F3 Knoxville

Friends of God

THE SCENE: Windy, temp in high sixties.

20 Side Straddle Hops, 10 Mountain Climbers, 8 Twisties, 5 Burpees, 10 Windmills, 10 Baby Arm Circles Forward and Backward.


Mosey to beginning of the Dragon Tail.  We will do Route 66 up the Dragon Tail with Squat Jumps as the exercise.  Those getting to the top first circle back to the six and go up with them.

Mosey on perimeter trail to the stop sign by the road that goes to Admin Bldg.  We will do 20 Hello Dollies and 15 Merkins.

Mosey on perimeter trail until it gets close to Lyons Bend.  We will do 20 American Hammers and 15 Merkins.

Mosey to bottom of Mt Everest.  We will do 20 Flutter Kicks and 15 Merkins.

Mosey to the Utility Bldg.  We will do 20 Bicycle Kicks and 15 Merkins.

Mosey up the road from Northshore Gate until we hit parking lot on left.  We will do 20 Box Cutters and 15 Merkins.

Mosey to Parking Lot by Apartments.  We will do 20 Hello Dollies and 15 Merkins.

Mosey to roadway that goes by Outdoor Chapel.  We will do 20 Bench Dips at curb and 15 Merkins.

Mosey to parking lot that goes by new restrooms.  We will do 20 American Hammers and 15 Merkins.

Mosey to parking lot by entrance to ball parks.  We will do 20 Flutter Kicks and 15 Merkins.

Next, we will sprint from one curb in the parking lot to the other and back, doing 3 burpees at each curb.  We will Bernie Sanders from one curb to the other and back, doing 3 burpees at each curb.  We will rinse and repeat above.

Mosey to AO.

17 men, no FNGs.

Some of you may have heard of a signer called Nightbirde.  Her actual name is Jane Marczewski.  At age 30 she has survived very difficult stints of cancer.  The first time she was diagnosed in 2017, she was told she would live for only 3 to 6 months.  She was cancer free after treatment but the cancer came back in 2018.  At that time, her husband of five years left her.  Through painful treatment she became cancer free again in July of 2020.  She went on to perform her own song, “It’s OK” in the 16th Season of America’s Got Talent in 2021.  Her song, “It’s OK” went to number one on I Tunes and number two on You Tube. Before the quarterfinals of American’s Got Talent, she announced she had cancer again and had to withdrawal.

Something that has been both surprising and inspirational about this 30-year-old woman is her faith in God through the torment and continuing battles with cancer.  Her relationship with God is certainly not a simple and sweet one.  But it has been very personal, and God wants us to have that same personal relationship with him.  She says:

“I am God’s downstairs neighbor, banging on the ceiling with a broomstick. I show up at His door every day. Sometimes with songs, sometimes with curses. Sometimes apologies, gifts, questions, demands. Sometimes I use my key under the mat to let myself in. Other times, I sulk outside until He opens the door to me Himself,” she continued. “I have called Him a cheat and a liar, and I meant it. I have told Him I wanted to die, and I meant it. Tears have become the only prayer I know. Prayers roll over my nostrils and drip down my forearms. They fall to the ground as I reach for Him. These are the prayers I repeat night and day; sunrise, sunset.”

Nightbirde proclaims that her relationship with God has grown through the process. She states:

“Call me bitter if you want to—that’s fair. Count me among the angry, the cynical, the offended, the hardened. But count me also among the friends of God. For I have seen Him in rare form. I have felt His exhale, laid in His shadow, squinted to read the message He wrote for me in the grout {of the bathroom floor}.

As for the name she chose to go by as a singer, Jane Marczewski says, “I want to be the bird that sings in anticipation of the good things that I trust are coming.”

