F3 Knoxville

Lost the Handle!

THE SCENE: Probably 75 or 90 or so.

Cherry Pickers x10 IC
SSH x25 IC
Hindurkins x10 IC
Rockettes x15 IC
Cossack Squats x16 IC (8 each leg)
Inchworm (walk hands out past head as far as possible, hold, walk back up) x5 or so
Head up to the Grinder and pair up for Broken Wheelbarrow.
6 cones set up about 7yd apart.
Broken wheelbarrow is missing a handle – partner holds just one leg, the other one just flops around…
5 merkins (still broken wheelbarrow) at each cone, swap legs at third cone.
After 6 cones, swap position with partner and head back.

At the pavalon:
20 Box Jumps
10 Hand Release Derkins

Split into 5 groups for 4 rotating stations, running group bumps to next station.
Stations alternate exercises until bumped:
10 Dips/Chest-Ups at the Scrapyard
15 Monkey Humpers/Pickle Pounders at Crowd Pleasers Corner
20 Merkins/Squat Jumps halfway up the hill
25 Mtn Climbers/BBS
Finished 2 rounds plus a mosey recovery lap.

Flutter Kicks x15 IC, hot swap on-the-fly to Slutter Kicks x15.
Left-Right-Middle LBCs x15 IC
Shoulder Taps for the last 20s or so.
18 PAX today! Looks like everybody but Woodshack came out…
It was touch-and-go whether I would make it this morning with my wonky eye from yesterday. A song kept going through my head, so we had a singing word today:

Be Thou my Vision, O Lord of my heart
Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art
Thou my best Thought, by day or by night
Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light

Be Thou my Wisdom, and Thou my true Word
I ever with Thee and Thou with me, Lord
Thou my great Father, I Thy true son
Thou in me dwelling, and I with Thee one

Broken Wheelbarrow is a tough one but a keeper. Takes so much more core!
Let’s help Drifter move next week – Right after Coffeeteria!.

One Hill of a Morning

THE SCENE: 72 Humid degrees

Windmills IC x 10, Cherry Pickers IC x 10, 40 yard Millenial Run, 40 yard High Knees, Karaoke left and Karaoke right (20 yards each)

Stop 1

Waxjob Hill

  • 5’s Merkins and Burpees starting with 4 Merkins at the bottom, 1 Burpee at the top.  Bernie up the hill, jog back down.  When finished plank it up and wait for the 6.  Then mosey to One Tree Hill.

Stop 2

Fire-team drill to the pine tree.  Run to the cadence of “I’m up, they see me, I’m down.”  When you hit the ground do 5 Merkins and repeat all the way to the top.  Round 2 is the same, but substitute Merkins with 5 BBS.

Mosey to Mt. Crumpet

Stop 3

From the bottom, run at a 45 degree angle to the cone halfway up.  At the cone, complete 10 Merkins.  Run to the pine tree at the top of the hill, there complete 10 flutter kicks.  Run at a 45 degree angle to the cone halfway down and at the cone complete 10 Dry Docks.  Then run to the bottom of the hill and once there do 10 squat jumps.  Rinse and repeat.

Box Cutters IC x 15, Flutter Kicks IC x 15, BBS 20 OYO, LBC 1 min OYO

One of the driving forces in our lives are the groups that we associate with.  Having a circle of friends that we can count on and know will support, encourage and provide accountability is essential to our well-being.  There is a lot of focus in the media right now with recent suicides and we all know about the suffering of our servicemen returning from deployment.  The world is a tough place and lots of people are fighting battles that we know nothing about.  I am grateful for F3 and what this group of men mean to me.  Let’s be aware of each other, and the other people in our lives and make sure that everyone knows, without a doubt, that we are there to lift each other up.

Beer run this Saturday, talk to Moses for more info.

Delayed Gratification

THE SCENE: 60 and nice


  • Imperial squat walker x 12
  • Tempo merkins x 12
  • Jump squats x 12


Sprints across grinder with 10-1 burpees


Half start on one side as “it”.

