F3 Knoxville

Clydesdale Cardio

THE SCENE: Perfect morning for a beatdown.

Lot’s of circles. Arm circles, knee circles, hip circles, etc.
Simple, Tough, and Effective.

Went out for a mosey down towards the river. Hooked a right and ran towards TBA and sprinted up Lake Loudon. Next we hit Manning Pass. Mosey’d down and then sprinted up, checkerboard to checker board. Continued towards the Hill, but went around it instead of up for the sake of time. Ended up back at the AO with just enough time for 90 seconds of Mary led by Pfeiffer and Postman.

We sprinkled in some burpees throughout the run Kiss-My-Grits style.

11 PAX (1 FNG). Swanson, Jorts, Passport, Huffy, Anteater, Abort, G-6, Band-Aid, Postman, Pfeiffer, Soot.

Sometimes the thing we need is something Simple, Tough, and Effective. Nothing fancy about a hilly Mosey, but it’s great for conditioning. In life, sometimes we just need to grind and get it done.

Leaders lead from the front. You don’t always have to be the fastest or in the best shape, but people look to you for guidance. A leader has to be able to maintain command and control of his element.

Convergence at Big Ball and service opportunity on May 12!

Burpees: Every Minute On The Minute

THE SCENE: Excellent, rain held of just in time for the beat down, lower 50s, cloudy sunrise

SSH, Arm Circles, Tempo Squats, Rockettes, Cherry Pickers, Tempo merkins, This and That, Michael Phelps
I set a timer to go off every minute during the workout, whenever this happened we all stopped what we were doing to do 2 burpees (My speaker died so we changed to 3 burpees during the Doras but not while running)

  • Doras: 50x American Hammers (4ct), 100x Carolina Dry Docks, 150x Squats
  • OYO: 25x Shoulder Taps (4ct), Box Cutters, Smurf Jacks (4ct), Hand Release Merkins
  • OYO: 15x Shoulder Taps (4ct), Box Cutters, Smurf Jacks (4ct), Hand Release Merkins
  • Doras: 50x Wideout Merkins, 100x Sumo Squats, 150x Big Boy Sit Ups
  • OYO: 25x Cobras, Flutterkicks (4ct), SSH (4ct), Plank Toe Taps (4ct)
  • OYO: 10x Cobras, Flutterkicks (4ct), SSH (4ct), Plank Toe Taps (4ct)
  • Cool down lap around the event lawn

May or may not have ended a minute early due to the fact that we were dying


Revisited the topic of Robert Murray McCheyne, 19th century preacher who graduated college at 14, led a congregation of over 1000 at age 23, was infamously a workaholic, and died at the age of 29 of cardiac arrest and exhaustion. Supposedly on his death bed he was quoted saying “God gave me a message to deliver and a horse to ride on. Alas, I have killed the horse and I can no longer deliver the message.” We’ve mentioned masculinity a lot this passed week in our Words. Biblical Masculinity is an interesting topic because the Bible rarely actually addresses masculinity directly, so often when we talk about being Godly men we get a mix of Scripture and culture, some of which is good but a lot is not. One of the cultural aspects of masculinity is work ethic; rather closer to being a workaholic. We as men tend to put the pressure to over work ourselves. When confronted by the Pharisees about eating on the Sabbath Jesus said that man wasn’t made for the Sabbath, but the Sabbath for man. We tend to hear “Jesus says it’s ok not to rest”, rather than hearing “The Sabbath (rest) was designed specifically for me, and is therefore beneficial”. Lets all be men who prioritize rest, so we can faithfully deliver the message we were given, rather than killing the horse we ride on.

[ The Scene ]

  • 30s

[ Welcome/Disclaimer ]

  • Welcome to F3: Fitness-Fellowship-Faith
  • Name is Steam and I’ll be your Q this morning
  • Couple of things before we begin:
    • I’m not a professional
    • You’re here on your own volition
    • And if you need to modify anything we do this morning feel free to do so but push yourselves and the men around you – they deserve it and so do you
  • FNGs? — 2

[ Warm o Rama ]

  • SSH: 30×4 IC
    • Take a lap
  • Mountain Climber: 30×4 IC
    • Take a lap
  • The Squat: 15×4 IC
    • Take a lap
  • Rockette: 15×4 IC
    • Take a lap
  • Rockette: 10×4 (5 F and 5 B)
    • Take a lap

