F3 Knoxville

Burbs, Burps and Bags

THE SCENE: Low 70’s

Loop with sandbags. Swapped out every quarter.
Head back out on the loop running. Stop 5 times for 10 burpees and 20 reverse lunges.
Head up to lover’s.
15 front load ruck squat press.
Bear crawl halfway up lover’s, walk rest.
10 body builders.
Once back down to 3rd level lot, sprint to base of lover’s.
4 rounds


  • Ruck hammers x 50
  • Ruck up flutter kicks x 25 4-count IC
  • Ruck to chest sit-ups x 20



The last couple day’s verse of the day I thought went well together and were just good for being a decent human being no matter what you believe.

“Control your temper, for anger labels you a fool.”
‭‭Ecclesiastes‬ ‭7:9‬ ‭NLT‬‬‬‬‬‬
“Kind words are like honey— sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭16:24‬ ‭NLT‬‬‬‬‬‬

Just think before you speak. And be nice.


Christmas in July

THE SCENE: 70ish degrees

SSH x20 IC
LB Arm Circles x12 each side IC
Squats (low and slow) x15 IC
Cherry Pickers x10 IC
Half the HIMs grab a CMU and mosey over to Mt. Crumpet with a stop for 5 road block burpees. Bring the CMUs to the top and then grab a partner. First partner decorates the tree (City of Alcoa already had lights on there for us) while the second partner does exercises at the bottom of the hill.

On Crumpet:
Round 1 – Bear crawl up and start decorating with putting the CMU on the shelf (8 each side)
Round 2 – Bernie up and get the higher spots with overhead presses (x20)
Round 3 – Bear crawl up and get even higher with squat jumps (x20)
Round 4 – Bernie up and do Upright rows (just because) (x20)
Round 5 – Bear crawl up and get the ornament you dropped under the tree with 20 4 count flutter kicks
Round 6 – Bernie up and carefully lunge in to the tree to fix those last details (x20)

Bottom of Crumpet: (Do these exercises until your partner gets back)
Round 1 – Sprint to the road, lunge back
Round 2 – Merkins and Squats (20 and 20)
Round 3 – Sprint to road, inchworm merkin back
Round 4 – Shoulder taps and BBS (20 and 20)
Round 5 – Plank Jacks and Mountain Climbers (20 and 20)
Round 6 – Run to fountain and back, then do ankle touches

Grab the CMUs and mosey back to AO for Mary with another stop for 5 more road block burpees.

Captain Thor up to 5 and 20
Boxcutters x30 IC

15 men strong including men doing the OCHO! No FNGs.
I hear people talking about Christmas in July every year and they seem happy thinking about the euphoria that they feel at Christmas time and the food they want to eat and the presents and, of course, the sales. When Christmas time rolls around, you’ll hear people talking about “the reason for the season” and they will try to focus on Christ. I don’t hear people saying that in July. Statistically, church attendance goes down in the summer months as people go on vacation and focus on having kids home from school and places to go and people to see. I haven’t seen any statistics on this, but I imagine that prayer declines in the summer months as well. Christmas and Easter are the two most important days for a Christian. The day our savior was born, and the day that He gave his life on the cross for us. Just because those are the two most important days does not mean that we should be slacking the rest of the year. To me, Christmas in July is a reminder that we should be preparing ourselves to meet Christ. We need to focus throughout the entire year to get ready for his coming, not just two days.


Route 66

THE SCENE:  70 degrees, 95% humidity, clear skies with just a sliver of reflection after the new moon

Quick warmup of SSH x10, Cherry pickers x10, front and back arm circles x10 each, Michael Phelps shakeout, and parking lot mosey.
Pick up a CMU and head out on Route 66 through Illinois to the Missouri state line.