Gents, let us take courage from the words of this small 30-year-old woman who weighs less than 100 pounds.  Let us count ourselves among the friends of God.
Prayers for safe travels for Pusher and family to San Francisco on Thursday; for Corona Weight and his family as he will have over 180 days of travel with his job in 2022; for Rooney’s church family; for Swimmies and his family as they move to new home this week; and, for Jinxy and his family as his daughter, Carli, and his son-in-law, Hooker, are going to have another baby.
Asylum workout on Saturday will be at 8:30 am instead of 7:00 am.  Polar Bear Plunge will be at noon at fork in river near Townsend.

Shamrock – 100 or bust

THE SCENE: 29F / frosty

Side Straddle Hops 20-4 count

5 Merkins

Cherry Pickers: 5

5 Merkins

Tie Fighters

5 Merkins

25 Calf Raises 

5 Merkins


Mosey to CMU pile

Warmup to the suck! 

25 Curls

25 Flutter kicks – 4-count 

50 CMU Bench press

50 windshield wipers

Mosey with CMU to the front of campus

10 Squat presses, but do 5 presses at the top before your next squat

-Short mosey loop after each exercise

20 Hello Dolly 4-count 

30 CMU rows

40 Alternating CMU Merkins 

50 CMU overhead press

60 American Hammers single count

70 LBCs

80 SSH single count 

90 CMU Bench Press

100 scissor kicks single count 

Return CMUs

50’ CMU drag

Take a lap around campus

Mosey back to AO flag


20 Snow Angels, Pickle Pounders – Monkey Humpers 10 x 4 count

6 – Mermaid, Anchorman, Pom-Pom, Steam, Dumpster Dive, Baby Boomer,

Psalm 142[a]

maskil[b] of David. When he was in the cave. A prayer.

1.I cry aloud to the Lord;
I lift up my voice to the Lord for mercy.

2.I pour out before him my complaint;
before him I tell my trouble.

3.When my spirit grows faint within me,
    it is you who watch over my way.
In the path where I walk
people have hidden a snare for me.

4.Look and see, there is no one at my right hand;
no one is concerned for me.
I have no refuge;
no one cares for my life.

5.I cry to you, Lord;
I say, “You are my refuge,
my portion in the land of the living.”

6.Listen to my cry,
for I am in desperate need;
rescue me from those who pursue me,
for they are too strong for me.

7.Set me free from my prison,
that I may praise your name.
Then the righteous will gather about me
because of your goodness to me.

So many great words of wisdom in this chapter. It really spoke to me last week. Verse 3 paints a great picture of God always being with us. Verse 4 made me think of F3 and other rich relationships that help me to not feel alone. However when we hit those moments in life God is always there and is the most reliable friend. Verse 6, I love that David admits that he is out numbered and can’t “man” his way out of trouble.
Pray for Pom-Pom’s wife for a healthy pregnancy.

12 “Showed Up” at Asylum

THE SCENE: About 48 F, with no breeze

Cherry Picker 10 IC
Michael Phelps
Grady Corns 33 IC
Peter Parkers 10 IC (4 ct)


Mosey Down road to large soccer parking lot below the chapel
There are 3 cones placed around the perimeter of the lot #1, #2, #3
Complete each exercise at each cone during each lap
Merkins 10, 15, 20
Squats 10, 15, 20
Merkins 20, 15, 10
Squats 20, 15, 10
Brief Rest – 20 Ct
Hello Dolly 10, 15, 20 (1ct)
BBS 10, 15, 20
Hello Dolly 20, 15, 10 (1ct)
BBS 20, 15, 10
Brief Rest 15 ct
Ring of Fire – 2 rounds of merkins 1x, 2x
Mosey up road to crosswalk near restrooms – 20 ct rest
Run up path, complete 10 2 ct American Hammers every third light
Meet back at AO
Peter parkers – 10 IC (4 ct)


Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!

