F3 Knoxville

Bombshelter Q101/GrowSchool

THE SCENE: Clear – sunny – the quiet before the storm

  • Ruckers step off around 6am
  • Abscess & Steam put the finishing planning touches on their Q101


  • *Steam kicks off at 7am on the dot*
  • (1) Welcome to F3: Fitness – Fellowship – Faith
  • (2) My name is Steam and I am honored to be one of your 2 Qs this morning. Alongside with Abscess we have a great morning coming your way
  • (3) A couple things before we begin:
    • I’m not a professional
    • You’re here on your own volition
    • I don’t know any injuries you may or may not have, so if you need to modify anything we do this morning – feel free to do so – but push yourself and the men around you. They deserve it and so do you.

^^^Let’s break this down some more^^^

  • F3 starts on time – every time
    • The men you’re leading deserve to have their time respected – so do you as the Q
    • So whether it’s 0530 or 0700 – start on time
    • Give a timeframe warning 5 minutes out, 2 minutes out, 1 minute out, etc – so the men can get ready to roll
  • What is this? Why are we here? –> “Welcome to F3: Fitness/Fellowship/Faith
    • Whether you’re a seasoned F3 guy or a FNG it’s important for the Q to introduce what this is and why you are here.
    • Welcome the men – it’s early (weekdays more than Saturdays) – so welcome the men to F3 – lay out those 3 Fs as well. This is an important way to remind the men that they’re about to take part in F3.
    • This is important for FNGs as well – they don’t know what they don’t know.
    • Great segway – check to see if you have any FNGs in your midst. Why?
      • Because it’s crucial for you as the Q to know who your new guys are so you can have situational awareness as you lead AND for the F3 guys to know who the FNGs are in their midst so they can support them (think of your first time at F3)
  • Disclaimer
    • We MUST have vocalized the disclaimer – thus releasing you (the Q) from being legally responsible for the next 45 minutes or 60 minutes. Why?
      • Because unless you just really intimately know every single one of the men that showed up to F3 – you probably don’t know any injuries they may or may not have.
    • (1) I’m not a professional (even if you are a “professional” – there ain’t no F3 professionals (up for debate….)
      • You as the Q are not being paid to be there and the men are not paying to be there
      • This speaks to the volunteer leadership F3 pushes – no certifications are necessary to lead F3.
    • (2) You’re here on your own volition
      • No one is forcing you to be here or stay here. What this is really saying is that you made a conscious choice to be here this morning. THIS MEANS SOMETHING. If they made a conscious choice to wake up early and come to F3 this morning – they deserve to be led – and expect to be led.
    • (3) Modify as you need
      • There are no DS’s or DI’s at F3. There’s no clipboards and someone breathing down your back watching every single rep.
      • When the Q says this, he is reminding the men that are under his command for the next 45 minutes or 60 minutes that they are free to go as hard as they want – but will receive no judgement for the work that they do. If you can do 10 merkins – awesome – do 10 merkins. If you can do 100 merkins – awesome – do 100 merkins.
      • When I Q (Steam) – my verbiage is “I don’t know any injuries you may or may not have – so if you need to modify anything we do this morning feel free to do so – but push yourself and the men around you – they deserve it and so do you. ”
        • I’m setting the tone with this message as the Q
        • No one will judge you if you can’t do every rep BUT there is an expectation to push yourself and the HIM around you.
      • Reminder: No man left behind – No man left the same
  • Intro
    • If you want to have an introductory/motivational word to share with the men briefly before you step off – this is a great way to set the tone for the morning.
      • “The name of the game is one foot in front of the other”
      • “You’re here for a reason and so are they – make it count”
      • “Carry the fight and keep it there for 60 minutes. That’s what we’re gonna do this morning.”


[ KISS = Keep It Simple Sir ]

[ How to Count: https://f3nation.com/2012/02/22/f3-tv-how-to-count/ ]

  • Side-Straddle Hop (SSH): 10 reps, on a 4 count, in cadence –> 10×4 IC
    • See “How to Count” above
  • Rockette: 10×4 IC
  • Merkin: 10×4 IC
  • Squat: 10×4 IC

*Before you step off on a mosey – post-Warm-O-Rama*

  • Make sure there is at least 1 phone within the PAX
  • Depending on the AO – the Q will carry a ruck or backpack for keys/wallets/phones/etc


(Mosey over to pull-up bars)

Steam introduced the first evolution/workout below. After done explaining – asked “Questions, comments, concerns?” Why? –> As the Q – it’s important that when you’re leading the workout you planned and are responsible for leading and executing – the men understand what they’re supposed to do and what they’re doing.