Route 66 was a 0.37 mile loop including a Mt. Crumpet climb.  A total of six state line stops in the loop at Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona.  The workout consisted of six laps on Route 66.  New Mexico was at the top of Mt. Crumpet.  The listing of the workouts at each station is below:

  • Missouri State Line

    Lap 1: CMU Squats x11

    Lap 2: Dips with CMU x11  Carry CMU to Kansas

    Lap 3: Squat Jumps x11

    Lap 4: Dry Docks x11

    Lap 5: BBS x11

    Lap 6: SSH (4 count) x11

  • Kansas State Line

    Lap 1: Merkins x11

    Lap 2: CMU Upright Rows x11

    Lap 3: CMU Dips x11  Carry CMU to Oklahoma

    Lap 4: Squat Jumps x11

    Lap 5: Dry Docks x11

    Lap 6: BBS x11

  • Oklahoma State Line

    Lap 1: SSH (4 count) x11

    Lap 2: Merkins x11

    Lap 3: CMU Swings x11

    Lap 4: CMU Dips x11  Carry CMU to Texas

    Lap 5: Squat Jumps x11

    Lap 6: Dry Docks x11

  • Texas State Line

    Lap 1: BBS x11

    Lap 2: SSH (4 count) x11

    Lap 3: Merkins x11

    Lap 4: CMU O.H. Press x11

    Lap 5: CMU Dips x11  Carry CMU to New Mexico

    Lap 6: Squat Jumps x11

  • New Mexico State Line (Top of Mt. Crumpet)

    Lap 1: Dry Docks x11

    Lap 2: BBS x11

    Lap 3: SSH (4 count) x11

    Lap 4: Merkins x11

    Lap 5: Lunge Dead Lift x11/arm

    Lap 6: CMU Dips x11  Carry CMU to Arizona

  • Arizona State Line

    Lap 1: Squat Jumps x11

    Lap 2: Dry Docks x11

    Lap 3: BBS x11

    Lap 4: SSH (4 count) x11

    Lap 5: Merkins x11

    Lap 6: CMU Curls x11  Carry CMU to California (Back to the AO)

  • California State Line

    Squat Jumps x11

    Dry Docks x11

    BBS x11

    SSH (4 count) x11

    Merkins x11

Completed 5 laps as outlined but had to abbreviate Lap 6 and the California State Line workout.  We went over by almost 2 minutes.  This would have fit better with a Saturday, 1 hour, workout.  Note that there were 66 exercise reps on each lap, and, if completed, there are 66 of each type of exercise or CMU type reps.

No time today.
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
I’m not a big TV watcher but the show, China Beach, from the late 80’s to early 90’s ranks in the top three.  One of the most memorable to me is about the boy in the pants – a soldier with his leg blown to pieces.  The “pants” was an inflatable cuff put on his right leg to try to stop the bleeding.  It wasn’t working and Nurse Colleen McMurphy knew it.  The boy in the pants was going to die, they prepare him for death, and then deflated the pants.  He died while McMurphy was kissing his lips, a gesture she initiated.  Fast forward 15 year to a scene where McMurphy is holding her young daughter at the Vietnam War Memorial.  She points to one of the more than 57,000 names on the wall, pours some sand from the medivac base of China Beach at the base of the wall, and slowly walks away.  Her voice is dubbed into the scene and she says, “Lawrence F. McClintock from Littleton, CO.  He loved football. His friends called him Lurch.  I thought I had forgotten his name but, like he said, I didn’t.”  She pauses and continues, “I couldn’t save them all … but I save some of them.”

James Shaw, Jr. is the man that wrestled an AR-15 away from the shooter at a Waffle House near Nashville less than 3 months ago.  He claims that he was not a hero but that he was only trying to save himself.  In later interviews he would repeat that claim but would add that he regrets that he did not do something quicker so that perhaps some or all of the 4 others would have survived.  He may not have save them all but he certainly saved many.   Like McMurphy in China Beach, there was reason to be joyful, yet there was regret in looking back.

Not many of us will have the opportunity to make a difference like McMurphy or Shaw, but that doesn’t exclude us from looking back and wishing we had done things differently.  It could be in a relationship, work performance, a knee jerk reaction with anger or impatience.  The message today is to quit dwelling on the past.  Yes, use it as a learning experience, use it to be better today, and better when all the future tomorrows becomes todays.  In our Christian faith walk remember that when we fail God, our sins have already been atoned.  Make no mistake, God hates our sinful nature, but with the saving grace of Jesus and the sanctifying power of the Spirit we will more closely walk with Him – no regrets.
Flash brought up a family mourning the loss of their 7 year old son to cancer.  I failed to remember to mention that in my closeout prayer.  Flash, I have lifted them up several times since this morning.  Sorry for my oversight.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Lost the Handle!

THE SCENE: Probably 75 or 90 or so.