As you may know, Dec 13, will be the third anniversary of my son Grady’s death, he was also an F3 Brother – Quikcrete. I thought about the grieving process, which is a process that never ends, it changes, it comes in waves, it change in intensity, but never goes away. I realized that many of the brothers have realized some sort of loss and are also going through this process. And I reflect on how much support the brothers gave me and still are, as I go through this process and as I go through other life challenges. The kind words, the support, the fact that they are there when you need them. F3 brothers “show up”. Followers of Jesus “show up”. We shouldn’t underestimate the power of the F3 brotherhood, you can make a difference. Just be there, some kind words, just listening can have a big impact. I often struggle to say the right words, usually overthinking it, but I think we don’t have to be perfect, just being present to listen and be there and provide support is enough, it can make a difference. So think about this and continue to grow our F3 brotherhood by bringing others in and also make an effort to “show up” in your community as well.


Welcome FNG @Cheat-ah Boy (Will Smelser) !

Christmas Party Sat night at Judge Judy’s

Wise men still seek Him


A perfectly chilly mid-40s morning
Some SSHs, Tai Fighters, Merkins, and Tempo Squat Jumps to get us warm.
Mosey over to the CMU pile with a brief stop for some Rocky Balboas.

12 pains of Christmas… just like the song start at exercise 1 (which is also the number of reps for that exercise) and then run over there and back… now do exercise 2 plus 1 and then run… rinse and repeat until you get all 12 in… bonus fun for those who finish – start at 12 and do 12 reps of each exercise one more time (only a few had bonus time).

Exercises: 1-4ct SSH, 2-Hand-release Merkins, 3-Plank Jacks, 4-BBS, 5-CMU Squat Thrusters, 6-CMU Curls, 7-Jump Squats, 8-CMU American Hammers, 9-Alternating CMU Merkins, 10-CMU Goblet Squats, 11-CMU Military Press, and 12-CMU Deadlifts

Mosey back to AO after restocking the CMUs

Howler Monkey circle where one HIM runs a lap around the circle while the rest of the PAX does Monkey Humpers… finished with motivators starting at 5.

10 HIMs no FNGs
Talked about the origin and tradition related to the familiar song about 12 days of Christmas – historically referred to as the time between Christmas and Epiphany (where the Magi came to worship the Christ in Bethlehem).  The star and the fulfillment of Micah’s prophecy culminating in an expense journey that disrupted the local region.  Christ is still interrupting culture today as wise men continue to seek Him!  Remember that Jesus, our Savior, is the reason for this season of celebration.

“Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men from the east came to Jerusalem, saying, “Where is he who has been born king of the Jews? For we saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.” When Herod the king heard this, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him; and assembling all the chief priests and scribes of the people, he inquired of them where the Christ was to be born. They told him, “In Bethlehem of Judea, for so it is written by the prophet: “‘And you, O Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; for from you shall come a ruler who will shepherd my people Israel.’””
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭2:1-6‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Train Train Train


Clear Temperature Humidity Feels like Wind Speed Wind Direction
59 ℉ 81% 59 ℉ 12.6 mi/h SSW

I am not a professional.  I have a phone.  Workout as injuries allow.


SSH (20)
Imperial Walkers (10)
SSH (15)
Tempo Merkins (10)
SSH (10)
Cherry Pickers (ARAP)
Twisties (5)

Slow mosey to the football field.

Route 66s on field. Starting at goal line and then stopping every ten yards. So, 11 places. 1 rep at first, 2 at second, 3 at third etc. 11 stops 66 total reps.
1. Merkins
2. Monkey Humpers
3. Big Boy Sit-ups

Using equipment on the track. Creating a circuit of exercises.
1. Dips (20)
2. Incline or Regular Merkins (20)
3. Pull-ups (AMRAP)
4. Bear Crawl under hurdles.
5. Up and down bleacher steps (3 trips).
Rinse and Repeat.

Back to goal line. Wheel of Exercises. App on my phone that randomly picks an exercise and rep count.
Goal line: 30 Lunges
25 yrd line: 20 Wide Merkins
50 yrd line: Squats
25 yrd line: Lunges
Goal line: 20 BBS

LBC (17)

8 good men got in some good training.



For those suffering from cancer specifically friend Matt, and girlfriend’s mother.  For parenting plans and the kids that are influenced by them.  For the unsaid prayers in our hearts.