(1) 20s

  • 5 Burpees

(Mosey to Pavilion)

  • 5 box jumps

(Mosey to playground)

  • 5 incline merkins

(Mosey straight across the grass to the path – line from tree)

  • 5 Imperial squat walkers (4 count)

(Mosey back to pull-up bars) 

  • Rinse & Repeat — add is 5 reps each evolution until you finish with 20 reps
  • Done? Circle back and finish with someone else

— Transition to 2nd Q (Abscess) —

Start at Pavilion

  • First station: Jump Squat Blow Out- 10 JS hold squat for 10 sec, 9 JS hold 10 sec, 8 JS hold 10, 7,6….
  • Second Station: Bear crawl 360
  • Third: Circle Burp w CMU/Babies
  • Fourth: Bo Knows- Battle Buddy exercise- wall sits while BB does high knees
  • Fifth: Pommel horse
  • Sixth: Bear Blocks


  • Angle Grinders(touch knee then merkin)
  • Around the Clock
  • AL ass kickers
  • City Scissors, alphabet (1-4 45° 5-8 parallel)


  • # off
  • Name o Rama
  • FNGs?


Romans 8:28 – “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”

  • Don’t get bogged down in everything going on


  • Moses brought coffee and protein bars/Steam brought water and powerades
  • Gather under the Bombshelter Pavilion
  • (1) Q101 Breakdown – Abscess
    • https://f3nation.com/a-guide-to-your-first-q/
    • Went over the Q101 structure and the “Why” of what we do when we Q
    • Check out the link above for Q tips and tricks
  • (2) GrowSchool – Steam
    • Being a Q and HIM inside and outside F3
      • (1) You have been called and equipped to lead
      • As high impact men, we are called to lead.
      • Why? Because men will always be called upon first.
        • Example: God called Adam into a leadership role from the moment he existed – tending to the garden and naming the animals. Likewise, as a leader, Adam was also responsible for who he was charged with leading – Eve. After Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, who did God call? Adam and Eve? No, just Adam. He called Adam first. God will always call “Adam” first.
      • (2) The Huddle
        • I want to challenge us to start looking at F3 as The Leadership Huddle
        • Think about a huddle before every game or even in the middle of a game
          • The huddle is designed to pump the players up and remind them of why they’re here and remind them of why they’re in the game.
          • When you Q/lead at F3 – you are leading the men in the huddle for 45 minutes or 60 minutes – reminding them why they’re here and why they’re in the game. This happens with all 3 Fs.
        • The game? That’s what happens when we leave F3 and the COT. The real game is when we step into our roles as husbands, fathers, sons, co-workers, managers, High Impact Men – outside of F3.

THE SCENE: 55* dry and perfect

Tempo squats x10
Static stretches left/right/middle x20 secs each
Shoulder taps x15
Four count merkins (hand release) x12
SSH x10
Mosey out of the fountains toward the lots where we park, past The Foundry and across the railroad tracks to Preacher’s parking lot (The International).  Five cone set up, about 10 yards apart for reverse suicide ladder.  PAX line up across the parking lot, run to the furthest cone and perform exercise.  Run back to the start line.  PAX then run to the furthest cone, repeat that exercise, and add the next cone and exercise on the way back, eventually knocking out all 5 exercises.

  • Four count merkins (hand release) x10
  • Jump squats x10
  • Burpees x10
  • LBCs x20
  • SSH x30

Each PAX grabs two rocks from the pile right beside our starting point.  OYO, then hold both rocks overhead when finished.

  • Lateral raises x20
  • Curls x20
  • Up and outs x20

Sprint out to the furthest cone and return to your rocks for another round, this time 10 reps of each.  Return rocks and mosey back across railroad tracks to the parking lot across from The Foundry for Lt. Dan’s Revenge. Starting with 2 squats and 4 lunges, then run up the short hill and knock out 5 merkins, return back to bottom of hill.  Repeat, increasing to 4 squats 8 lunges, 6/12, 8/16, 10/20 all with 5 merkins at the top of the hill before running back.

