F3 Knoxville

The backyard is open

THE SCENE: 60 degrees and cloudy with a chance of meatballs

SSH x 27 IC, T-Plank arm circles x 10 (B) both directions, Prone all-4’s hip circles x 8 bi-directional IC (B), Donkey Kicks prone x 8 (B) IC, Chinooks x 10 (B) IC, Seal Claps x 20 (B) IC, Manly Arm Rotations x 5 (B) IC
Mosey jog to the outer school wall and perform 20 Australian Nut Knockers x 20 IC followed by 10 Squat Jumps IC..then to the track

  • 1 lap around track to EZ bear crawl 15 yds do 15 MKNS
  • 2 laps around track to EZ duck walk 20 yds do 20 BBS
  • 3 laps around track to EZ crab walk 30 yds do 30 plank jacks
  • 4 laps around track to EZ lunge  40 yds do 40 SQTS

10 supermans IC, 20 Box cutters IC, 20 Gas Pumps IC, 20 Crab reachers IC
A-Rod, Biohazard, Hamm, Herbie, Geppetto, Spellcheck, Natty, Simmons
The golden Rule
Natty was a little miffed today and made some comments he regrets, asking for forgiveness
CSAUP 2/26

The Frozen Brickyard

THE SCENE: Light Snow and 18 Degrees with a bitter North Wind @ 12mph

SSHs, Cherry Pickers, Wind Mills, Miscellaneous Stretches, LBACs, Mosey to Powell Station Park

1. Mini Brickyard Seabiscuit:

  • 5 Burpees, 10 Merkins, 15 LBCs, 1 Lap around Powell Station Park
  • 5 Burpees, 10 Merkins, 15 LBCs, 2 Lap around Powell Station Park
  • 5 Burpees, 10 Merkins, 15 LBCs, 3 Lap around Powell Station Park
  • 5 Burpees, 10 Merkins, 15 LBCs, 2 Lap around Powell Station Park
  • 5 Burpees, 10 Merkins, 15 LBCs, 1 Lap around Powell Station Park

2. All HIM’s to the Rock Pile

  • While One Him Throws the Sandbag 5 parking spaces and back the other HIM’s grab a medium size rock.
  • AMRAP: Curl to Overheads, Rows, Merkins
  • HIM’s perform the AMRAP Exercises with Rocks while HIMS cycle through the Sandbag Throw.

3. Bear Crawl 7 Posts and Back to the Start with 7 Merkins performed at the post and then down to 6 posts,        5  posts, etc.

4. Mosey to Football Field and line up at the Back of the End Zone, Lunge to 5 yard line, 5 Squats, Sprint Back to starting point, Then R&R to 10, 15, 20.

5. One Lap Around the Track

We took turns calling out: Flutter Kicks, Hello Dolly’s, Etc. Etc.

Simmons, F&E, Herbie, SpellCheck, Switchgrass, Hamm on Q
We have Exiles (The experience of afflictive emotions usually as a youngster i.e. shame, anger, etc.)

We Develop Protectors (Managers as socially acceptable ways of compensating or keeping unwanted emotions exiles and Firefighters reactive ways of dealing when the exiles are triggered) Both can be unhealthy ways of not facing our feelings or learning how to cope effectively with life and all it’s difficulties)

Then we have our self or the part of us connected to God that is able to live in reality and on life’s terms. We can use this self energy or connectedness to God to reach our exiles and help our protectors to not be so extreme in their ways.

CSAUP next Month was discussed.

Play to Win

THE SCENE: Cool, clear, perfect workout weather

Cherry Pickers x 10 IC, SSH x 25 IC, Tempo SQT x 25 IC, ManMakers x 5 OYO, Bird Dog Hip Circles x 5 IC (B), ALL the next with BRIX & IC x 20 each (no rest b/w): Bicep Curls, seal claps, shoulder press, OH triceps, OH claps
Run to Norm Hill and pick up a rock at the tracks, partner up:

Bottom of hill partners do 300 BBS with rock while other partner runs to top of hill with their rock and do 10 jump thrust “rock”ets then run back and swap with partner until BBS complete.

  • all together now, run to top of hill and down the road to the next stop sign and do 30 Bonnie Blairs
  • run to old coffee house lot and perform 10 Burpees OYO
  • Run to mile marker 0.00 and perform 25 MKNS
  • Run to carwash and perform 50 SQTS
  • Run and RTN to AO

10 Supermans IC, 15 Gaspumps IC, 20 Flutter kicks IC, 20 Bruce Lees IC, 20 Hello Dollies IC, Captain Thors (led by Fast n Easy) x5
The return of Sparkles & Biohazard, Fast n Easy, Hamm, Simmons & Natty
Galatians 6:9 Let us not be weary in doing good for at the proper timewe will reap a harvest if we do not give up.  Stand tall my bruthas through these challenging times, lead and stay driven to turn others into leaders, stay the course!  Be confident because we have the ultimate leader by our sides
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Santa likes Fireball

THE SCENE: A crisp and clear 35 degrees

Did a jinglebell jog to the gas station, whilst performing Single leg jump skips and Butt kicks and being ridiculed by the mumble chatter Brickyard is so well known for.

