THE SCENE: Gloomy and Sticky
- SSH: 15 x 4 IC
- Tempo Merkin: 10 x 4 IC
- Toe Merkin: 15 x 4 IC
- Cherry pickers 5 x 4 IC
- Tempo Squat: 5 x 4 IC
- Tie fighter: 10 x 4 F & 10 x 4 B
- Moroccan Night Club 10 x 4
- SSH: 10 x 4 IC
Mosey to my tailgate
Double coupon discount day
Each man pulls a card, Ace – 8
Pickup all coupons from bed of my truck
- Ace – FLAG and 20# rucksack
- 2- 5 – one corner of the 120# sandbag
- 6 – 60# sandbag
- 7 – 40# sandbag
- 8 – 40# sandbag
Mosey to the parking lot and get in a large circle
One exercise per man.
- Flag, wave it like you just don’t care
- 120# sandbag bear hug squats
- 60# sandbag bag dead lifts
- 40# sandbag curls
- 40# sandbag tricep extensions
- 20# ruck sack merkins
The two men without a coupon run the length of the parking lot and back, when they return, rotate, rinse and repeat until every man has performed every exercise, then Coupon carry to the close goal line of the soccer field.
Spread out the 120, the 60, both 40’s
- 2 men 120# sandbag drag 40 yards May pull forwards or backwards
- 2 men 60# sandbag toss 40 yards Death march style
- 2 men 40# sandbag overhead toss 40 yards and back Death march style
- 2 men 40# sandbag under leg drag 40 yards and back Death march style
Everyone hold plank until 6 is in. 6 in, rinse and repeat until all men have completed every exercise.
Hard stop recover at 5:50
Bear Crawl to Glory
Man with the ace is on the goal line, everyone else gathers around for encouragement.
Ace man sit’s on the 120# sandbag and strap shoulders in. Lean forward to bear crawl.
Bear crawl pulling the 120# bag across the 40 yard line as fast as possible. Men on the sides do not let the man stop. Yell scream, and encourage the man to pull as far as he can.
Rinse and repeat until every man in order of 2 – 8 has reached the goal
No Time
8 HIM’s, 2 FNG’s from Monday had to be renamed due to replication, Otis is now Binks, and Shredder is now Rap Sheet
We have had consistent effort from a 2.0, thought it was time to give him a name, He liked Tarantula, so Tarantula it is.
The whole point of the bear crawl to glory was encouragement. We as brothers need to be constantly building each other up as men. We need to hold each other accountable. We need to be the men in the community that set the example of what it means to be a man, and there is no finer example than our AO motto.
“Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love.”
1 Corinthians 16:13-14 ESV
These men absolutely killed Heavy day. Shout out to Wingman who pulled the 120# sandbag like it was not even back there. That was impressive brother.
- 2nd F gathering at Shakira’s coffee shop 8am Saturday morning. See you guys there.
- August 6: 7 AM. Work Day at the Cerebral Palsy Center. See Slack for details.
- Coffeteria at McDonalds.
- Seems like there was one more, but I don’t remember.