Quick mosey back to start point

American hammers x20
Box cutters x10
10 strong: Passport, Steam, Swanson, Magic Mic, Cornhole, Petey (WELCOME BACK), G6, Half Dome, Postman, Abort
From Ozark, Jacob Snell: “Ill humor in the morning brings about a darkened day.”  I know that I have been struggling lately at work, and I really thing it is because I’ve not been able to work out as much.  When I get up, I have extra time and look at the news or social media, which is inevitably something negative.  I think it’s pretty obvious that it sets the wrong tone for the day and its hard to climb out of that hole dug so early.

But when I come and work out, I’m listening to people talk about doing things with their kids, or seeing faces for the first time in a while and without them knowing it, they have pointed me in the right direction for the day.  That positivity just in words, that goes along with having done some exercise, prevents a darkened day.
Morristown launch June 6th!

The Fighting Irish Get Steamy

THE SCENE: Look good – feel good – play good. The scene looked good, the weather felt good, and the HIM played good for 45 minutes.


  • Welcome to F3: Fitness – Fellowship – Faith
  • My name is Steam and I’ll be your Q this morning!
  • Couple of things before we begin:
    • (1) I’m not a professional
    • (2) You’re here on your own volition
    • (3) I don’t know any injuries you may have – so if you need to modify anything we do today, do it, but push yourself and the men around you! You desere it and so do they.
  • FNGs?
    • Brad
    • Cameron



  • SSHs: 15×4 IC
  • Rockette: 10×4 IC
  • Cherry-Picker: 5×4 IC
    • 1 burpee on your own
  • Imperial Walker: 10×4 IC
    • 2 burpee on your own
  • Baby Arm Circles: 10×4 forward
    • 3 burpee on your own


(More than 10 split up – keep in mind distance guidelines)

[ A Tale of 2 Parking Lots ]

(15 total PAX – split into 2 groups to start)

  • 2 Points of Contact
    • AO parking lot
    • Parking lot to the right by the track
  • 6 exercises total (3 in each lot)
  • 15 reps each exercise
  • Ping-Pong maneuvering
    • Execute 1st exercise in 1 of the 2 lots –> run to the other lot and execute the 1st exercise in that lot
    • Rinse & repeat until all 6 exercises are complete: 90 total reps
  • Once all 6 exercises are complete – gather back in the AO lot
    • PAX executed 10 8-count body builders/man-makers

(PAX mosey toward the front of the school)

[ The Big C ]

(split up into 3 groups of 5)

  • The Big C = the roundabout/dropoff at the front of Catholic High school
  • 4 points of contact in the big C
    • Top
      • Plank Jacks: 15 (1 count)
    • Middle
      • SSHs: 15 (1 count)
    • Bottom
      • Decline Merkins: 15 (1 count)
    • Opening
      • Merkins (1 count)
  • Rinse & Repeat 2x

(When done – PAX gather in front of the school and FNG Cameron is called on to lead the men around to the left to the next point)

[ 15s ]

  • Dips
  • Box Jumps/Step-Ups

(Post 15s – FNG Bradley is called to lead the men around to the left to the next area)

[ The Fighting Irish ]

(New exercise Q made up – it’s a WIP: Work in Progress)

  • Look at the mascot for the fighting irish – basically it
  • 4-count exercise
    • (1) Lunge with 1 leg and punch forward with the opposite hand
    • (2) Back to standing position
    • (3) Repeat #1 with opposite leg/arm
  • Mermaid takes about half of the PAX 1 way down the side of the parking lot – Steam takes the others in the opposite direction
  • Both teams execute 5 Fighting Irish and run back to the start

(PAX mosey around the school until they’re facing the AO parking lot)

[ Nickel – Dime – Quarter ]

(PAX separates into groups of 5 –> at 3 different points of contact about 25 yards away)

  • Nickel: Burpees (5)
  • Dime: Squats (10)
  • Quarter: Merkins (25)

(PAX mosey back into AO and circle up)

[ Cash Out – modified for the last 60 seconds ]

  • 10×4 shoulder taps
    • 10 slow merkins
      • 10 quick merkins on your own


13 PAX + 2 FNGs = 15 total


“I know what I have to do but I don’t know if I have the strength to do it” – Kylo Ren


This was an incredibly tough BOM to deliver and type out. But I’m excited to share this with you men. It’s a little long, but I don’t know how else to share this part of my life any other way. I hope you enjoy and get as much out of it as I did.