Other half start on other side of grinder must broad jump. “It” must bear crawl. When you get tagged 10 burpees. No tag backs. Those being chased can only move 10 broad jumps at a time. 10 merkins to earn 10 more broad jumps.

We changed this to 2 burpees and probably only played about 5 min. Too much standing around. Next time maybe the broad jumpers need to be doing air squats while waiting to get tagged. Also, merkins were a death sentence so maybe just 5 of those next time.

Bear crawl suicides with burpees each direction change

Sprint across grinder 5 times with 20 squats each pass

Plank walk across parking lot and back

Sprint across grinder 5 times with 20 merkins each pass


11 HIMs

Putting in the work first makes the reward that much sweeter. In all things in life, delaying those feel good brain chemicals conditions your body to accept it must work to earn that reward. 

At least we didn’t count up in the burpee sprints…

June 16 – Beer Mile at Moses’. Bring the Ms, no 2.0s. 5.0% + ABV beer. BYOB and side dish. Grilling and chillin after.

The Farmer Carry

THE SCENE: Little warm, beautiful morning!

SSH x20 IC
LB Arm Circles x12 each forward and backward IC
Little of this, little of that
Shrugs x10 on Q
Cherry Pickeres x10 IC


Everyone grab a CMU and Mosey over to Waxjob hill. Partner up. One Partner takes both CMUs and does bears and blocks up the hill, then farmer carries both CMUs over to the tennis courts around two nets and back. While partner one does that, partner two does the following exercises:

  • BBS x30
  • Squats x25
  • Merkins x20
  • V-ups x15
  • Burpees x10

Once the farmer carry partner gets back, both partners grab one CMU and do the following exercises:

  • CMU Overhead Press x25
  • CMU Curl x20
  • Bent Over Rows x15
  • CMU Tricep Extension x10

When both partners finish those exercises, they switch and repeat until Q calls time.

Only time for a little Mary today!

Boxcutters x20
LBC to cash out the last 30 seconds


8 HIMs strong this morning!


On the way to the beatdown this morning I heard the song “Get Along” by Kenny Chesney. I’m not very good at remembering song lyrics, but I remember that he says “afraid to die, afraid to live” and that really got me thinking. I think we are all afraid to die, at least to some extent. But we don’t often think about being afraid to live. Why have that crappy job that we hate when we spend the whole day dreaming about doing something we are passionate about? Why watch other people accomplish things and think it would be amazing, but never go out and try for ourselves? Sure there is always a chance that we can fail, but why not try? Failure is just a lesson. Without failure, we can’t grow and learn. Settling in to our comfort zones and living an “okay” life is not what we were made for. Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there for what you believe in and what you are passionate about. God gave us the gift of this life, don’t be afraid to live it.


1K…. And Then Some

THE SCENE: 30’s, a little windy, dry and clear.

SSH -IC x 15

Tempo Merkins-IC  x 10

Tempo Squats -IC x 10

Cherry Pickers-IC  x 10
Partner up. Partner 1 does the first exercise while partner 2 does the second then the partners switched when partner two got back.

  • 50 Burpees/CMU Lunge to first cone.
  • 200 Overhead tricep extensions/Bear-crawl to second cone then crawl-bear back
  • 200 Merkins/Farmer walk to third cone.
  • 200 LBC’s/Plank Walk to first cone.
  • 150 Bench Pres/ Overhead CMU lunge to first cone.
  • 150 Reverse Curls/ Suicide to third cone and back then fourth cone and back.
  • 100 CMU Squats/Wrestler Walks to first cone.

25 BBS on your own.

Slutter Kicks-IC x 20

Flutter Kicks-IC x 20

One Minute hold with feet six to twelve inches off ground.

There are 2 different mindsets, fixed and growth. Someone with a fixed mindset for example would fail a test and say “I’m stupid” or “I’m not good enough” or something of that nature because it’s very very easy to make excuses for failure.  A person with a growth mindset for example would fail a test and ask their self what they have to do to make sure it does not happen again or why they failed the test.  A growth mindset is almost mandatory to succeed.