F3 Knoxville

easy snow Q

AO: brickyard
Q: Gmail
PAX: Spellcheck, Gordie, Otis, Bail Bonds, Simmons
FNGs: None
Motivators, Tempo squats/ merkins, claps: OH & front, Tie fighters, Imperial walkers
Mosey to track
Lunge half a lap
-Do the exercise and then run a lap. everyone goes when the first person finishes.
– 100 SSH
– 100 Merkins
– 50 Supermans
– 50 Jumping Squats

Lunge another 100 yrds

Escape from Haw Ridge – get on a team!
Discussion on Matt 7: 12-23

CMU Cross Fittish part deux

AO: brickyard
Q: Natty
PAX: Colonel (Alex Wallace), Gordie, Simmons, flyball, Jim Norris, Natty
FNGs: None
WARMUP: windmills, cherry pickers, OH & Seal claps, little baby arm circles, tempo incline mkns on CMU, tempo tricep dips in CMU, quad stretches, boogaloop

THE THANG: all with CMU’s: front sqts, back sqts, OH sqts, thrusters, single arm sqt (B), weighted pistol, sumo deadlift, suitcase deadlift (B), conventional deadlift, full clean, clean n jerk, shoulder press, good mornings, Russian k bell swings, Murican k bell swings, single arm k bell swings, sit ups with anchor, weighted sit up w OH press, sumo deadlift rows, toe taps, lateral jumps, plyo mkns, decline mkns, Carolina dry docks on CMU, incline mkns, box jumps, lunges, OH lunges, heel taps, hand stand around the world, farmer carry

MARY: time up

ANNOUNCEMENTS: prayers for Chucks son, Simmon’s in laws, Gordies youth at resurrection, colonels job hunt

COT: don’t follow people that don’t speak positively or are filled with hate, break the habit of the habit. Mathew 7: 15-16 don’t follow false prophets. I will share in a separate post 13 Leadership Lessons from Ted Lasso

Meat Grinder 😂

AO: brickyard
Q: Gmail
PAX: Spellcheck, Colonel (Alex Wallace), Simmons, Bail Bonds, Herbie, Natty, Appleseed, Gordie
FNGs: None
the norm
Do 21 reps for each exercise below then run a small loop, then 15 reps & loop then 9 reps & loop.
– Thrusters
– side bends – Left
– side bends – Right
mosey to track
Burpee mile
25 burpees, 400m run
x 4
Mosey to AO
play with CMU for few minutes
some while waiting on 6
big bday coming for a very dear brother this Saturday Biohazard (Jay Shepherd)
Pride ( Notes from church last night, thanks Mouthwash)
Pride is often a blindspot.
1 Peter 5:5 God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.
Pride started with the fall of Lucifer. He wanted to be like God and was cast down from heaven.
The devil tempered Adam and Eve with pride, you can be like God.
Pride is thinking too highly of our selves. Our culture encourages the opposite.
“Humility is honestly assessing ourselves in light of God’s holiness and our sinfulness” – CJ Mahaney
When we aren’t thinking of those two, His holiness and our sinfulness, we start becoming proud.
Perspective – who are we comparing ourselves with, others or God.
The cross of Christ is the only thing to bridge the gap of his holiness and our sinfulness
The fruit of pride is when we reject the authority that God has placed over us.
A way for us to grow in humility is to understand who God is more – read our words, study the attributes. When we see God it enables us to have a better assessment of ourselves.
*I’ll add the diagram in comments

The Grinder

AO: brickyard
Q: Colonel (Alex Wallace)
PAX: Biohazard (Jay Shepherd), DUCKHUNT2005, Herbie, Gmail, Simmons, Natty, Chit Chat
FNGs: None
SSH, Motivator from 6, Tie Fighters, Cherry pickers, this and that, 5 burpees OYO

Round 1:
Alternate Crab walk/ bear crawl to 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 yd lines and perform # of reps at said yard line.

Before you begin your reps at the yard line you must complete 5 burpees and then perform the exercise.
5 Burpees + 10 yd line exercise: Jump knee tucks
5 Burpees + 20 yd line exercise: Big Boy Sit-ups
30 yd line exercise: OH Claps
40 yd line exercise: Shoulder taps single count
50 yd line exercise: Merkins
40 yd line exercise: Shoulder taps single count
30 yd line exercise: OH Claps
20 yd line exercise: Big Boy Sit-ups
10 yd line exercise: Jump knee tucks

*Mosey back to starting end zone

Round 2:

Alternate Butt kicks / High Knees to 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 yd lines and perform # of reps at said yard line.

Before you begin your reps at the yard line you must complete 5 merkins and then perform the exercise.

10- Freddie Mercurys 2 count
20- Leg raises
30- LBCs
40- Hello Dollys
50- Flutter kicks single count
40- Hello Dollys
30- LBCs
20- Leg raises
10- Freddie Mercurys 2 count

Indian Run around the track- 400m

2- 50 yard sprints


X-factors, Crunchy frogs, LBCs

Forge 1/24-1/26

Being with God vs Doing for God

Story of Mary and Martha Luke 10:38-42

– “While Marthas hospitality is to be commended, her being with Jesus is not sufficient to sustain her doing for Jesus. How are you balancing your being with God and Doing for God?
– “The active life in the world for God can only properly flow from a deep inner life with God.” When we integrate both being and doing it makes the spiritual life full and joyful.”

– As we draw near to God the more he will draw near to us. James 4:8
– “you make known to me the paths of righteousness and in your presence there is fullness of joy.” psalm 16:11
– “For we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.” Ephesians 2:10

Complacency No Mo

AO: brickyard
Q: Natty
PAX: Biohazard (Jay Shepherd), Appleseed, Bail Bonds, Chitchat (Pana), Herbie, Jim Norris, Natty, Oscar, Simmons, Strings
FNGs: None
WARMUP: all IC: 20 SSH, 20 Toy Soldiers, 10 Donkey Kicks (B), Leg circles on all 4’s 10 (B), Tennessee Rocking Chairs x 10, Tempo Sumo Squats. 20, Windmillsx20

THE THANG: mosey to tha back 4 rounds of fun. After each round add a lap around track for the # of the round.
Rd 1: 20 Australian Nut Knockers, 30 plank jacks, 40 lunges, Rd 2: 20 MKNs, 30 shoulder taps, 40 squat jumps, Rd 3: 20 BBS, 30 Freddy mercs, 40 Flutters, Rd 4: 20 Bonnie Blair’s, 30 Apollo Ohno’s 40 SSH

MARY: mosey to AO


COT:don’t be complacent in your life, there’s always room to grow at work, at home, in faith, fitness, and fellowship…then do 10 burpees