F3 Knoxville

Hearts and Farts

AO: shamrock
Q: Stitch
PAX: Mermaid, slappy, Dumpster Dive (Brad Burnette), Crawlspace, Swimmies (Nathan Chesney), Squatter, Voodoo
FNGs: None
Grady Corns
Hairy Rockettes
Mountain Climbers
20 Merkins

Mosey to Coupon pile. Grab a CMU.

25 Curls
25 OHP
25 Dips
50 Bench press

Mosey to the football field.

25 Mountain Climbers
25 Shoulder Taps
25 2 Ct Freddy Mercury’s
50 LBCs

Last 15 mins – 50 yd line Ultimate LED Frisbee. Team 1 (Stitch, Slappy, Swimmies, Crawlspace) takes the victory 6-4.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: March 7th – New AO launch in Clinton.
March 28 – Escape from Haw Ridge

I recently discovered this devotional book called The New City Catechism which is introduced by Tim Keller. If you know me, you know that I have a thirst for truth and knowledge, especially when it comes to the things of God and reality. Also, you know that I’m 50 and in order to pay respect to this old brain of mine, I have to keep it in working condition. That brings me to…

Catechisms. What are they?

Catechisms are statements of faith written in the form of questions and answers. Derived from the greek word katechein which means ‘to teach orally or to instruct by word of mouth”.

This book has 52 questions and answers, for 52 weeks of the year. It’s based on and adapted from some old reformation-era catechisms, which used to be very common to practice for Christian growth and training. They are divided into 3 parts: 1) God, creation and fall, law, 2) Christ, redemption, grace and 3) Spirit, restoration, growing in grace.

For example:

Q: What is our only hope in life and death?
A: That we are not our own but belong, body and soul, both in life and death, to God and to our Savior Jesus Christ.

Q: How can we be saved?
A: Only by faith in Jesus Christ and in his substitutionary atoning death on the cross; so even though we are guilty of having disobeyed God and are still inclined to all evil, nevertheless, God, without any merit of our own but only by pure grace, imputes to us the perfect righteousness of Christ when we repent and believe in him.

So, if you are a believer why not memorize some truths and solidify the foundations of your beliefs today? Memorize the new catechisms!

AMRAP in the House of Pain

AO: the-project
Q: Ocho
PAX: Biohack, Tom Tom, Mathlete, Erector, Baby Face, slappy, Munge
FNGs: None
In the rain, we made our way to OHoP (Ocho’s House of Pain). It was the kind of weather that invited either winter beanies or shorts, depending on your level of crazy.

So we warmed up on the porch. During the warm ups of SSHs, Merkins, and Tempo Squats.

This was your basic 40 seconds on, 20 seconds off AMRAP.

1. High Knees
2. Squats
3. Plank Jacks
4. Merkins
5. Mt Climbers
6. Apollo Onos
7. American Hammers
8. Pickle Pounders
9. Flutter Kicks

We did FOUR ROUNDS of that. And then called it quits, with our pickles sufficiently pounded.

Worked our way around the circle for some Mary. It was great. Truly.

Hardship Hill
and Escape from Haw Ridge are both coming soon

One big idea this morning: DON’T GIVE UP. Just don’t. In marriage, in work, in your faith, with your friends…don’t give up.

Post Rain Dance

AO: shamrock
Q: Stitch
PAX: slappy, Tinker, Honeydew, Squatter, MacGruber
FNGs: None
Tempo Squats
Hillbilly walkers
Cherry Pickers

Mosey to the field/track

25 merkins
25 squats
25 Mountain Climbers (2 count)
25 wall dips
1 LAP around

Repeat 3 more times for total of 1 mile and 100 reps of each exercise

Slowsy back to base. 15 burpees

Slowsy to the back lot. One mosey around the short block to the rock and back to base for 10 more burpees.

Flutter kicks
Box cutters
American hammers
Pickle pointers

Haw Ridge ’25 – March 28. Save the date!

Nothing profound today but I was thinking about what Slappy said on Wednesday. What does it mean to be a friend?

“And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.”
‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭10‬:‭24‬-‭25‬

Notice the action words here. Just like Emerson’s quote…”BE a friend”.
There’s stir up, love, good works, meet together, encourage. These are all intentional things. We are called to honor and glorify God. The same God that loved us when we were unloving, while we were sinners.

The challenge: What’s one action thing you can do this week for someone else? It could be a relative, a coworker, a distant friend. Write their names down. Pray for them. Send a text or a card. Meet with them. Let them know you are there and thinking about them.

Hard Things at the Project

AO: the-project
Q: Erector
PAX: Flying Dutchman, Biohack, Munge, Mathlete, Ocho, Tom Tom, slappy, Erector
FNGs: None
15 SSH, 15 mountain climbers, 10 tempo merkins, 15 Moroccan night club, 10 tempo squats, 5 cherry pickers
Mosey to the Friendship Bell. The workout is including and variations of the burpee mile. 12 burpees followed by 1/4 mile lap. Repeat 4 times. Same routine with the following exercises: 24 step ups, 25 merkins, and 24 flutter kicks (2-ct). Permission was granted to mix and match the exercises in case of time constraints.
No time
Escape from Haw Ridge is on the calendar! 3/28/25
Burpees are hard! Sometimes, life is hard. Sometimes, this is by choice, e.g., burpees, running, rucking, etc. A lot of times, it is not: loss of jobs, loved ones, illness, etc. I listened to a Youtube video recently from an olympic marathoner talking about doing hard things. He mentioned that a lot of times he didn’t achieve the result he hoped for, but doing hard things still benefited him overall. We can be disappointed with the results of difficult tasks too. Many times they don’t turn out the way we would prefer, but they can still serve a purpose. I want to share a scripture that addresses this topic.
James 1:2-4 – “Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.”
Hard things are in the moment difficult to see the benefit. As a result of getting through them, we can come out stronger. Our faith is the same. Testing of our faith through the difficult things of life can produce a stronger faith. One that can get us through this life to a heavenly reward.

Keep Moving

AO: shamrock
Q: Voodoo
PAX: Smoked Pickle, slappy, Tinker, Stitch, Dumpster Dive, Anchorman, Skidmark, Crawlspace, Mermaid, Honeydew, Macgruber
FNGs: None


Moseyed to large parking lot. Everyone paired up. One held the following while the other ran. Switch when your partner gets back
-leg lift
-wall sit

Completed two round and then switched to some 11s

Set 1
-split squats
-heels to heaven

Set 2
-T merks
-box cutters

Slowsed back to flag

Jane Fonda’s and flutters to time


Shared an area of my life where I’ve put off something I know that needs to be done.