[ The Thang ]

(1) 4 Corners and a Hill

  • 4 corners of the parking lot
    • C1: Merkins
    • C2: Squats
    • C3: LBCs
    • C4: American Hammers
  • 30 reps on a 1 count for each corner
  • After you complete the corner you’re on – run up the hill and execute 30 SSHs on a 1-count
  • When you get done with with all 4 corners and your hill runs and SSHs, find someone who’s not done and push them as they finish

(10 count)

(Mosey to crosswalk next to playground )

(2) Half and Half

  • 2 POCs/Paths: Light at the back end of the parking lot + lighted patch
  • half start on the lighted path
  • Half start moseying around to the parking lot with cars
  • Lighted path: 5 lights until you cut into the back of the lot with the light: 5 Attached at the hips (Merkin straight into a BBS)
  • Back end of lot light: (1 count)
    • 30 squats
    • 30 LBCs
    • 30 Carolina dry docks
  • Rinse and repeat this once for a total of 2x

(Mosey to the playground)

(3) The Last of the Benches

  • 30 squats
  • 30 incline merkins
  • 30 decline merkins
  • 30 step-ups

(Mosey to the AO)

[ Mary ]


[ COT ]

  • # off — 11
  • Name o Rama
  • FNGs — 2
  • BOM (2 Parts)
  1. 30 Reflections/Takeaways I Had in 2020
    • (1) — 1/4/2020 — from “Laws of Human Nature” — “Being able to understand more clearly that stranger within us would help us to realize that it is not a stranger at all but very much a part of ourselves, and that we are far more mysterious, complex, and interesting than we had imagined”
      • Romans 7:13-25
    • (2) — 1/7/2020 — I asked myself the question “What’s my no-BS assessment going into this year?” Here was my answer: “I need to keep fostering the mindset of “Keep Moving Forward” but sometimes that’s hard when it feels like I’m still in the thick of the fight. But in reality, I’ll always be in the fight until the end, it will just look different every year or so”
    • (3) — 1/22/2020 — I took this note while reading “Free to Lead” by the founders of F3, Dredd and OBT: “You have to improve. It’s an individual’s job to seek constant improvement. It’s the leader’s job to demand that he do so.”
    • (4) — 3/25/2020 — I went on a run this day and found myself on top of a hill and just had a good old yelling match of frustration and anger towards God. I was really pissed off and didn’t understand the events of the past couple of years and just found myself in this place of frustration with God. And then Isaiah 55:8 came to me — “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord.”
    • (5) — 4/9/2020 — (COVID ramping up) Listening to a Jerry Flowers sermon entitled “This is not my final destination” and he labeled exactly what I was doing during this season – I was being an Exit Strategist: wanting to get out of this season as quickly as possible, looking for an exit, trying to get out. And then he said this: “If God wants you in this place, in this season you find yourself in, there’s nothing you can do but be faithful and stop looking for an exit and start opening your eyes to the entrances He’s providing.”
    • (6) — 4/14/2020 — “I was born to walk through the fire, I was made to run through these flames. Yeah, even when I’m broken and tired, you are enough, enough, enough.” – “Enough” bu the Social Club Misfits
    • (7) — 4/16/2020 — I saw the different between the two words “though” and “yet” in Habakkuk 3:17-19 —> Though the fig tree should not blossom, nor fruit be on the vines, the produce of the olive fail, and the fields yield no food, the flock be cut off from the fold and there be no herd in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the Lord; I will take joy in the God of my salvation. God, the Lord, is my strength; he makes my feet like the deer’s; he makes me tread on my high places.
    • (8) — 4/19/2020 — “The true Christian life is one who lives an interrupted life; an individual who continually experiences Heavenly interference.” – Jerry Flowers
    • (9) — 5/12/2020 — The Father will always call the son back into “sonship.” This rocked my world by watching a Star Wars movie out of all things. But if God created all things than surely He can speak through all things as well. Watch the video (link below) and tell me you don’t see an incredibly powerful parallel between a father and his son. This sort of reminded me of the prodigal son as well. I dissected this video so hard and realized what a gift it was from God to me during this time.

