F3 Knoxville

Bear golf

THE SCENE: 37 and clear

IC x 20 4ct Imperial Walkers

IC x 20 4ct BBS

IC x 20 4ct Side lunge

IC x 20 4ct Floor Wipers

IC x 20 4ct Groiners

IC x 20 4ct Gas pumpers


Mosey the long way to the top soccer field,

IC x 50 4ct Flutter kicks

Golf ball sprint team race.

Each team starts at the opposite sides of the field, while one person runs to the middle and grabs a golf ball, the rest of the team completes the exercise.

1st 10 golf balls = Lunges

2nd 10 golf balls = BBS

3rd 10 golf balls = Squats

4th 10 golf balls = V-ups

5th 10 golf balls = Thrusters

6th 10 golf balls = LBC


Bear-golf – one team memeber tosses a golf ball, the team bear crawls to that golf ball does 10 squats, then the next team member tosses golf ball.


OYO x 50 box jumps

IC x 20 Thrusters

Mosey back to the AO

Worm Crunch


American Hammers

World’s Greatest Merkin


Easy message.  Don’t be selfish.

Make time for God first.  Make time for you family.  Make time for others. Then make time for yourself.  Stop being so selfish and begin being selfless.  I had a good friend, and member of the PAX point out that if he helped do the dishes or laundry at his house, how quick he was to point it out to his wife.  When in reality his wife is the one that does all the laundry and dishes at the house, so why should she be impressed that he helped once.  Even though he was doing an act to try and help someone else, he still wanted his “thanks” or “atta boy” for doing it.

God did not create you to be awesome in your own little world.  He created you to:

  • Have a relationship with him.
  • To spread, multiply, and grow God followers
  • To love one another

Not everyone has 6 inches

THE SCENE: Perfect… you know what that is


SSH x 20 IC

Mike Phelps OYO

Arm Circles

Merks x 10 IC

Potty Mosey

30 secs of own choice

Indian Run to Matterhorn

Flutters IC….. car interrupted so idk how many

  • Partners   1 runs while the other does 20,20,20 (Merks, Squats, BBS) 3 sets
  • Mosey to lil hill
  • 7s  Burpees and Squats
  • Mosey to the court with a duck walk at the end

Alligator 1/2 Inch worm 1/2 Lunge back

30 sec Wall Sit

We done

I don’t know Mary well enough I guess.



The last couple weeks I have felt a bit flat. Things for the most part of gone well. For some reason I have felt a little disinterested in things I usually like. I have been a little more cynical lately. I could not figure out why. I was listening to Joe Rogan’s podcast and he had David Goggins on the podcast. Goggins was explaining what went wrong in his life after he left the airforce, although I think he would say this was a theme of his entire life. He said, “The more comfortable I was, the more uncomfortable my mind was.”

I think that this is true for people. I know it certainly is for me. The last couple of weeks I have not been posting as much and I really think that is why I was feeling off. Getting up in the morning and embracing the suck makes everything better for my day. To make a lateral step I think it relates to the idea that being strong is not about succeeding, it’s about accepting the suffering continuously. So, I would like to thank all of you for posting and being a part of this great community. I am approaching a year in F3, and I think this has been one of the better years of my life. It would not have been without the opportunity to go out and suffer every morning with you all. Cheers!


Podcast link with Goggins
CSAUP Next Weekend Alcoa   Moses is your guy for that if you have Qs, or hit up one of those other Alcoa hunks for details

Womens Work

The scene: 40 and moist

Welcome and disclaimer

Warm o Rama

Mosey around the tennis court
10 Burpees OYO

The Thang

Mosey to the outhouse
30 box jumps

Partner Dora (suicide)
100 decline stacked Merkins
100 rotating lunges
100 stacked feet Merkins
100 cobra squats

Different partner
Mosey to the skate rink (long lap)
100 iron mikes
100 alternating BBS
100 flamingos
100 CDDs

Whose got wheels?

5 tennis court sprints with 10 Merkins

Worm crunch
London bridge


Be a part of a men’s group and you will be a better believer. As part of mine I am leading a session on wives next week. My first thought was to go into the Word and see what God said about wives. He says:

Proverbs 18:22

“He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord.”

