F3 Knoxville

IPax Week 2

AO: shamrock
Q: Stitch
PAX: Squatter, Butterknife, Tinker, LeBling, Mermaid, Crawlspace
FNGs: None
Warmup: 800 meter run


80 Merkins
Lt. Dan’s Magic Legs – 15 yards
14 Cactus Jumpsquats
Lt. Dan back

80 Coupon Plank Jacks
Murder Bunny
14 Cactus jumpsquats
Reverse murder bunny

60 Merkins
14 Cactus Jumpsquats
bricklayers back

60 coupon plank jacks
Lt Dan magic legs
Repeat Cactus JS

40 merkins

40 coupon plank jacks
murder bunny

20 merkins
Lt. Dan

20 Coupon plank jacks

800 meter run


My son has these wristbands that have Bible verses on them. He wanted some of those and I loved that. Now, I’m not a fan of reading a single Bible verse, without context, because it’s easy to take and use them in ways they were not intended.

Anyway, I was looking through his collection the other night and one really simple one jumped out at me. It was Colossians 3:2 which says “Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. Some translations say to seek. Seek, meaning to desire, have passion for. Well as a matter of fact, that entire day I spent all of my time and focus on earthly things. I was exhausted. I was stressed and I was feeling some despair.

Whether it was about food, money, sickness, work, responsibilities, home repairs, you name it. My day was spent focused on those things.

19 “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, 20 but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. – Matthew 6

Store up treasures you can access today AND tomorrow. Spend your time focused on the ONE and the ones who matter most. Your mind, body and soul will also benefit today.

Fitness Time in Tennessee

AO: shamrock
Q: Stitch
PAX: slappy, Eliza, Anchorman, Bed Wetter, Band Camp, Dumpster Dive, Mermaid, LeBling, Haggis, Squatter, Crawlspace, Lightweight
FNGs: None
Warm O Rama:
Moroccan Nightclubs
Grady Corns
Tempo Squats
Imperial Walkers

Football handoff run to the back parking lot. Ball works it’s way back through the line and last person sprints to the front, hand off starts back down the line.

Blind draw from each category. One on each corner:


Reps =
Card # + 10
Royal = 25
Ace = 100

Got at least 24 exercises in, including 25 Burpees.

Reading through Proverbs recently and it’s humbling. It’s really a manual for everyone and it challenges our thoughts, attitudes, and actions. It really encompasses every aspect of our lives and just how much of it we offer to God.

I was reminded about anger and what that does to a man. What that does to ME! There’s a lot of anger out there and it’s very easy to let that seep into you. I don’t watch the news anymore. I used to watch it religiously and then I just realized that it was making me…angry. And, there was very little, if anything, I could do about any of it. I can feel the tension in the world around me, today.

How do we respond? There are over 900 verses in Proverbs. Here are two:

1. Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all offenses. That’s 10:12.
2. The vexation of a fool is known at once, but the prudent ignores an insult. 12:16

Which one of these do we represent? Are we snapping back at others to expose and tear them down or are we seeking to put them in a better light? Tim Keller said that “anger is energy released to defend something you love. When you are in a dispute, stop releasing your anger against the other person in order to defend your ego. Release your energy against the problem (not the person) that is dividing you.”

So my challenge today is to step away from the tv. Take a breathe! If we claim to be followers of Jesus, then we shouldn’t look like everyone else. You don’t have to compromise your beliefs to bite your tongue, offer kindness and show love to someone you disagree with. And when you do that, who gets the glory? It’s not you.

12-21 workout

THE SCENE:   40’s and warm…we sure this is late December?



  • SSH x 15
  • Merkins x 10
  • Cherry pickers x 5
  • This/that stretch
  • LBAC forward & backward


Mosey to the hill by the big Christmas tree

3 trips up the hill to the Christmas tree (insert Christmas Vacation mumblechatter here….)

  1. Lunge to to tree, 10 burpees
  2. Bernie Sanders to tree, 10 burpees
  3. Groucho walk to tree, 10 burpees

Mosey back to parking lot


Bear Crawl 11’s

  1. line up about 15 ft from curb
  2. bear crawl to curb (diamond merkins)
  3.  crawl bear back to start point (Wide merkins)


Grinder time

  • start at pavalon
  • run to end with exercise bars
  • 5 pull ups, 10 squats, 20 calf raises
  • run back to pavalon
  • rinse & repeat x 5



  • Gas pumps x 20
  • hello dolly x 20
  • flutter kick x 20
  • burpee ring of fire (2 rounds)
  • 1 min of LBC’s

16 strong:  Tank, Woodshack, Doubtfire, Fins, Ma’am, Snorkel, Mr. Rogers, Hammy, Drifter, Flash, Butterfingers, Raincheck, Squatter, Squiggly, Pinnocchio, Bartman

A reminder of how we should use what we know to share our faith.   Why do we put so much pressure on ourselves? It’s easy if we just talk about our own personal experiences.  We can’t go wrong, so don’t back away from sharing what God has done in your life with others.