                                        [ https://youtu.be/NF5M8WE4cKU ]

    • (10) — 5/17/2020 — “Eyes —> sight. Eyes of your heart —> vision.”
    • (11) — 5/21/2020 — “Once your heart has heard the music (of God), it is happy only when it is dancing.” – Robert Benson
    • (12) — 6/1/2020 — I was made very aware of how distracted I was. I could feel my mind being pulled in different directions. This is when the George Floyd incident happened and the riots started. I think God let me see just how distracted I was. This was a big takeaway for me — so that I could hear the call to “refocus,” “refocus,” “refocus.”
    • (13) — 6/18/2020 — “What do you do when you go to the place that God told you to go to, you’re doing what you’re supposed to be doing, and the brook dries up?”
    • (14) — 6/28/2020 — I was bestowed the wisdom of “Usually we’re going through what we’re going through because there’s something for us to do on the other side.”
    • (15) — 7/2/2020 — I was fasting with a small group of men from Fellowship Church called The Good Fight. And at 4pm on July 2nd I was under a ruck and praying for wisdom and discernment and realized I feel really connected to God and creation when I’m under a ruck.
    • (16) —7/23/2020 — “What would it look like for God to re-introduce yourself to you, from His perspective?” Think about the movie The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe where Aslan takes Edmond on a long walk after he rescues him.
    • (17) — 7/30/2020 — We need mentors and brothers that can call out the red flags when we don’t see them. A mentor of mine who’s about 20 years my senior did just that and it was hard to hear. But I needed to hear that so I could get out of a toxic relationship.
    • (18) — 7/31/2020 — Watch The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers and specifically watch starting at 1:18:00 aka “The Extraction Scene.” We are called by name. We are reminded that “too long have we sat in the shadows.” We hear our true name and are called further into it. We are reminded and loved enough to “breathe the free air again my friend” or son.
    • (19) — 8/10/2020 — Realized the necessity of reading “Waiting on God” by Andrew Murray, especially in this season/year. This was a book we were given at a 3rd F event a few years ago and it’s stayed with me ever since. The practice of “waiting on God” is difficult. And I did not do it exceptionally well this year.
    • (20) — 8/23/2020 — Learned about Critical Theory and it kind of blew my mind. Critical Race Theory is interesting too. Look it up.
    • (21) — 9/16/2020 — Here’s one way to prove that you have the power to change your thoughts: Picture a lion in your head. Got it? Good. Now picture a tiger in your head? Picturing a tiger? Congratulations – you just proved to yourself that you have the power to change your thoughts instead of be captive to them.
    • (22) — 9/21/2020 — Had a powerful collision-course encounter with Jesus at Bearden High Schoo, at the launch of Heart and Soul Church. Sometimes we find ourselves so enveloped in a powerful wrestle with God that when we finally let go and learn to release control He moves all the more powerfully.
    • (23) — 10/18/2020 — During a time of fasting I was given this verse for encouragement – Romans 15:4 “For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope.” There is always room for more endurance. There is always hope.
    • (24) — 11/20/2020 — I love facilitating. I got the chance to lead a men’s retreat the weekend of Nov. 20th and it was an honor to see God move and work during this time. He showed me the gift he’s given me to plan and facilitate.
    • (25) — 12/3/2020 — “The more I try and control the wheel and steer, the more I realize how much I’m not in control.”
    • (26) — 12/6/2020 — Content > comfortable
    • (27) — 12/10/2020 — Daniel 8:27 – “And I, Daniel, was overcome and lay sick for some days. Then I rose and I went about the King’s business…” You see two things right off the bat from a 90,000 view here: 1 – Some stuff happened (Daniel was overcome and lay sick) and 2 – Rise and still go about the King’s business. Has this year felt like that for you? Stuff goes down yet we still must go about the King’s business He’s called us to do.
    • (28) — 12/16/2020 — Read 2 Timothy 3:16. Now look at the Message version on the Bible app on your phone. You’ll see 4 things the Bible is doing for us: “Exposing our rebellion” + “Showing us truth” + “Correcting our mistakes” + “Training us in God’s way”
    • (29) — 12/20/2020 — “God is a good gift giver but not always the gift wrapper we want.” (James 1)
    • (30) — 12/27/2020 — “Little by little, one goes far.” – J.R.R. Tolkien

(2) Code Brown’s Message and Card for Charmin

– PAX thanked Charmin for his consistent and courageous leadership of the Asylum AO this year. A good leader knows how to lead. A great leader knows how to lead and follow. Charmin is a great leader.

