Q: Natty
PAX: Natty, DUCKHUNT2005, Herbie, Bail Bonds, Simmons, Chuck
FNGs: None
WARMUP: Toy Soldiers, TN rocking chairs, Sumo sqts w/leg flails, chinooks, fwd arm circles, seal claps, OH press, OH claps
THE THANG: run to coffee house and do 20 Bobby Hurleys. Then up brickyard hill…hill 1 perform 10 8ct man makers, run to hill #2 and do 25 HR mkns, hill #3 Apollo Ono’s then back down, hill 2 plank jacks, hill 1 IMP sqt walkers, RR tracks 25 Mtn climbers, then coffee shop for the famed Aussie Nut Knockers. Run to planters for 11’s of derkins and box jumps, lastly some wall high leaps.
MARY: no time
COT:your attitude, not your aptitude, determines your altitude