That quote above under “COT/BOM” is from Star Wars: The Last Jedi. GREAT movie if you haven’t seen it. The character in question is Kylo Ren – “the bad guy” that turns good in the movie. Spoiler alerts, sorry.

Before you read any further, this will make way more sense if you watch this scene from the movie that my BOM was centered around: https://youtu.be/F0rvLs–9UY

I didn’t know I would get so much out of this small movie clip than I did, but I think this was immensely intentional for me to watch – God knew what he was up to. Let’s walk through the scene in the movie clip above – the message below is one that was so powerfully given to me by the Lord that it hit home in a way I didn’t know home could get hit.

-The Scene-

  • Kylo Ren turns around and looks into his father’s eyes (Han Solo)

“I miss you son” – Han

“Your son is dead” – Kylo Ren

“No, Kylo Ren is dead. My son is alive.”

  • This was so powerful to me. The father’s compassion and heart for the son is calling what the son thought was dead back to life – sonship. Kylo Ren = the identity that Ben Solo has chased after and pursued hardcore for a long time. The father is trying to remind the son that he is more than this identity of Kylo Ren.

“You’re just a memory” – Kylo Ren

“Your memory. Come home.” – Han Solo

  • This is an invitation from the father (Han) – inviting the son (Kylo) to come back home. With tenderness he speaks this.

“It’s too late. She’s gone.” – Kylo Ren (referring to Leah)

“Your mother’s gone. But what she stood for, what she fought for, that’s not gone.” – Han

(^^^Still processing what this part means^^^)

“Ben” – Han

  • The father calls the son by his true name, Ben. This might have been the first time the son has heard his true name in a while.

“I know what I have to do but I don’t know if I have the strength to do it.” – Ben Solo

  • With visible trembling and fear, Ben Solo utters these words, shaking, because he’s heard his true name from the father.
  • The father reaches out places his hand on the son’s shaking face tenderly, and seeing the doubt and questioning, and heartbreak in his son’s eyes he says:

“You do.” – Han

  • At this moment, Kylo Ren is no more. Ben Solo has been called by name by the father and is alive – reborn and returned to rightful sonship by the father.
  •  Ben Solo lifts up his light-saber – the very thing Kylo Ren’s identity was tied to, and the object that caused him to forget WHO he was and WHOSE he was – by the hand of the enemy.

“Dad…” – Ben Solo

  • This is the first time this character in Star Wars utters this word. Ben Solo, now whimpering and trembling and shaking – calls his father “dad” for the first time.
  • The father (Han Solo) sees his son’s agony and heartbreak, but also sees the light in his son. He smiles and says:

“I know.” – Han Solo

  • With great understanding and compassion for his son, Han says this reassuringly. The father’s love for the son shows clearly. This is what the father always wanted – his son to return to sonship and recognize who he really was and whose he really was.
  • At this moment – Ben Solo turns and hurls his light-saber off in the distance, watching it disappear in the clouds and storm. Ben Solo knows this is what he had to do – knew this is what the father was calling him to do, yet he doubted his strength to do it.
  • As Ben Solo turns back around – Han Solo is gone. Ben Solo is alive and has re-purposed identity and mission critical compassion and grace from the father.

-End of Scene-

The first time I watched this movie – didn’t think a thing about it. Just thought it was a great film (it is). The Lord has done a lot, A LOT in my life since the first time I watched this movie. I was faced with the extremely tough realization last week that I am Kylo Ren and I am also Ben Solo. And the father figure (Han Solo) in the movie has always been God. Let me explain.

Since 2013 I’ve fleshed out, worked on, put countless hours in, dedicated time and blood/sweat/tears into pursuing a potential career in the military. I’ve trained my ass off. I’ve suffered. I’ve worked hard towards this goal. This is what I felt like the father was calling me to do. I prayed about it. I consulted wise council for it. I went through the process multiple times over the past 7 years. It became an identity for me – and a good one! This is such a worthy pursuit, a good endeavor. I felt like this is where the Lord was leading me over a period of years. And the things that God has showed me along the way has been life-changing/game-changing. Things such as F3, things such as leading men, things such as leading small groups and adventures for college men and so much more. I worked so hard and chased after and pursued “Rachel” – that I almost lost sight of the implication that God’s will might be in Leah (Genesis 29:15-25).

