F3 Knoxville

BLIMP @ the Farm

AO: the-farm
Q: Choir Boy (Kenny Saffles)
PAX: Choir Boy (Kenny Saffles), Sharpie (Gary Mitchell)
FNGs: None
WARMUP: Some stretching, SSHs, little baby arm circles, tempo merkins, tempo squats, windmills

THE THANG: Mosey to the parking lot between the bball courts and tennis courts for a BLIMP.  Following the parking lot/roads around the bball court, do the exercise at 12:00, 3:00, 6:00, 9:00, and again at 12:00 for 5 total sets of the same exercise before moving to the next exercise and round. The exercises and reps for each set were:

Burpees x 10
Lunges x 20
Imperial walkers x 30
Merkins x 40
Plank jacks x 50

MARY: Freddie Mercuries and Box Cutters

ANNOUNCEMENTS: None mentioned

COT:  Sharpie had an early meeting so we cut the formalities short.  We had good mumble-chatter along the way.

Tabata Under the Stars

AO: the-farm
Q: Choir Boy (Kenny Saffles)
PAX: School Zone (Michael Shope), Aladdin (Mansour Hasan), Sharpie (Gary Mitchell), Choir Boy (Kenny Saffles)
FNGs: None
WARMUP: Mainly some stretching

THE THANG: Tabata – 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off, 8 rounds, run a lap around the island (taking the Panama Canal to cut it short), rinse and repeat. We got in 6 sets – merkins, squats, CDDs, LBCs, calf raises, and dips

MARY: Star gazers


COT: Remember that as we watch our kids grow, we will miss these days in a few years just as much as we miss the younger days now.

Three’s Cokpamy

AO: the-farm
Q: School Zone (Michael Shope)
PAX: Choir Boy (Kenny Saffles), Sharpie (Gary Mitchell)
FNGs: None
Stretching, SSH, Windmills
Bear crawl triangle with merkins, squats, and big boys at the corners x3

Larger triangle including step runs with dips, pull ups and v-ups x3

Partner suicides on the basketball court – merkins, squats, LBCs

Ring of fire, obliques, plank


Money is a means, not an end. Be shrewd and use what you have for eternal ends that show God’s mercy in your life.

Luke 16:1-8

Smile for the Camera

AO: the-farm
Q: Trash Panda
PAX: Aladdin (Mansour Hasan), Sharpie (Gary Mitchell), School Zone (Michael Shope), Mayberry, I-Beam (Ryan Gerken), Monstar (Josh Sparrow), Trash Panda
FNGs: None
Mosey down the road to find a nice spot to WOR – SSH, WMH & runner stretch, BAC, BAC-BAC, a few good mornings and we are off!

1. 3x(10 dips, irkins, derkins, merkins w/ 50 Spicollis (calf raises)) mosey to next pain station w/ a little bear crawling down the stairs
2. Parking Lot Work:
-lunge, lunge, broadjump (some variation of Lt Dans) x 2
-alligator merkins
-inch worms
mosey to the right section of hill for next speed bump
3. 40s w/ merkins at the bottom and squats at the top, MOT = politician up (bernie’s?) bearcrawl down

50 LBCs (during the Thang)
13 burpees
13 Leg raises
13 windmills (2 is one)
20 Suzanne Sommers (3 positions per leg)

F3 in the nude coming up – check slack

I appreciate everyone being so hospitable since I’ve moved to Knoxville. F3 Community is strong here and I am excited to join. Challenge to PAX is to make sure that this mentality is present in other aspects of our life as it applies to greater impact to our community. A smile and a kind word goes a long way to build a stronger community.