 10 Seconds of Planks on Your Back (Keep your legs and arms off the ground for 10 seconds)
    • Rest for 10 Seconds and Repeat

No time for that.
5 HIMs came out to Labor through a workout on Labor Day (Hands, Rainbow, Matlock, Doublewide and Sawdust)
Exploring the lyrics of Casting Crowns’ song “Only Jesus” and the importance of making our legacy about working for God’s glory and not our own.
September 11th Stair Climb at 10:00 on 10-Sep-22. Family Picnic at Victor Ashe Park on 11-Sep-22.

CMU’s and Suicides

THE SCENE: It didn’t rain and we were sweaty when we finished.

20 SS Hops on the 4ct, small mosey to lower parking lot for 10 tie fighters right, mosey to other corner of lot for 10 tie fighters left, mosey a bit for tempo merkins, and one last mosey to the remaining corner for 10 4ct mtn. climbers
AMRAP workout in consisting of the following

1 min Curls, 2 min Suicides, 1 Min OH Press, 2 Min suicides, 1 Min Block Flutters, 2 Min suicides, 1 Min Up and Over Merkins, 2 Min Suicides, 1 Min Squat with CMU, 2 Min Suicides, 1 Min Block Swing, 30 Sec Lawn Mower Right, 30 Sec Lawn Mower Left, 2 Min Suicides

Then mosey to Pavilion for

1 Min of Table rows, 1 Min of dips, 1 Min of LBCs, 1 Min of Wall sit, 1 Min of SS Hops

Then an AMRAP AB finisher of 1 Min LBC, 1 Min Freddy, 1 Min Flutters, 1 Min of Big Boys

  • MARY:

see above

We’re too busy.  Slow down and find time to be still.