F3 Knoxville

Short Circuit

AO: shamrock
Q: Butterknife
PAX: Voodoo, Base Salary, Mermaid, slappy, Stitch, Butterknife
FNGs: None
Walking high kicks
Walking quad stretch
Bear 🐻 crawl in hi 👋 five bear 🐻 crawl out

Mosey to the CMU pile and grab a CMU. Take it with you to the circuit.

45 seconds at each station running the stations in between. Mixed in some skipping, shuffles, lunges, and high knees as well.

Fighter Merkins
Curls w/ CMU
Tris w/ CMU
Agility Ladder drills
Thrusters w/ med ball
Flutter kicks
Kettlebell Swings 35lb
Mt Eveverest
Man makers w/ 20 lb dumbbells
Lt Dans

Pass it on… We formed an assembly line to stack the CMUs.
Cashed out with 5 burpees

Guardrail is passing the JUCO flag to Mailbox 10/16. Would love to have you guys join us!

NMTA Not Meant To Arrive
There are 4 Pillars of arrival:
Can’t arrive. This is a negative mindset. You don’t believe in yourself and we need to fix that immediately.

Has arrived. You’ve made it, now what?
You’re not trying anymore. Afraid to take chances, because you might lose the title. Do not stop. Continue to set goals!

Will arrive. Once XYZ happens, then I’ll be happy. There are people sitting in nursing homes right now, still waiting on XYZ.

Not meant to arrive. This is where we should all strive to be! Become the next best version of yourself. Enjoy the journey just as much if not more than destination.
My development has no end. There is always more to learn, always more to do, and you can learn from every situation and everyone.

Be “Blissfully Unsatisfied!” Brothers!

”Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires.“
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭37‬:‭4‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Birthday stuff

AO: shamrock
Q: Lizzy
PAX: Anchorman, F3 Pluto ( Hugh Nystrom), Crawlspace, Stitch, Mermaid
FNGs: None
Tempo squats
Lbc then reverse
I told them how much I really don’t like ssh
Majority chose option a over b for the q choice
11’s with burpees and monkey humpers bear crawl between point and b. Walk back
30 manmakers mixed in
Mosey to stadium reverse walk up the stairs backwards and 14 more manmakers mixed in. Finished off with 5 jokers at ao


Broolympics coming up
Why do you wake up every day. I told the story from my experiences from being in the hospital last month.

I don’t remember signing up

AO: shamrock
Q: Mermaid
PAX: Dumpster Dive, Crawlspace, Stitch, slappy, Flower Pot, Mermaid
FNGs: None
Q SIGNUPS had me down for the day, but I did not sign up, so we went with the calendar.

We warmed up and did a revised version of the no glove love workout, that focuses on lunges and wall squats. 10-1.

Then we did three rounds of 20 heels elevated squats, and split squats.

Next we grabbed blocks and repeated 3x the following:
20 good mornings
50 bench press
20 Curls

Finally we moseyed back to the flag where we did an ab exercise with 10 merkins in between until time expired. We all called one exercise and did 60 total merkins.

IPC Week 1

AO: shamrock
Q: Crawlspace
PAX: Crawlspace, Eliza, Gringo, LeBling, Mermaid, Skidmark, slappy, Stitch, Commission
FNGs: None
Mosey to CMU pile

3 burpee buy in and 3 burpees every 4 minutes throughout workout.

11s Workout:
– Do 10 thrusters, travel 30 yards, 1 hand release merkin travel back.

The mode of transportation changes for each round.

– bear crawl
– Lunge walk
– Burpee broadjump
– Run
– Murder Bunny Down, Redrum Bunny Back

Repeat travel order 2x

– various dealers choice an workouts



Ephesians 4

– God put a measure of Himself in all of us, giving gifts to men. Everyone has something of God that the others of us don’t. We can reach more of our potential as we engage in community.

Nice and Easy Circuit

AO: shamrock
Q: Eliza
PAX: Oscar Meyer, slappy, Nadia (Aaron Jacques), Free Fall (Justin Whitaker), Dumpster Dive, Flower Pot, Crawlspace, Band Camp, Toretto, Honeydew, Stitch, Skidmark, Waxjob
FNGs: None
WARMUP: SSH, Hairy Rockettes, Updog, downdog, 5 tempo merks, stretching

THE THANG: mosey to CMU pile and convene in back parking lot

2 sets of exercises in the parking lot and 2 runners. Runners take one short lap around the lot and bump you to the next exercise until it’s your time to run. When done with Set 1, you bump and join set 2 and vice versa.

First set: OH press, V Ups, Curls, Flutter Kicks, CMU Swings, Big boys

Second set: Alternating Rows, Plank Jacks, Bench Press, Side Crunches, Blockees, Heels 2 Heaven

Time for 11’s rocky balboas and curb squats

MARY: built in – 1 minute plan

ANNOUNCEMENTS: disc golf, bonfire, IPC coming up

COT: what are you dedicated to? What gets your focus, energy, time, attention, money?!? Be dedicated to important things whether it’s your M or your 2.0s or your job or quiet time or F3. Evaluate what you’re dedicated to and recalibrate to what’s really important.