F3 Knoxville

I don’t remember signing up

AO: shamrock
Q: Mermaid
PAX: Dumpster Dive, Crawlspace, Stitch, slappy, Flower Pot, Mermaid
FNGs: None
Q SIGNUPS had me down for the day, but I did not sign up, so we went with the calendar.

We warmed up and did a revised version of the no glove love workout, that focuses on lunges and wall squats. 10-1.

Then we did three rounds of 20 heels elevated squats, and split squats.

Next we grabbed blocks and repeated 3x the following:
20 good mornings
50 bench press
20 Curls

Finally we moseyed back to the flag where we did an ab exercise with 10 merkins in between until time expired. We all called one exercise and did 60 total merkins.

IPC Week 1

AO: shamrock
Q: Crawlspace
PAX: Crawlspace, Eliza, Gringo, LeBling, Mermaid, Skidmark, slappy, Stitch, Commission
FNGs: None
Mosey to CMU pile

3 burpee buy in and 3 burpees every 4 minutes throughout workout.

11s Workout:
– Do 10 thrusters, travel 30 yards, 1 hand release merkin travel back.

The mode of transportation changes for each round.

– bear crawl
– Lunge walk
– Burpee broadjump
– Run
– Murder Bunny Down, Redrum Bunny Back

Repeat travel order 2x

– various dealers choice an workouts



Ephesians 4

– God put a measure of Himself in all of us, giving gifts to men. Everyone has something of God that the others of us don’t. We can reach more of our potential as we engage in community.

Nice and Easy Circuit

AO: shamrock
Q: Eliza
PAX: Oscar Meyer, slappy, Nadia (Aaron Jacques), Free Fall (Justin Whitaker), Dumpster Dive, Flower Pot, Crawlspace, Band Camp, Toretto, Honeydew, Stitch, Skidmark, Waxjob
FNGs: None
WARMUP: SSH, Hairy Rockettes, Updog, downdog, 5 tempo merks, stretching

THE THANG: mosey to CMU pile and convene in back parking lot

2 sets of exercises in the parking lot and 2 runners. Runners take one short lap around the lot and bump you to the next exercise until it’s your time to run. When done with Set 1, you bump and join set 2 and vice versa.

First set: OH press, V Ups, Curls, Flutter Kicks, CMU Swings, Big boys

Second set: Alternating Rows, Plank Jacks, Bench Press, Side Crunches, Blockees, Heels 2 Heaven

Time for 11’s rocky balboas and curb squats

MARY: built in – 1 minute plan

ANNOUNCEMENTS: disc golf, bonfire, IPC coming up

COT: what are you dedicated to? What gets your focus, energy, time, attention, money?!? Be dedicated to important things whether it’s your M or your 2.0s or your job or quiet time or F3. Evaluate what you’re dedicated to and recalibrate to what’s really important.

2 Forward 1 Back

AO: shamrock
Q: slappy
PAX: Crawlspace, Baby Boomer, Stitch, Honeydew, Eliza, Band Camp, Toretto, slappy, Flower Pot
FNGs: None
– Goofballs
– hairy rockettes
– cat wine mix
– calf & runner stretch
– cherry pickers
– run to a light pole, do 11 SSHs, and run back
– friendship fist bumps all around

1. HILL WORK – We started at the top of the hill. Run down hill and do 1 burpee at bottom. Run up hill and do 1 burpee at top. Do this 11x.
2. 2 FORWARD 1 BACK – In the big parking lot we started at a station and did 11x of 1st exercise, then moved to another station about 25-30 yards away 11x of a 2nd exercise, went back to 1st spot did it again, and then back to the 2nd spot. We moved forward like this through 6 stations (wide merkins, squats, diamond merkins, bobby hurleys, drydocks, and lunges).
3. CRUNCH ZONE – We broke in the new practice turf by doing 11x of the following: American Hammers, H2H, flutters, LBC, Big Boys, Right Crunch, Left Crunch, Gas Pumpers, Hello Dolly, Freddy Mercs.

Sign Up for Q calendar. IPC is in September.


Sweat it out

AO: shamrock
Q: Toretto
PAX: Anchorman, Band Camp, Dumpster Dive, Gringo, Mermaid, slappy, Stitch, Tailhook, Voodoo
FNGs: None
– Runner’s stretch
– Left, center, right plank
– Cherry pickers
– Solo stretches

4 corners at the track:
– 10 burpees
– 20 toe touches
– 20 merkins
– 20 2-count mountain climbers
– Sprint the straights, Bernie the bends


– 2nd f luncAugust 31sth in Farragut today
– Dad camp starts today
– Whitewater rafting with stitch, link in slack
– Marine mud run August 31st

Whenever you are about to find fault with someone, ask yourself the following question: What fault of mine most nearly resembles the one I am about to criticize?
Marcus Aurelius