God’s been doing some hardcore wrestling with me…let me re-phrase that. I’ve been doing some hardcore wrestling with God (more specifically in the past year) about how all this plays out and where I feel like He’s calling me to be. So I know I didn’t stumble on this seemingly insignificant Star Wars clip on accident. It was an intentional heavenly interference so I could better understand and hear the Lord’s voice instead of fighting it. I’m so tired of fighting. It’s been a long/drawn out wrestle and fight. 

So watching this scene from the movie – it hit me so hard, that I am Kylo and Ben. And I feel like God gave me the above notes from the scene to really speak to me in a compassionate and loving way. Like I said, I’ve been fighting for so long, because THIS is what I wanted, THIS is what I’ve worked so hard for and THIS is what I thought you wanted with my life God. And there came a point of realization when the father’s voice can no longer be fought with or wrestled with – to the point where I understood what I needed to do, but didn’t know if I had the strength to do it – to lay something I had worked so hard on down at the father’s feet and let it die. It feels like God is asking a lot of me, to lay this desire of my heart down for him. I’ve heard him calling me to lay this (pursuing a military career) down and I’ve dismissed it before.

But sometimes God calls us to let things die so He can allow other things to live. I’m still working through this – it’s hard. All of this, and you’re asking me to give up now? No. I hear him calling me to give it up and lay it down at his feet, not give up my sonship or identity in him. And with tears and pain and heartbreak I come to the Father and say “God I know what you’re asking me to do but don’t know if I have the strength to do it.” And God so lovingly and compassionately reminded me that “You do.”

So tomorrow morning I am expected to provide communications to a Sgt. that I’ve had the pleasure of working with throughout this process – and not with a heavy-heart, but with one of gratitude I will symbolically let go of my light-saber that I’ve slung so tightly to, as I know the Father has called me to do

Thank you for the encouragement you men provide to me and have provided me for the past 4 years. Iron truly sharpens iron.



Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

A Numbers Game – Truck Stop Edition

THE SCENE: Suspiciously chilly……character-building chilly.


  • Welcome to F3: Fitness – Fellowship – Faith
  • My name is Steam and I’ll be your QIC this morning – thanks for having me.
  • Couple of things before we begin:
    • Not a professional
    • You’re here on your own volition
    • If you need to modify anything we do this morning – feel free to do it – but push yourselves and the men around you – we have some work to do.
  • No FNGs
  • Reminder of social distancing guidlines – 10 PAX present so that’s good


  • SSH: 11×4 IC
  • Rockette: 11×4 IC
  • Imperial Walker: 11×4 IC
  • Squat: 11×4 IC
  • Merkin: 11×4 IC
  • Baby Arm Circles: 10×4 forward IC // 10×4 backwards IC


[ The Truck Stop 500 ] 

  • Around the median of the AO parking lot
  • POC (Points of Contact)s:
    • Both ends of the median
    • Middle light in between the 2 ends
  • Each POC = 2 exercises – 25 reps each
  • Ends: SSHs & Squats
  • Middle: 4 count Merkins (Army) & Bobby Hurley’s
    • ^^^These sucked ^^^ – character was built and arms and shoulder were destroyed
  • 2 laps = Truck Stop 500

(Mosey up towards the fields)

(Every light = 5 squats —> 3 lights of this)

(Q gave PAX the choice of executing the Tunnel of Love across the soccer field or doing 11s – you’ll never guess which one was the unanimous decision…..)