Cherry Pickers x10 IC
SSH x25 IC
Hindurkins x10 IC
Rockettes x15 IC
Cossack Squats x16 IC (8 each leg)
Inchworm (walk hands out past head as far as possible, hold, walk back up) x5 or so
Head up to the Grinder and pair up for Broken Wheelbarrow.
6 cones set up about 7yd apart.
Broken wheelbarrow is missing a handle – partner holds just one leg, the other one just flops around…
5 merkins (still broken wheelbarrow) at each cone, swap legs at third cone.
After 6 cones, swap position with partner and head back.

At the pavalon:
20 Box Jumps
10 Hand Release Derkins

Split into 5 groups for 4 rotating stations, running group bumps to next station.
Stations alternate exercises until bumped:
10 Dips/Chest-Ups at the Scrapyard
15 Monkey Humpers/Pickle Pounders at Crowd Pleasers Corner
20 Merkins/Squat Jumps halfway up the hill
25 Mtn Climbers/BBS
Finished 2 rounds plus a mosey recovery lap.

Flutter Kicks x15 IC, hot swap on-the-fly to Slutter Kicks x15.
Left-Right-Middle LBCs x15 IC
Shoulder Taps for the last 20s or so.
18 PAX today! Looks like everybody but Woodshack came out…
It was touch-and-go whether I would make it this morning with my wonky eye from yesterday. A song kept going through my head, so we had a singing word today:

Be Thou my Vision, O Lord of my heart
Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art
Thou my best Thought, by day or by night
Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light

Be Thou my Wisdom, and Thou my true Word
I ever with Thee and Thou with me, Lord
Thou my great Father, I Thy true son
Thou in me dwelling, and I with Thee one

Broken Wheelbarrow is a tough one but a keeper. Takes so much more core!
Let’s help Drifter move next week – Right after Coffeeteria!.

Moses’s Beer Mile Warmup : )

THE SCENE: 70 an perfect!

Mostly Stretching:
Little of This, Little of That
Some of These, Some of Those
Cherry Pickers
Tempo Squats
1/2 Mile Loop with Warm Up Movements

6 Stations Made Up Mostly of Foot-Work / Speed Drills. 4 Minutes of Work with 1 Minute to Rotate and Recover.

  • Station 1
    • 5 Burpee Jump Overs
    • 10 Bench Press(4×4 w/CMU on each side)
    • 15 Swing Groiner
  • Station 2
    • Box and 1 Speed Cut Drill
  • Station 3
    • Sprint to cone at 45 Degree, Burnnie Back, Jog Straight, Sprint to Finish
  • Station 4
    • 1 Leg Squat Jumps From Cone to Cone (Stabilization Drill)
  • Station 5
    • Resistance Sprint to First Cone, Release and Sprint Through Finish
  • Stations 6
    • Core Station (Roll the Dice For Workout Movement)
      • 1 = 10 Iron Boys
      • 2 = 20 BBS
      • 3 = 30 Ankle Wiggles
      • 4 = 40 Flutter Kicks
      • 5 = 10 Count Rest
      • 6 = 1 Minute Plank

All Members Made it Through Circuit 1 Time; Then We did the First 3 Stations Again, but with a Twist!

  • Station 1 (Stay the Same)
    • 5 Burpee Jump Overs
    • 10 Bench Press(4×4 w/CMU on each side)
    • 15 Swing Groiner
  • Station 2 (Done in a Crab Walk!)
    • Box and 1 Speed Cut Drill
  • Station 3 (Done in a Bear Crawl / Crawl Bear!)
    • Sprint to cone at 45 Degree, Burnnie Back, Jog Straight, Sprint to Finish

Ring of Fire! Member of the pax ran around circle and pushed down other pax legs
Boat / Canoe Called out by Q
30 Sec Cashout LBC

9 Pax including 1 FNG….Bomb Shelter had an FNG all 3 Workout Dates!  #Amazing!
Built off @Ma’am BOM From Thursday.  F3 being more than a workout but a group of men you can count on.  People that care about you and are there for you in times of need.  I spoke about Foundations.  Without a strong foundation anything you build on top will crumble.  F3 is my foundation, for fitness, fellowship and faith.  F3 is my rock I build off.  Challenged all the pax to look into their foundation, and test the strength of it, question it and look for ways to reinforce it further!
Blessed to have such a strong group of men to spend time with at least 3 times a week!
Beer Mile Event, GoRuck Practice Event “Moses’s Mile” Friday the 29th starting at 9pm.