F3 Knoxville

Hot + Dragon Fire –>Burn


88 ish, partly cloudy and light occasional breeze


arm circles up
arm circles down
High Knees oyo
SSH 20 IC(mostly)
Cherry Picker 16 IC

Insert information about the workout.

Mosey to shade area down hill by rte 66

  • Nickel dime quarter – every 5th light pole
    • BBS
    • squat jacks
    • Hello Dolly (4 ct)
  • go to shaded area across grass area to cone
  • Welsh Dragons
  • Remain in plank position the whole time. Bear crawl forward 4 steps, do 1 merkin, 1 plank jack, and tap the BACK of each shoulder 1 time. Repeat adding 1 rep to each exercise each time – bear crawl forward 4 steps, do 2 merkins, 2 plank jacks, 2 sets of back of shoulder taps… etc. Go until you get to 10 reps each, you’ve covered 30-50 feet, or until your arms fall off – whichever comes first.
  • Mosey to top of cardiac hill by benches
  • Partner up
  • 3 rounds of teamwork-
  • one partner runs to benches up the small hill while other does/exercise
    • 1. 15 Bench Dips / Lunges
    • 2. 15 Decline Merkins /Squats
    • 3. 15 Incline Merkins (chest touch) /Imperial Walkers
  • Mosey to Middle of Cardiac
    • Bernie to top of Mini – Everest- 5 burpees
    • Sprint to bottom on mini everest – 20 table saws (4ct)
    • Sprint to top of mini Everest – 25 lbcs (4 ct)
  • Mosey to shade across road by upper lot
  • Plank- hold, right arm up, left arm, left leg, right leg

Mosey to shaded area at Bathouse


10 PAX
Simple word – make every effort to be positive to other people. Treat people the way you want to be treated. Do not look for the negative/find fault and criticize, look for the positive. It is easy to find fault- don’t fall into that trap and do not jump in on group criticism (especially on social media).  Be loyal to the abscent (do not criticize those who are not present).  Follow this at work and at home.
Pray for @Sugarhill friend who is undergoing cancer diagnosis. Pray for @Thunderstruck and his family whose mother has cancer and is not responding to treatment. You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.


THE SCENE: Beautiful day, temp hovering under 70 degrees, blue sky with a few white clouds

20 Side Straddle Hops, 10 Pinto Twists, 10 Windmills, 10 Cherry Pickers, 7 Baby Arm Circles Forward and 7 Backward, 5 Wide Arm Circles Forward and 5 Backward.
Mosey to stop sign at northeastern corner of Admin Bldg.  We will do Twenty American Hammers.  Then we will do the following cone exercises around the roadway that semi-circles the Admin Bldg.  We will sprint to Cone 1 and follow instructions from there.

  • Cone 1:  Ten Burpees.  Then Bernie Sanders to Cone 2
  • Cone 2:  20 Hello Dollies (four count).  Then Hop to Cone 3.
  • Cone 3:  20 Imperial Walkers (both legs = 1).  Then Bear Crawl to Cone 4.
  • Cone 4:  20 Smurf Jacks.  Then Lunge to Cone 5.
  • Cone 5:  20 Squats.  Then Bernie Sanders to Cone 6.
  • Cone 6:  20 Squat Jumps.  Then Grapevine Right to Cone 7.
  • Cone 7:  20 Carolina Dry Docks.  Then Grapevine Left to Cone 8.
  • Cone 8:  40 Baby Crunches, 20 Merkins, 20 Box Cutters, 20 Diamond Merkins, 10 Shoulder Taps (both shoulders = 1).

Mosey down hill by roadway that heads to main roadway coming from entrance gate at Lyons Bend.  We will do elevens starting with 1 Big Boy Sit Up at bottom of hill and 10 Iron Mikes (each leg = 1) at top of hill.

Mosey to Area 51.  We will do 20 Hands Wide Merkins.  Then we will run up the hill to roadway that semicircles the Admin Bldg.  We will go back to Cone 8 and repeat the exercises there.

Mosey back to AO.

20 Flutter Kicks, 20 Bicycle Kicks, 30 Side Heel Touches while on Six, 25 Buzz Saws
Seven men, no FNG’s.

1 Thessalonians 5:11 ESV /

Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.

One thing I appreciate about our F3 brotherhood is how we encourage one another.  I always hear brothers exhorting one another to keep up the good work, to keep pushing.  I never hear brothers criticize other brothers for being too slow, for not keeping up.  We work hard but we do so with a great deal of support.  It works the same way with the time we share from our hearts.  We praise one another when the news is good and are ready to console and wrap our arms around anyone who shares something painful or difficult.  Keep up the good work.  Keep striving to be excellent but keep encouraging one another to reach for excellence.  Men need encouragement and it is the iron sharpening iron aspect of F3 which is one of the truly magical things about our group.  We take that creed seriously and in so doing, we reach out to our fellow man.
Prayers for J-Lo’s recovery from torn meniscus and prayers for co-worker of Sparkler and her husband who was recently diagnosed with colon cancer.
Board meeting to prepare for Hardship Hill.  Hardship Hill will be this Saturday.