F3 Knoxville

[genesis-ruck] Saucy Nuggs x2

AO: genesis-ruck
Q: Mermaid
PAX: Brick, Steam, Single (Ryan Chambers)
FNGs: None
WARMUP: Variations of back stretching

THE THANG: One bag with 75lbs plus a 60lb sandbag. We each carried the heavy for .25 miles, then stopped for PT, passed the heavy, and resumed our trek down kingston pike, over the gallaher view bridge, and back via the greenway. This was 135lbs and next we will bump up 30-40lbs as we train for the 200lb mile.

MARY: none we were late, but additional back stretching was suggested on your own

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Rucksgiving 11/30 and a litany of other things found in the newsletter or announcements tab in slack.

COT: training to be a leader, and a shameless plug for Forg3. The more we do things like read the bible, the more relevant those passages become, at least for me. As a few of us have been studying leadership, the same holds true. By studying, we are finding ourselves to be better prepared as leaders.

Just. Be. Kind.

AO: asylum-pm
Q: Tenderfoot , Brick
PAX: Crash Dummy, Title IX (Christian Prescott), Brick, Steam, Dain Bramage (Will Olson), Pusher, Curveball, Rooney (Carl Whipple), Lilydipper, Drum Major, Lizzy
FNGs: None
WARMUP: Brick covered for me while I finished setup. Not sure about the full list of warmups. I think I heard:
Cherry Pickers

Mosey along the south end of Lakeshore, stopping for various exercises along the way, including:
More burpees
Bernie up hill
Arrive at base of Everest
Run up Everest
Squat Jumps
Hello Dollies
Imperial Walkers

Grab rocks:
50 bicep curls
Lunges to end of parking lot (w/ rocks)
50 shoulder press

Full-length parking lot drills:
Carioca/Karaoke out-and-and back
Bernie sprint to end
Grab partner: sprint out-and-back, then other partner sprints out-and-back
High knees back to our rocks, return rocks to pile


Beer ruck canceled

COT: Just. Be. Kind.
I know politics is off-limits, but I just had to address the elephant in the room. I am raw, and my heart is breaking as I bear witness to the vile behavior following last week’s election results. Tribalism and mean-spirited divisiveness is at an all-time-high. All around us, in every sphere of our lives. And it’s coming from BOTH “sides.” Please don’t contribute to this hatred and disunion. It is our job to bridge and heal gaps between each other, to facilitate understanding and love. We are all brothers and sisters created by the same God. The same Spirit animates our Souls. The affairs of governments do not supersede this truth. I know we all make mistakes on this front. I certainly have. But the key is to learn from these mistakes, to make amends, and to commit to a path of reconciliation, unconditional dialogue, and intentional relationship.

[genesis-ruck] Saucy Nuggs

AO: genesis-ruck
Q: Mermaid
PAX: Mermaid, Steam, Single (Ryan Chambers)
FNGs: None
It was a short warmup consisting of some stretching, particularly the lower back, some SSH, merkins, squats, and then we were off.
We explored a new route going up the trade route, to kingston pike where we spoke to the barber who is always there at 5:30AM. We continued all the way down Kingston pike to Gallaher View, then to the greenway and back. All in all it was about three miles with two additional trips up moto hill so that we each got a turn going up up up.

The focus of the day was to carry a ruck with a 45lb plate, and a 60lb sandbag for a total of 105lbs. We swapped every 1/3 of mile, while the other guys carried a bag of about 30lbs. The HIM carrying the heavy called two exercises at each stop, and we switched and moved on. Highlights of the day were the aforementioned Saucy Nuggs pic and doing monkey humpers over I40 @ Gallaher View.

We will add a 30lb plate and repeat this soon for a total of 135lbs as we work our way up to 200lbs, and the 200lb mile.
none, just a couple trips up Moto with 105lbs
Rucks Giving
We were talking about leadership during the ruck, and for the COT, I shared how positive the Virtuous Leadership has been for me. The real issues we discuss, the growing bonds with High Impact Men, and the spiritual discussions that follow. Even better, is that as I am carefully considering the things we discuss each week, I am finding my prayer life has improved along the way. Just as a run AO, or a ruck AO, or even F3 may not be for everyone, Virtuous Leadership may also not be for the common F3 guy. However, the guy who has bought in, attends regularly and “is drinking the kool aid” will love the takeaways and impact that is coming out of intentional leadership studies.

I can’t sum up in a backblast how impactful this time has been every Sunday morning, and I say no to other things so that I can keep this time slot open for this opportunity,

For the Stats

AO: asylum-daybreak
Q: Choir Boy , Crawdad (Robbi Dickens)
PAX: Snaggletooth (Elijah Tafao), Honeydew, Farley, Pac-man, Wanderer, Butterknife, Choir Boy, Crawdad (Robbi Dickens), Dain Bramage (Will Olson), lebowski, Lulu (Greg Huddy), Mermaid, Mr Jinxy, Pele (Jon Lindberg), Pusher, Snitch (Cory Beilharz ), Steam, Swimmies (Nathan Chesney), Veggie (Rylen Huddy), Waffle House (Brady Greene), Right Said from Nashville and Chum Bucket from Illinois
FNGs: None
Stuff was done. See post by Crawdad above :point_up_2: because apparently Crawdad has not learned how to do a formal backblast in slack. First half by me, and the second have by Crawdad, who delivered two messages in the COT:

1. You can’t change your life without changing something that you do everyday.
2. If you come out and enjoy the BSIA, then you should be Qing 1-2 times per year, at a minimum.

Convergence next week, or, as Crawdad called it, a “Brovergence.” Crawdad will be there as a “Brovirgin.” I will not be there because my kids have a swim meet. Enjoy and don’t get hurt. It should help that the sun will be up at 7:00 since it is after the time change.

[banjo-pm] Super Circuit

AO: banjo-pm
Q: Lightweight
PAX: Toretto, Steam, Brick, Pusher
FNGs: None
We did
Circuit work.
1. Farmer Carry, Battle Rope, rows, reverse lunges with press
2. Bernie, jump rope, kb swing, merkins, cpr
Interlude 49 calf raises
3. Hops and mario, Rope slams, weighted flutters, oblique, bbs
4. Farmer carry, squats, iron mikes, presses, blockees
Ring of fire squats, knox cherry pickers

11/16 brolympics, sign up