[ 11s ]

  • Burpees & Squats
    • 1 burpee & 10 squats to start

(Continue Mosey towrds the playground by Watt Road)

  • Every light = 1 good merkin (good form)
    • 3x

[ Nickel – Dime – Quarter ]

  • 3 POCs within the parking lot off of Watt Road
    • 1st POC = nickel (5 reps)
      • 8 Count Body-Builders/Man-Makers
    • 2nd POC = dime (10 reps)
      • Hand Release Merkins
    • 3rd POC = quarter (25 reps)
      • Squat Jumps
  • Rinse and Repeat once

(Continue mosey around baseball field)

  • 1st light = 5 SSHs
    • 2nd light: 25 SSHs
      • 3rd light: 125 SSHs
        • 125 SSHs broken up into increments of 25 – with 5 incline merkins in between

(American Indian Run back to AO parking lot)

(10 minutes to go)

  • 1st 5 minutes:
    • Mirroring the Truck Stop 500 – at each end of the median in the AO parking lot = 25 squats
    • Slow mosey around to the other end
    • Hit 100 total squats or until 5 minutes is up
  • Last 5 minutes: Mary below


[ Core 4 Finisher ]

  • Flutter Kicks: 25×4 IC
    • 5 seconds of rest in between
  • American Hammers: 25×4 IC
    • 5 seconds of rest in between)
  • Hello Dolly’s: 25×4 IC
    • 5 seconds of rest in between
  • LBCs: 25×4 IC



10 PAX – No FNGs


The story of Jacob, Rachel, and Leah —> What happens when your will is Rachel but God’s will is Leah?


The story about Jacob, Rachel and Leah (Genesis 29:15-25)

I’ve been listening and following some sermon series’s by a guy named Jerry Flowers in TX. I’ve really enjoyed his sermons and how they’ve challenged me to think and reconnect during this time. This one in question for the BOM today comes from his “Try Me” series, the first one actually – talking about the story of Jacob desiring and working 7 years for Rachel, but actually receiving Leah instead. Jerry had such an interesting and powerful take on this, that it was too good not to share, so let’s break it down. Here are some of my initial notes:

  • Jacob wanted Rachel so bad. So bad he worked 7 years for this woman. 7 years of hard labor for this woman. 84 months. I’m pretty sure I’ve never worked for a woman (or anything consistently) for straight-up 7 years> Married men – maybe/probably.
  • Jacob loved Rachel – but his desire to pursue Rachel was distracting him for what God actually needed him to focus on – Leah.
    • Jacob did not want Leah – he wanted Rachel. But he was given Leah. Unpack that mentally for a moment in real life.
    • BUT….when he was given Leah – he still chose to pursue Rachel – at the cost of 7 years of his life.

Now this part really gets me – I’ve never made this connection before and dang y’all….hold on.

  • Leah has a son named Judah with Jacob.
  • PAUSE – go to Matthew 1 to read the lineage of Jesus.
    • Matthew 1:1-2 —> ” The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham. Abraham was the father of Isaac, and Isaac the father of Jacob, and Jacob the father of Judah and his brothers, “
    • Fast forward through the lineage to verse 16 —> “and Jacob the father of Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom Jesus was born, who is called Christ.”


  • Without Judah being born by Leah, with Jacob, the lineage of JC isn’t complete. ………….


  • So check this —> Judah was the son of Leah –> the woman that Jacob never wanted —> but what he didn’t want, the Father needed —> it was so critical for Jacob to get Leah, because it brought in the Messiah
    • What Jacob didn’t want – the Father needed. Jacob Didn’t want Leah, but God needed Leah for Jacob’s life for a MUCH bigger purpose/story, then just working 7 years for a woman.


  • God’s will for Jacob’s life was always Leah – even as Jacob was chasing tirelessly, working extremely hard, and pursuing Rachel. The entire time. Even in those 7 years.

So the question has to be asked men – when we want Rachel for our life, but are given Leah, what do we do?

  • We might have worked for “Rachel” SO HARD – pursued and chased after it for so long – but what if God’s will in our life is actually Leah?
  • And a lot of times I think it’s easy for us (me for dang sure) to come to the Father saying “I wanted this” or “This is what I thought you had for me and wanted for me” or “Do you not see how much I have been working towards this?” – BUT if God’s will for our life doesn’t lie with whatever our “Rachel” is, it will die. Because sometimes when we’re focused on the wrong thing, God will allow certain things to die so we can focus on what’s going to help us to live – His will for our life. When God doesn’t have your attention – He will disturb what does
    • I mean – take a look around – our world is interrupted/disturbed. What has your attention?
    • For such a time as this – I think we are literally in the middle of this – an invitation to refocus our intention on what matters. The Lord is orchestrating this for a reason – and I think it has something to do with the invitation to refocus on me and come to me and find rest. Lay down your Rachel and let me bless your life with my will – “Leah” – whatever that may be.
    • Because what you may not want (this COVID situation, work situations, fill in the blank) – the Father may need to produce Judah out of your life and story for a much larger purpose.

