F3 Knoxville

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

THE SCENE: 58 degrees and a calm and beautiful morning


Karate Jacks, Tempo Squats, Tempo Merkins, Grady Corns, Stretch on your own


Ruggers Run: modified Indian run with a rugby ball – pass it back, last man sprints it back to the front of the line.

The mission: Gather the required hash (tally) marks for each exercise group.  Most hash marks required multiple reps to count, and approved modifications to earn a tally were included.

  • Karate Jacks (4 count)
    1 hash = 20 KJ’s
    40 hash marks required
  • Rings Pull-ups
    2 Inverted Rows : 1 PU
    1 hash = 5 PU*10 IR
    40 hash marks required
  • Running Laps
    1 hash = 1 lap**
    30 hash marks required
  • Imperial Squawkers (4 count)
    1.5 squats : 1 IS
    1 hash = 20 IS30 squats
    40 hash marks required
  • Bird Dogs (4 count)
    1 Big Boy : 1 BD
    3 LBC : 1 BD
    1 hash = 20 BD, 20 BB, 60 LBC
    40 hash marks required
  • Derkins
    1 merkins : 1 Dk
    3 incline merkins : 1 Dk
    1 hash = 15 Dk, 30 Mk, 45 IM
    40 hash marks required

* A rather heavy towing chain was present.  Any that did pull-ups wearing the chain got to put a bonus hash mark in any category.

** A 45 lb weight vest was present.  Any that ran the lap wearing the vest got to put a bonus hash mark anywhere they wanted.

Mission was accomplished in record time!

Ruggers Run back, taking the long route behind the building and around to the front, all while carrying the gear!

Partial shoulder burn, followed by tribute Mary from all the current AOQ’s present and the Nan’tan

“Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.” (Ephesians 4:2-3, NIV)

Humility is a dying virtue.  As one person put it, we live in the Culture of Narcissism.  We are infected with the IDI Syndrome (I-Deserve-It).  The IDI-ology places a premium on the needs of the self over the needs of others.  According to the IDI Syndrome, having a “meaningful relationship” means someone is “meeting my needs.”  We live in a consumer culture where luxuries have become necessities and we have moved from “need” to “want” to “deserve.”  I want it, therefore I need it, therefore I deserve it and I’ll kill to get it.  We are overdosing on everything: food, data, relationships, possessions, pleasure…  What we “need” is to become more “Christ-centered” and less self-centered.  We need to become “small-minded” if we want to get “big-hearted.”  Small acts of kindness and faithfulness are often great acts of courage.

A big thanks to Median for coming out to be our impromptu photographer!  He easily got in twice as many steps as any one of the rest of us.  Looking forward to seeing some of the shots!

Felt honored and privileged to have two former AOQ’s, three current AOQ’s and the Knoxville Nan’tan join me and the others today.  We had enough superheroes today to make a cartoon series and a movie trilogy!

Hardship Hill after action meeting tonight at 7pm & Crafter’s Brew; KARM Dragon Boat Festival on June 17th

Thievery is the sincerest form of flattery

THE SCENE: 60 Degrees with a thick layer of humidity

15 SSH; 10 Tennessee Rocking Chair, 10 Tempo Squat, 5 Side Plank Stretch, 10 Tempo Merkins; 10 LBAC Foreward, 10 seal claps, 10 Hallelujahs, 10 Bobbit Cherry Pickers, 10 LBAC Reverse


Memory Card Game. Q placed two sets of cards arranged in a 5×4 square. Each Card has a workout designed. PAX split into teams and played the memory card game. If they flip over two cards that match they preform the exercise then run to the end of the lot and remove those from the board. If they don’t match then they preform both exercises, run to the end of the lot. Flip them over and try again.
8 Lovely PAX
Reading a book called “Comfort in Crisis”. Talks about how the body and spirit improve by doing really hard challenging physical tasks. Made me wonder if the same benefit could come from doing the difficult things spiritually. Praying when you seem way to busy, bringing the lord up to someone who doesn’t want to hear it, showing grace to someone you really don’t necessarily like. 

Prayers for Travelers, injuries, & VBS/Bible Schools
Volunteer Workday @ Asylum this Sat.; Dragon Boat Races for KARM with FIA on June 17th; Convergence July 8th @ Shamrock; July 29th F3 in the NUDE!!; Taco Ruck @ Rampart this Saturday starting @ 5:30

Awkward Carry

THE SCENE: Cool, dark, steamy from the pre ruckers.

Slower paced with more focus on stretching and core stability.
6 Rounds

12 CMU deadlifts, 9 CMU curls, 6 over head presses

After each completed round carry your coupon down the parking lot and back using the specific carry method.

  • Rifle
  • Farmer
  • Bear Hug
  • Zercher
  • On Shoulder

Final round we formed a fireman’s bucket line and passed the 100# sandball down and back.

Then we spaced out walking three feet for each hand off.

Then we each took a turn full distance carrying, handing off to next each trip.
Circle up at the start for ab blast.

  •  Lucille
  •  Skewer
  •  Skeletor
  •  Feeny
  •  Candy Crush
  •  Piston
  •  Michelin Man
  •  Ride Along
  •  Foghorn Leghorn

Why are you doing what it is you are doing? Self evaluation for our motivations in life.
Very happy to jump in and cover for Wilbur. Extremely proud the group handled that weight as well as they did.
Taco Ruck this Saturday at 5:30!

