F3 Knoxville

Dora and the Ultimate Beatdown

AO: shamrock
Q: Eliza
PAX: Base Salary, Jardet, Mermaid, Oscar Meyer, Eliza, Tinker, Anchorman, Snaggletooth (Elijah Tafao), Stitch
FNGs: None
WARMUP: chicken fat song, Willie Mays Hayes

THE THANG: Dora workout with partners. 200 Merkins, 200 imperial Squat Walkers, 200 flutters (2count) – MOT: 40 yard run and back

Ultimate Frisbee

MARY: plank, Merkin, bear crawl to the middle and slap hands, crawl bear out, 2 merkins, back to the middle slap hands, repeat with 3X

Al Gore til time

ANNOUNCEMENTS:forgot those

COT: “Never pay back evil with more evil. Do things in such a way that everyone can see you are honorable. Do all that you can to live in peace with everyone. Dear friends, never take revenge. Leave that to the righteous anger of God. For the Scriptures say, “I will take revenge; I will pay them back,” says the Lord. Instead, “If your enemies are hungry, feed them. If they are thirsty, give them something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals of shame on their heads.” Don’t let evil conquer you, but conquer evil by doing good.”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭12‬:‭17‬-‭21‬ ‭NLT‬‬

The Coolest Dudes Have May Birthdays

AO: shamrock
Q: Curveball
PAX: Eliza, Anchorman, Curveball, Crawlspace, Toretto, LeBling, Jon Boat, Tinker, Stitch
FNGs: None
– SSH 20
– Willie Maze Haze IC
– Little baby arm circle IC 20
– Reverse baby arm circle IC 20
– Grady Corns 20

Mosey to CMUs Then Circle up and Colt 45. (Curls)
15 from half way to top
15 from bottom to half way
15 full curl

Mosey to Top of Hill divide into two groups. While one group does the exercise, the other holds the move halfway (activated holding waiting). Then the groups switch. 3 or 4 times each exercise.

– 10 CMU Press
– 5 Shoulder Press
– 5 Curls
– 5 Dips

Boot Hill (at the same hill) – Partner up.
Hold Al Gore while partner down and up hill. 5 or 6 times.

Triangle – Work your way around the points of triangle. Around 3-4 times
– 4 Burpees
– 10 LBCs
– 10 Flutter Kicks

Charles Bronson – with CMUs instead
Start with 3 points of contact first two 50 yards apart in a line, the last another 10-30 yards past.
50 CMU Press, sprint to 2nd point, then bear crawl to 3rd point.
50 CMU Press sprint then bear crawl
25 Overhead Press sprint/crawl
25 Overhad Press sprint/crawl
25 Curls sprint/crawl
25 Curls sprint/crawl
25 Triceps sprint/crawl
25 Triceps sprint/crawl
50 SSH sprint crawl
R/R if time allows.

MARY: No time for Mary.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Hardship Hill, Thunder Mtn.


INSP TV is celebrating May as the month that 9 actors were born. Actors that were famous for being in westerns. The Art of Manliness website has a list of the greatest western films ever made. 20 of the 35 films in their list had stars that were born in May.

Those Stars are:
Glenn Ford Birthday: May 1 – Shares birthday with Crawlspace
Gary Cooper Birthday: May 7
Bruce Boxleitner Birthday: May 12
Henry Fonda Birthday: May 16
Jimmy Stewart Birthday: May 20 – Shares my birthday
James Arness Birthday: May 26
John Wayne Birthday: May 26 – 180 Movies 80 Westerns
Clint Walker Birthday: May 30
Clint Eastwood Birthday: May 31 – I played with 3 of his kids while I was on vacation in Carmel CA.

Are cowboys heroes? I don’t know. But here are some fun lists that make being like them, a good choice.

Cowboy Code of Conduct
– Live each day with honesty and courage.
– Take pride in your work. Always do your best.
– Stay Curious. Study hard and learn all you can.
– Do what has to be done and finish what you start.
– Be tough, but fair.
– When you make a promise, keep it.
– Be clean in thought, word, deed, and dress.
– Practice tolerance and understanding of others.
– Be willing to stand up for what’s right.
– Be an excellent steward of the land and its animals.

10 Cowboy Qualities That Require Zero Talent
1. Put your left foot in the stirrup. It all starts there.
2. Quit when it’s done, not when you’re tired.
3. Laugh at yourself.
4. Hang out with people you want to be like.
5. Learn by watching… not talking.
6. Quit making excuses for why you can’t.
7. Life’s a story. Live it, remember it, tell it.
8. Care for things that can’t care for themselves.
9. Avoid mad females with or without babies.
10. Don’t talk about it. Do it.

And some info on the 9 stars.
Glenn Ford Birthday: May 1
Birthplace: Sainte-Christine-d’Auvergne, Quebec, Canada
Fun Facts: As a high school student, Glenn Ford took a job working for Will Rogers, who taught him horsemanship. Later, when he lived in Beverly Hills, he illegally raised 140 Leghorn chickens—until local law enforcement ordered him to stop.