Ephesians 5:25

“Husbands love your wife as Christ loved the church.”

I can honestly say I haven’t always been the best husband. Or at least the husband my wife deserves. Thankfully she hasn’t caught on that she could do better… but if I am supposed to love her like Christ loved the church, it means I’m supposed to be kind to her, fight for her, pray for her, lead her, and love her with all my heart. Thankfully God and wives forgive us when we don’t do as we should.

And while I believe that Valentine’s Day is a holiday made up by card, chocolate, and flower companies to offset their losses during the holiday season, we are supposed to show our wives how much we love them tomorrow, I encourage you to not let it just be tomorrow, but everyday.

We joke about the inspiration book for today, “Women’s Heath Little Book of Exeecises”, and the pictures in the book, we shouldn’t compare our wives to other women. It does us no good to compare our wives to 20 year 0% body fat cheerleaders. We need to stop looking at this pictures, or phones, or other women at all, and love our wives for who they are and what Christ sees in them.

So go home hug your wives and really tell them how much they mean to you and how much you love them.

The Inside Look


Am I conducting my life with 100% integrity, even when no one else sees?

Am I currently loving my wife in a sacrificial way, putting her needs above my own?

What are the idols that exist currently in my life?

Is Jesus really the Lord of my life?

Am I currently submitting to all of the authority in my life (2 Peter 2)?

Do I regularly ask for God’s guidance with regard to my finances?

In what areas of my life am I currently being arrogant?

In what areas of my life am I currently being inauthentic?

Am I currently breathing life into my kids or am I sucking life out of them?

Am I regularly engaging in desperate prayer?

Am I currently honoring my mother and father in every way?

Am I currently honoring my mother in law and father in law in every way?

In what ways am I currently being a hypocrite?

Am I currently connected to the vine?

Am I currently bearing fruit?

Has my pursuit of making money and accumulating things taken over my heart?

Am I fiercely encouraging my kids?

Am I sacrificing anything for the Lord?

If someone asked my kids if their dad had “self control”, what would they say?

The Bible says be COMPLETELY gentle, humble, and patient (Ephesians 4)? How am I doing?

Is there any HINT of immorality, impurity, or greed in me (Ephesians 5)?

Am I ridding myself of ALL malice, deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander (1Peter 2)?

Am I engaging in godless chatter (2 Timothy 2)?

Am I treating God like a magic genie?

Am I really loving my wife and kids or am I just meeting my own needs through my relationship with them?

Am I really in the word of God on a daily basis?

Am I currently fighting spiritual battles for each of my children through prayer?

Do I really love and care about the people around me or am I just manipulating them?

Is my identity currently found in my relationship with Christ or in something else?

Am I putting my wife’s needs, wants, feelings, and desires before my own?

Are my food/exercise decisions reflective of my body being the dwelling spot of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor 6)?

Do I really want God’s will to be done, or would I rather force my own will?

What areas of my life are currently not 100% surrendered to Christ?

Do I really believe that Jesus Christ is who he says he is?

DORA 1,000


THE SCENE: Low 30’s.  No wind.  Good winter workout weather.


welcomed group & FNG


  • Side straddle hops x 20 IC
  • Tempo squat x 10 IC
  • Tempo merkin x 10 IC
  • 30 seconds OYO stretching


  1. Form 2 lines for a CMU Indian run to the base of baby Everest.
  2. Battle buddy up for CMU Dora work on the hill.  Perform 100 reps of the “bottom” exercise while partner carries CMU to the top of the hill and does 5 reps of the “top” exercise.
  3. Rinse & repeat until all exercises complete.


  • Little baby crunch x 50
  • Hello dolly x 20
  • Flutter kick x 15
  • Slutter kick x 15


Pushing myself physically is often easier than pushing myself spiritually.  I know I can do 1 more Burpee or 1 more merkin even when I’m exhausted.  But when I’m drained spiritually it is hard to find that inner strength.  Fortunately we have a God who intercedes for us and carries our burdens.  We need to look no further than him and cast our burdens on him.

“Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”   Isaiah 40:28-31