Heavy Grumble, Grumble Part 2

THE SCENE: Muy Muy Bueno

Given and received

  • SSH: 10 x 4 IC
  • Tempo Merkin: 5 IC
  • Mountain Climber: 5 x 4 IC
  • 4 count cherry pickers
  • Tempo Squat: 5 x 4 IC
  • Baby Arm Circles: 10 x 4 F & 10 x 4 B
  • Moroccan night club 6 x 4 IC


Carry heavy things as a team or individually to each post.

  1. Mosey to dugout 1
  • 1/2 group “peoples chair” as long as it takes for the other half to finish 20 squats
  • 1/2 group 20 heavy squats

Switch Rinse repeat until everyone gets 100 squats

2. Mosey to track dump heavies

  • @ track 5 burpees
  • @playground 5 burpees

Rinse and repeat to 4, 3, 2, end at 1 on the track.

3. Mosey with sandbags to top of track

  • 5 merkins
  • 5 big boys

Rinse and repeat to 4,3,2,1

4. Mosey with sandbags to bottom of track

  • 5 – 4 count American hammers
  • 5  – 4 count flutter kicks

Rinse and repeat to 4,3,2,1

Lap #2

5. Mosey to mid field with sandbags

  • Pax in a single file line, plenty of space between. 1st man deadlifts the 60# sandbag and toss over head for the next man, then drop to plank the heavy bag travels to the end of the line. When all men are in plank, drag 40# sandbag under your body with opposite arm to the next man.
  • Recover, rinse, repeat. Modify to hold Al Gore, and drag the bag back up to first man between the legs of each man. 



That was a hard thing gentlemen. THANK YOU FOR GIVING YOUR ALL. Most men are still asleep waiting to face the day. You have already went to battle and won. The COT today is brought to you by the Apostle Paul.

Key verse Eph 5:20

Eph 5:18  And do not get drunk with wine, for that is excess, but be filled with the Spirit,

Eph 5:19  speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with your heart to the Lord;

Eph 5:20  always giving thanks for all things in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God, even the Father;

Eph 5:21  and be subject to one another in the fear of Christ.

It’s easy to have a melody in your heart singing to the Lord when things are all good, but when things go wrong our flesh desires to rebel. Instead of focusing on the negative aspects of your situation, thank the Lord for your trials and trouble.

I love the closing thought in verse 21 as well. How do we as brothers ensure that we are holding this standard of giving thanks to the Lord? Be subject to one another in the fear of Christ. That’s accountability right there. That’s why F3 exists to be a helper for your brothers.

Rom 8:35  Who will separate us from the love of Christ? Will tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?


Rom 8:37  But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us.

Give thanks to Him for the good, for the bad, for the mundane, for the Joy. He alone is worthy. THANK YOU LORD.

This was a repeat of my VQ, still an honor to Q at Rampart. Looking forward to many more.

welcome back Ride along!

pathfinder ruck training beginning soon

F3 in the nude?? What’s that about? 

Q calendar openings have been filled, thank you men.

Improv Rain Murph Prep

THE SCENE: Raging storm at the beginning, tapering into drippy wet, 60s

Projectivator, TN Rocking Chairs, Tempo Merkins, Grady Corn, Newton’s cradle

  • Mosey to the back porch and do 3 sets of modified Murph reps
    • 15 pole rows
    • 10 merkins
    • 15 squats
  • Then 2 sets of another pair, followed by 2 sets of Murph reps then a lap around the building
    • 10 Iron Mikes and 10 BttW shoulder taps
    • 10 Hand Release Merkins and 10 Flutter-Dollys
    • 10 Derkins and 10 Box cutters
  • By this point, rain had pretty much cleared, so we moseyd to the pool wall
    • 2 sets of 10 Wall-ups and 10 Bobby Hurleys
  • Mosey to playground and do 1 true Murph rep set including pull ups
  • RTF

I think we did some…

“The Big Lie in the church today is that you are nothing more than ‘a sinner saved by grace’. – John Eldredge

C.S. Lewis cautions us against the words “just” or “merely”, because they serve to exclude other possibility. To be ‘just’ saved by grace is to remain a helpless infant. You are purposed to be much more. Humanity was created in the image of God so that we would become rulers of creation. To be saved is to gain access to the energizing Spirit of the Creator of heaven and earth, but it does you no good if you don’t choose to draw from it. And the Lord delights when you rely on Him for your power.

If I fail to use my chance to grow strong from the Source, I am the least of those who suffer because of it. There is no one to fill your place in the battle line. Every man who chooses comfort or apathy or fear is a gap in the bulwark. Will the enemy win because of my lack? We are certain the answer is a resounding “NO”. But the Lord does not coddle us with irresponsibility. He respects our agency by allowing real consequences. So be assured that your choice will be respected, and all that comes with it.
Not a huge divergence from my original plan, but definitely a little tricky to adapt to the weather, which totally surprised me.
Hardship Hill, Dragon Boat, Flag handoff at Juco May 19th, Rampart May 27th.