THE SCENE: 30 degrees and clear skies
SSH (IC) x 20, Tempo Merkins (IC) x 10, Little Baby Arm Circles F & B (IC) x 10, Cherry Pickers (IC) x 10, Tempo Squats (IC) x 10, Flutter Kicks (IC) x 10
Dora Style Workout. Indian Run to CMU pile. Each team will get 1 CMU. Take CMU over towards the stadium. Each exercise will be 200 reps. The PAX not performing exercise will run up the hill and do 5 burpees and return to trade with other PAX. If a team finishes, start from the top and do it again. Exercises are:
- Curls
- Big Boys with CMU on chest
- Rows
- LBCs with CMU on chest
- Squats with CMU
- Flutter kicks holding CMU
- Overhead Press
- American Hammers with CMU
- Triceps Extension
- Leg raises holding CMU
(I don’t think anyone made it past squats today)
Indian run back to AO
Hello Dolly (IC) x 10, Freddy Mercury (IC) x 10, American Hammers (IC) x 10
17 strong today! Bonus points to Judge Judy for joining me on the ruck this morning!
My challenge to everyone this year to is to Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable! Do this personally, physically, and spiritually. For those who have never been on Q, take that next step and lead. If you have not been to other AOs for a workout, go to all the AOs. Try a Saturday workout which is an hour long or go the Burbs for a longer beatdown. Personally, talk to someone different at work or try to repair a fractured relationship. Spiritually, set a positive example for others and be a witness to someone who needs it (Jude Judy recently started a bible study group). We tend to be complacent and get in routines. Break that routine and do something different this year.
Prayer requests for Gump and his family as his wife recovers from surgery and son recovers from broken foot/leg.
CSAUP at Bomb Shelter on Saturday. Wesley House workout Wednesday at 5pm