F3 Knoxville

7’s and 11’s

THE SCENE: Perfect – Upper 50’s, clear skies

SSH x 15, Arm Circles x 10 forwards and backwards, Shoulder Taps x 10, Michael Phelps, Tempo Squats x 10, Cherry Pickers x 5

  • Sunsphere: 11’s – Pull ups at the bottom on the Sunsphere and Edward Scissor Legs at the top of the stairs
  • Bridge over Cumberland: 7’s – Big Boy Sit Ups at the start of the bridge, bear crawl across, Sumo Squats at the end of the bridge, bear crawl back
  • Parking Lot: 11’s – Merkins at one end of lot, Carolina Dry Docks at the other end
  • Field by the Fountains: Partnered up, one partner started bear crawling across field while the other did 5 body builders then ran and caught up to bear crawler. After catching up, swap roles

Talked about how in Jeremiah 29 God tells the Israelites, before being taken into slavery by the Babylonians, to build houses, plant gardens, eat of their fruit, get married, and pray on behalf of the city you’re being taken to. So essentially, instead of sitting around and waiting for liberation, God told His people to live well in captivity while also looking forward to freedom. With this quarantine I’ve done the exact opposite. I’ve sat around and moped and waited until things get better rather than tried to make the most of the season the Lord has us in. So my encouragement for us this morning was, even though we’re transitioning back to normal slowly, to be thinking of how we can live well right now in quarantine rather than sit around and just wait for things to be better

One Hill of a Morning

THE SCENE: 72 Humid degrees

Windmills IC x 10, Cherry Pickers IC x 10, 40 yard Millenial Run, 40 yard High Knees, Karaoke left and Karaoke right (20 yards each)

Stop 1

Waxjob Hill

  • 5’s Merkins and Burpees starting with 4 Merkins at the bottom, 1 Burpee at the top.  Bernie up the hill, jog back down.  When finished plank it up and wait for the 6.  Then mosey to One Tree Hill.

Stop 2

Fire-team drill to the pine tree.  Run to the cadence of “I’m up, they see me, I’m down.”  When you hit the ground do 5 Merkins and repeat all the way to the top.  Round 2 is the same, but substitute Merkins with 5 BBS.

Mosey to Mt. Crumpet

Stop 3

From the bottom, run at a 45 degree angle to the cone halfway up.  At the cone, complete 10 Merkins.  Run to the pine tree at the top of the hill, there complete 10 flutter kicks.  Run at a 45 degree angle to the cone halfway down and at the cone complete 10 Dry Docks.  Then run to the bottom of the hill and once there do 10 squat jumps.  Rinse and repeat.

Box Cutters IC x 15, Flutter Kicks IC x 15, BBS 20 OYO, LBC 1 min OYO

One of the driving forces in our lives are the groups that we associate with.  Having a circle of friends that we can count on and know will support, encourage and provide accountability is essential to our well-being.  There is a lot of focus in the media right now with recent suicides and we all know about the suffering of our servicemen returning from deployment.  The world is a tough place and lots of people are fighting battles that we know nothing about.  I am grateful for F3 and what this group of men mean to me.  Let’s be aware of each other, and the other people in our lives and make sure that everyone knows, without a doubt, that we are there to lift each other up.

Beer run this Saturday, talk to Moses for more info.