F3 Knoxville

[genesis-ruck] Elevation

AO: genesis-ruck
Q: Brick
PAX: Steam, Swiss Roll, Single (Ryan Chambers), Swiss Roll
FNGs: 1 Swiss Roll

SSH x20
Cherry Pickers
Tempo Merkins


-Trade route 4 – at top and bottom – 5
10 Overhead press
10 Burpee overhead throw
10 BBS w sand bag
10 60 second plank

-Moto Hill 4 – at top and bottom – 5
20 mountain climbers 2C
20 American Hammers 2C
20 Ruck Leg Raises
30 second single arm overhead carry

-Parking lot Hill 4
20 rows
20 pull throughs
20 upright rows
20 up and overs



Hardship Hill


If you want to make healthy choices—to be well and whole again—you have to become meek. Now meek doesn’t mean you are weak, even though the two words sound similar.

The truth is, meekness and weakness are at opposite ends of the spectrum. Meekness is nowhere near weakness. In fact, the Greek word for meekness literally means “strength under control.”

It’s used to describe a wild stallion that has been tamed. That stallion still has all the strength it had when it was wild, but now its strength is under control. It is strength harnessed for its master’s use.

God doesn’t want you to be weak, but he does want you to be meek. The Bible teaches that meekness is one of the keys to stress reduction in your life.

Matthew 5:5 says, “Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth” (NIV).

The Bible lists many benefits of meekness: The meek will be satisfied (Psalm 22:26); God will guide them (Psalm 25:9); they will become wise (Proverbs 11:2); they will be filled with fresh joy (Isaiah 29:19).

Here’s a simple definition of the word “meek”: Let go and let God. That is the essence of meekness. It’s surrendering, submitting, and agreeing to what God wants to do in your life. It’s letting God be God in your life.

Let go and let God. I don’t know a phrase that will do more for your health—physically or emotionally—than this phrase. If you begin to practice it in your life, it will relieve stress, eliminate worry, defuse anger, and end your hurt and resentment.

And as you submit to God, you’ll actually become stronger.

If you find yourself struggling today, start to develop meekness in your life. Let go, and let God.

[lostpearls-otb] Clinton Stroll

AO: lostpearls-otb
Q: Bail Bonds
PAX: Steam, flyball, 30 second warning, Biohazard (Jay Shepherd), Alec fritts, Bail Bonds, Squatch (Josh Foster)
FNGs: 1 Squatch (Josh Foster)
Tempo Squats, Tempo Merkins, Calf Raises

Stroll around downtown Clinton while passing around a 60# sandbag, find some hills for burnees, and a gazebo with benches for Incline Merkins and Split Squats.


Escape Haw Ridge 3/28

Proverbs 17:17
A friend loves at all times, And a brother is born for adversity.

We have been given attributes and gifts from God, which can be used to help our friends and brothers in their time of need. Likewise, they have unique ways to help us. The thing we all need to do is swallow our pride, be vulnerable, and ask for help. If not, we never change. This is one of the many great things about F3. If you are seeing this, you have men in your corner.

[genesis-ruck] A Ruck Circuit?

AO: genesis-ruck
Q: Mermaid
PAX: Steam, Mermaid
FNGs: None
The warmup was carrying our ruck, and 2 sandbags, (40 & 60lbs) to the pavilion.
We set a timer for 36 minutes. There were six exercises set at 50 seconds each with a 10 second transition in between each exercise. There were 6 rounds. This is nice because can control the intensity, and go at your own pace. You have a timer, so no counting is needed, and you can have some great fellowship while you get your butt kicked.
After the beatdown, we had time to ruck up and around the trade route and moto hill, and we finished with some calf stretches on the curb as time expired.

The F’s in order. Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith. The Q Source lists them in that order, and even though you would think Faith should be first, the Q Source argues that you have to learn to deny yourself and train yourself so that you can be more receptive to the 2nd and 3rd F. My prayer/struggle right now is to do better at denying my lack of self control in the area of food. My inability to control that has a direct impact on my relationship with God. If I can’t deny myself, then I am selfish, and less effective in leadership, and that becomes an impediment to following God. It all starts with us, and if we are in the way by not exhibiting self control, then we are less effective followers of Christ, and less effective leaders.

Then Jesus said to his disciples, “If anyone wants to follow after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me.


AO: asylum-daybreak
Q: Bookman
PAX: High Heels (Henry Ritchie), Lilydipper, Matlock (Bill Maddox), Drum Major, Choir Boy, Mr Jinxy, Veggie (Rylen Huddy), Patty Melt (Parker Greene), CRISPR, Steam, Bookman, Tropicana
FNGs: None
WARMUP: SSHs, TN Rocking Chairs, Gradycorns, Rockettes, Cherry Pickers


Mosey to the bro-itorium
200 merkins, each time you rest before you get to 200, 20 lunges and 20 squats, XYs until the 6 is up, for those that complete 200

Mosey to Muscle Beach for 11s
Lay pull backs, run to soccer stairs, step ups or box jumps

Mosey all the way to cardiac hill
Run to 2nd light pole , 3 merkins, back down to start, 4th light pole, 3 squats, back down, run to top of hill

Fellowship mosey to road, mosey to shovel flag

MARY: LBCs until 8am

announcements channel has all the goods. Substack, pods, newsletter, F3 Roco Ice Bears game

COT: live this life to the fullest, in service of others, with love. See Soloman’s Old Testament book of YOLO, Ecclesiastes 9:7-11 in particular