So what is your Rachel, your Leah, your Judah? Maybe it’s still being fleshed out, maybe you’re in the middle of this wrestle like I am. I didn’t stumble on this sermon/message on accident I can tell you that. This hit home in a way I didn’t know home could get hit. 1000%. I’ve included the sermon link below, if you care to watch it – I hope it challenges and moves you as much as it did me.

Sermon link tied to the BOM —> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5O0f1FWO_hI



  • 2020 F3 Dad’s Camp: get in touch with Gibbler for more info. Great time for the kids!


  • 2020 Murph Challenge: Monday, May 25th –> Dog Pound AO – get in touch with Mayberry for any questions. “If not me, than who?”


  • F3 Hike: Saturday, May 16th – get in touch with Abscess or Steam for more info. There’s a cal event in the main F3 GroupMe – look for an event in Slack soon.


  • F3 Morristown Pre-Launch Q101/GrowSchool: Saturday, May 23rd – Frank Lorino Park, Morristown, TN – 7am. Clown cars and HIM highly encouraged to go if able


  • F3 Morristown Launch: Saturday, June 6th – Frank Lorino Park, Morristown, TN – 7am. Clown cars highly HIGHLY encouraged to show out for the initial launch Q for this new region we’re helping plant

Big Ballin’ Friday Eve

THE SCENE: Chilly. Not warm. Not hot. Borderline cold. Basically shorts weather.


  • Welcome to F3: Fitness – Fellowship – Faith
  • Name is Steam and I’ll be your QIC this morning
  • Couple of things before we begin:
    • Not a professional
    • You’re here on your own volition
    • If you need to modify anything we do this morning, feel free to do so!


  • This morning is going to look a little different – as we try and get back in the swing of things – it’s not going to be exactly the same but it’s going to be good. Stick with it and let’s get some good work done.


  • SSH: 10×4 IC
  • Rockette: 10×4 IC
  • Imperial Walker: 10×4 IC
  • WIndmill: 10×4 IC 
  • 4 count Merkin: 10×4 IC
  • Cherry-Picker: 10×4 IIC


  • If 10 or more:
    • Abort takes group to WWII Memorial Site
    • Steam takes group to Amphitheater

[ 7s ]

  • merkins and squats
    • 6 & 1, 5 & 2, etc

[ The $2.00 Quarter Pounder ]

  • 4 stations marked by orange cones at each respective site
  • $2.00 = 2 evolutions/times
  • Quarter Pounder = 25 reps/cone or station (1-count)
  • The Stations
    • Cone/Area 1: Imperial Walkers
    • Cone/Area 2: Merkins
    • Cone/Area 3: LBCs
    • Cone/Area 4: Mountain Climbers (2 count technically)

(Abort’s team — get a rock from rock pile)

(Steam’s team — utilize pull-up bars in amphitheater)

[ 10s ]

  • Abort’s team: Curls & Squats
  • Steam’s team: Pull-ups & Box Jumps

When done: both teams mosey back to AO and circle up.

    • Steam’s team knocks out 5 Motivators until Abort’s team gets bac




[ Core 4 ]

  • Flutter Kicks: 25×4 IC
  • American Hammers: 25×4 IC
  • LBCs: 25×4 IC
  • Hello Dolly’s: 25×4 IC



13 PAX – 1 FNG –> HalfDomHalf


“Tend the Garden” – John 15:2


When man was first created, Adam was given a garden to tend. It was given to Adam first and not Eve. By design. After Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, God called Adam first. He will always call Adam first. By design.

So what’s the state of your garden you’ve been entrusted to protect and care for in the middle of this pandemic? Your garden could be your family, your vocation, your finances, your life in general.

But the interesting thing about a garden is that there can be both food and bad that exist together. And sometimes the weeds of a garden look good, they look like they fit in. And if you have ever gardened, you’ll know this process well – to pull weeds or things from the garden that shouldn’t be there, it can be a back-breaking process. Sometimes you have to get on your knees and get dirty and it takes a lot to uproot some weeds that have gone un-noticed, and it’s a hard process, a grueling process, but your garden is better for it.

Take that and apply it to your life. Your garden God has called you to tend to as the man.