Alphabet Soup

THE SCENE: Cool morning. Ice and snow still lingering about

Did a nice thorough warm-up to include lots of little baby knee circles.
Due to slippery conditions, we decided it best to not run at all.

Alternated between lunges and bear crawls to the amphitheater. Played a little frog get across the street.

Alphabet Soup to Heaven

PAX split into 2 teams of four. We bunny-hopped up the stairs to various letters to spell the words “food,” “coffee,” and “oneness.” This was conducted relay style.


Did these with box jumps and derkins with rapid-succession alternating single leg stair hops (aka ran up the stairs) in between sets).

Found our way back to the AO through a variety of bear crawls and lunges.

Ring-of-Fire Merkins x8

Ring-of-Fire Squats x4

Put the Cherry on top with a set of flutter kicks and hello dolly’s.


Soot, AAA, G-6, Trowel, Drive-Thru, Amazon, Swanson, Postman

In the darkest, coldest days of the year, we need to double down on the 2nd F. Pay attention to the men in our lives that may be isolating or withdrawing from fellowship. Find creative ways to reach out and be a light in the cold dark winter.

The Amazing Race: Big Ball Edition (Soot Co-Q)

THE SCENE: Lower to Mid 60’s, partly cloudy. Couldn’t ask for better weather!

SSH, Arm Circles, Imperial Walkers, This and That, Tempo Squats
We divided everyone into two teams for an Amazing Race style workout. Each team was given a clue, then had to decide what landmark that clue was hinting at. If the team went to the right location, Soot or I would tell them the workout for that spot. The first team to hit each location and finish each workout won. A few bonus rules: bear crawl every bridge, 1 burpee at each landing or top of each staircase, and bernie up every hill. Each team went in opposite orders, I led one clockwise while Soot led the other counter-clockwise. Here are the clues, locations, and exercises:

  • “It rises in the morning, but never gets out of bed” – The Sunsphere – Here we did 7’s between the edge of the water and the base of the sunsphere with Smurf Jacks and Star Jacks
  • “Here you might enjoy a nice view of the river, but you won’t enjoy the dense new additions to your team” – The Rockpile – Here we did 30 reps of Thrusters, Tricep Extensions, Curls and Front Raises
  • “The crown jewel of UT’s campus. The hallowed high ground” – The Hill – Here we lined up at the flag pole and did flutterkicks while one at a time each of us bear crawled around the flag pole
  • “Floors of empty spaces” – 11th Street Garage – Here we did the following in all 4 corners of the garage: 15 reps of Merkins, Squats, LBCs, Mountain Climbers (2ct)
  • “It’s almost time for our show to end, so be sure to grab your seats” – The Amphitheater – Here we just did 50 inverted rows
  • “End our race with a world tour and a splash” – The AO – Here we did a kind of inverted Indian Run. While running in line around the fountain, the person in front would do burpees until the rest of the team caught up, then the next person would pick up where they left off and the first person would go to the end of the line. The first team to a total of 200 burpees won.

The race ended just before 8am with our team reaching 200 burpees while Soot’s team was only 3 burpees behind

Abort led us in an ATM cash out
Soot led the word talking about how he and I met his junior year of college when he went to visit a campus ministry that I work for called the Navigators. After meeting we got lunch a couple times and eventually started meeting on a weekly basis for discipleship. After graduating, Soot and I have maintained that relationship, although we no longer meet as often, and Soot has gone on to lead his own Bible study and invest in guys the same way I invested in him. Also, Soot was the guy who first got me to come out to F3. After a lot of tip toeing in the shallow end, I eventually became more involved with F3 here and have also brought a few other FNG’s in along the way.

We shared all this for a few reasons. One being the importance of relationships and community. Soot and I have maintained our relationship with one another even in busy seasons, when he was deployed in Kuwait, and now as he moves from CO to NC. The second being you never realize how far a simple invitation will go. I invited Soot to grab lunch, which led to a mentoring relationship, which led to Soot mentoring others as well. Soot invited me to a workout, which led to me being more involved here with Big Ball and the Quacken, which also led to me inviting others to workouts. These relationships we have and the invitations we extend to others are important, and we never know how far they’ll end up going.

Hardship Hill is coming up