Bonus points to Fins who was dealing with a bum foot today.  He kept the pace and stayed busy with all kinds of extra credit moves while not able to run.  It was motivating to watch him not let an injury slow him down.

Coffeeteria at Starbucks for those who could make it.

And Now For Something Completely Different

THE SCENE: Mid 30’s

We got right to work

3 teams. Until all teams have done each.

1)Chair pose – hold until last sprinter returns

2)Decline plank – hold until last sprinter returns

3)Sprint length of grinder and back

11’s. Called it at 7.

Decline Merkins 4-count

Crab Walk to restroom

Finger tip Merkins 4-count

Mosey to field for Slugger.

Run diamond, 20 Diamond Merkins

Run diamond, 20 Low Side to Side Merkins

Run diamond, 20 Carolina Dry Docks

40 Years in the Wilderness.

BBS x 40

Side Tri Rise 20 each side


Scissors x 25 on Q

Leg climbers x 15 each side

Side V x 25 each side

Single Leg Boat on Q

14 PAX & no FNG

Man was a hunter. Had an active lifestyle. Moved to live. Would rest during the warmer part of the day. Ok to rest after gotten activity in. Ok to take in some calories if you moved for the day “hunted”. Where man fails today is he leads a sedentary lifestyle but still consumes high calories.

We can gain individual strength in our struggles through accountability with our brothers.
Woodshack is collecting $5 from each Alcoa man to get Pinnochio’s wife a little something for exercising her design skills for our shirt.

Also, big thanks to Woodshack for leading the inaugural Bomb Shelter ruck!

The Burden of Men

THE SCENE: 30’s White and Warm!



Imperial Squat Walkers (ICx15)
Cadre Dan’s Cherry Pickers (ICx65)
Overhead Claps (ICx15)
Little of This / Little of That
Some of These / Some of Those
Iron Mike’s Lt. Dan’s (Ratio = 1 Squat; 4 Iron Mikes. Worked up to 5 Squats; 20 Iron Mikes)
Merkin Rolls
Howling Monkeys (Ring of Fire)

Bataan Death March (2 Burpees) To The Educator!

Teams of Three, One member working at bottom of hill (roll dice for movement), One member burden carry two 5gal. buckets up or down the path of the hill. One member working at top of hill (roll dice for movement). Once the bucket gets to the top, replace team member, the team member that rolled the dice and was working out is now carrying the bucket down the hill and will replace team member at the bottom. Continue for time.

Bottom of the hill (Roll the Dice) Movements:

  • 1. Hill Sprints
  • 2. Decline Merkins
  • 3. Incline BBS
  • 4. Squats
  • 5. Bernie Up Hill
  • 6. Flutter Kicks

Top of the Hill (Roll the Dice) Movements:

  • 1. Walking Lunges
  • 2. Suicides
  • 3. Squat Tuck Jumps
  • 4. Run Laps
  • 5. Single Leg Curb Dips
  • 6. Merkin Curb Walk

PAX were unaware that each bucket was filled with 11″ of water and a small mark was made inside the bucket of where the water was when started.

For every inch of water lost = 1 Round of:

  1. Bucket Shoulder Shrugs (x10)
  2. Reverse Bear Crawl Up Hill

11 PAX

As men we tend to take on a heavy load. We are confident in our broad shoulders and feel as though we can take on more responsibilities. (This is like the full buckets, the beginning of the workout, when we are fresh and eager to achieve). For some of us it might feel more difficult to say no or admit we can’t take on any more (tasks, responsibilities, job functions, people to manage) whatever it may be (in your life).

As we take on more weight, we become sloppy, we don’t focus as intently because we are spread thin trying to please several different people or complete several tasks that each one individually require and expect a substantial amount of effort, time, love, thought, care and so on…(This is the middle of the workout, now we begin focusing on other tasks, losing sight of the amount of attention required or expected of the original task; now we are concentrating with wondering what workout will I do at the top or bottom of the hill, losing focus on the buckets and beginning to spill more water).

Things outside our control will happen, we don’t know what, or when, but life will get in the way and throw a curve ball once in a while. (This is the dice; we don’t know what life is going to throw at us). Because we have now lost the concentration required to achieve our original task; we are penalized. We had to force ourselves to stop all other tasks in order to focus all of our time, attention, resources, and thoughts on how to make up for being sloppy and losing our concentration. (This is the penalty; 10 shoulder shrugs and reverse bear crawls, this was the required effort needed to complete and make up for the lack of concentration during the duration of the task.

Highly enjoy getting out in the gloom with these men and this wonderful AO. I can’t get enough. Thank you all for being the HIMs that you are, and pushing forward every day!

Saturday the 30th beatdown will be held at the Alcoa Municipal Building (223 Associates Blvd, Alcoa, TN 37701)
Alcoa CSAUP February 24th 2018!