At the gas station the warmarama pursued with 10 SSH’s IC, 10 Imperial Walkers IC, 10 Chinook SQTS (B) IC (A-Rod seemed to think this was amusing, but his head has turned into a Spud since returning from Idaho), 10 Windmills IC, 10 Thai Fighters IC (B)
The PAX attempted to form two staright lines but they were not so good at following directions.  They were in training to run Santa’s sleigh and started in pairs taking off every 5 seconds, or 3, or 2?  Cones set up to mark their distance:

  • Dasher 25 yds
  • Dancer 50 yds
  • Pracncer 75 yds
  • Vixen 100 yds
  • Comet 100 yds
  • Cupid 75 yds
  • Donner 50 yds
  • Blitzen 25 yds
  • and in pairs, Rudolph teamed the lighted sleigh 100 yds and back.  One Rudy carried a sand pail during each sequence.

Next we continued the 12 days of X-mas theme ascending days and also descending order.  A mandatory Mulligan chosen wisely by each team to carry Santa’s sleigh around the parking lot.

  • On the first day of Christmas my Q gave to me…a lap around a parking lot of trees
  • On the second day of Christmas my Q gave to me…2 Monkey Humpers
  • On the third day of Christmas my Q gave to me…3 French High Knees
  • On the fourth day of Christmas my Q gave to me…4 Calling Burpees
  • On the fifth day of Christmas my Q gave to me…5 Diamond Merkins
  • On the sixth day of Christmas my Q gave to me…6 Geese a Laying Leg Lifts
  • On the seventh day of Christmas my Q gave to me…7 Swans a Squat Jumping
  • On the eight day of Christmas my Q gave to me…8 Maids a Mountain Climbing
  • On the ninth day of Christmas my Q gave to me…9 Lady’s Jump Lunging
  • On the tenth day of Christmas my Q gave to me…10 Lord’s a Leaping (Michael Jordan’s)
  • On the eleventh day of Christmas my Q gave to me…11 Pickle’s Pounding
  • On the twelfth day of Christmas my Q gave to me…12 Drummers Jumping (SSH’s)

Just a cou[ple min left to do 20 Hellow Dollies IC and 20 flutter kicks IC
Herbie, A-Rod, Hamm, Fob, Fast-n-Easy, Simmons, Biohazard, Natty, Dr. Feelgood

“The heaviest of burdens that we carry are the thoughts in our head”
Prayers for Boogaloo, Gepetto’s family, Natty’s friend Mike Morton and the loss of his father
No Q on Christmas but a possible one Friday TBD

Super easy AOQ handoff beatdown

THE SCENE: Few clouds, 54°F, Feels like 52°F, Humidity 82%, Wind 2mph from SW

  • Arm circles forward IC 15x
  • Overhead Claps IC 15x
  • Seal claps IC 15x
  • Amr circles backwards IC 15x
  • Tempo squats 10x
  • SSH 30x


  • Herbie starts with Q
  • Mosey to the planters. Partner up. 
  • Dora’s
    • 100 derkins
    • 200 dips
    • 300 step ups (2 CT left leg right leg)
    • Partner 2 runs to the bush and back while partner 1 does exercise
  • Hand off Q to Geppetto
  • 10 count Welsh dragons.
    • 4 step bear crawl
    • Merkin, plank jack, same shoulder shoulder taps = 1 rep
  • Mosey to the rock pile.
  • Diego’s
    • Grab a good sized rock
    • Partner up, partners do total reps
    • 100 curls
    • 200 overhead presses
    • 300 squats
  • Mosey back to the main parking lot, single file line and Indian run to the marathon station backer on the parking lot to the AO.


  • Dealer’s choice.
    • Hello dollies on a 20 count.
    • Captain Thor’s six to and 24.
    • Freddie Mercury’s
    • Ring of fire till Time



Handoff of the flag and AOQ from Herbie to Geppetto

To the pax:

It has been an honor and blessing to be the AOQ for the Brickyard. You men have inspired and challenged me. We have faced a pandemic together and grown stronger together. F3 has made me a better man and you all are a part of that. Leadership of the AO does not fall on the shoulders of one man. You all are a part of this. If you haven’t figured it out yet, we are a leadership group disguised as a workout group. So if you have an idea of something to do, don’t wait do it. You are freed to lead. Start it up and pull other men into it with you and get after it.

I love you all.

To Geppetto:

I’m handing over a group of rowdy wild men that are passionate and outspoken. They have heart and will push you to your limits at times. As the AOQ you will represent Brickyard to the other AOs and with the Nantan, but you are not alone. Do not feel that you have to do everything yourself, you have a group of men here to lead and guide. Call upon us, challenge us and push us to be better. Iron sharpens iron only by being struck and scraped together. At times things will be abrasive, but that is the sharpening of men and it cannot be done alone. Thank you for your willingness to step up and be the AOQ, we have your back.


Christmas party and emerald youth toy store