Gary Cooper Birthday: May 7
Birthplace: Helena, Montana
Fun Facts: Gary Cooper was good friends with Ernest Hemingway for over 20 years. Hemingway said that he based the character of Robert Jordan on Cooper in his novel, For Whom the Bell Tolls.

Bruce Boxleitner Birthday: May 12
Birthplace: Elgin, Illinois
Fun Facts: Bruce Boxleitner got his big break when he was cast opposite James Arness in the epic television series, How the West Was Won. He’s also the author of two science fiction novels.

Henry Fonda Birthday: May 16
Birthplace: Grand Island, Nebraska
Fun Facts: As a young boy, Henry Fonda dreamed of being a journalist—but he caught the acting bug as a young man. In 1981, Fonda won his only Oscar for Best Actor in On Golden Pond, which was a final professional and personal triumph.

Jimmy Stewart Birthday: May 20
Birthplace: Indiana, Pennsylvania
Fun Facts: Jimmy Stewart was a man of many talents: he played the accordion and never took an acting lesson. When he started as an actor, he became roommates with another young hopeful: Henry Fonda.

James Arness Birthday: May 26
Birthplace: Minneapolis, Minnesota
Fun Facts: James Arness’s younger brother was Peter Graves, from the Mission Impossible TV series. During World War II, Arness also served in the 3rd Infantry Division at the same time as Audie Murphy.

John Wayne Birthday: May 26
Birthplace: Winterset, Iowa
Fun Facts: Born Marion Robert Morrison, the Duke won his only Oscar for True Grit, which was a professional triumph. Showing his sense of humor, Wayne also made a cameo appearance on The Beverly Hillbillies!

Clint Walker Birthday: May 30
Birthplace: Hartford, Illinois
Fun Facts: Clint Walker was the tallest actor in Hollywood during his era—at 6’6’ tall! He had a twin sister named Lucy, and his daughter, Valerie, became one of the first female pilots in the world in 1968!

Clint Eastwood Birthday: May 31
Birthplace: San Francisco, California
Fun Facts: Eastwood has won five Oscars including Best Actor and Best Director for the Western, Unforgiven. He says he got his biggest break when James Garner had him cast in his TV show, Maverick—which helped Clint later land the part of Rowdy Yates in Rawhide!

Prayers for Jon Boat as he travels abroad.

Carry me to the Cure

AO: shamrock
Q: slappy
PAX: Tinker, Eliza, Baby Boomer, Base Salary, Mermaid, Curveball, DeVito, Honeydew, Commission, Skidmark, Pom Pom (Grayson Vaughn), Toretto, Gringo, Smoked Pickle, Command Strip, Double Dribble, John Boat, Fudd
FNGs: 1 Fudd
– projectovators
– arm circles (forward and back)
– a few burpees
– circle warm up run
– Grady Corns
– cherry pickers
– stretch (calf, runner, and whatever else)

– We collected all of the rucks and sandbags that we had and moved to the football field end zone
– In the end zone we all came down with FMS (flutter merkin syndrome). This is a medical condition that causes a person to perpetually rotate between 10 merkins and 10 flutter kicks. The only antidote is located in the center of the field at the 50 yrd line. The problem is that you cannot move there yourself. You must be carried. It is a good thing that Mermaid wasn’t in the end zone and didn’t get sick. Once he received the antidote himself, he was able to return without fear of illness and (man) carry one of us to the antidote. Once healed we were also able to carry the afflicted and all of the gear to the antidote. Then we all came down with FBS (Freddy-Burpee Syndrome) where again we rotated between 3 burpees and 10 freddys. Good think that Gringo didn’t get it and was able to begin the carry to the cure. After that we succumbed to MHSS (monkey humper squat syndrome) where we rotated between 10 monkey humpers and 10 squats until saved. This time it was Skidmark that began hauling our butts to the cure. Finally we had a bout of BBSSHS (big boy side saddle hop syndrome). Our bodies convulsed into alternating 10 of each until saved. This time by Toretto. It was a scary day, but we all survived.

– Hello Dollys
– Plank Jacks

– “Falcon Memorial Q” will be lead by Eliza on Monday
– Dragon Boat Race 6/15/24 – No cost, donation if you got it, just need some bros to help us win! see Honeydew for deets
– Thunderhead Challenge 5/18/24 – Hike up and down Thunderhead Mtn with your F3 Bros. Hosted by f3 Smokies.
– Hardship Hill 5/26/24 – 2 mile obstacle course on Memorial Day. Open to anyone. I’m gonna do it with my Daughter. Will you join my team?
– Sign up for a Q if you haven’t lead in the past 6 weeks.

– We can learn from our exercise today that it is a powerful thing to work together as a group with a common goal rather than OYO. It would have been pretty discouraging if you were tasked to man carry 19 other guys. It was actually pretty fun and went fast when we were working as a unit. (this was my mini COT that came to me during the workout)
– “Send Me” is our F3 region motto as well as the theme for the GTE 46 event that some of us did this past weekend. I’ve not really thought about it much until this past weekend. I thought it was more about the Davy Crockett / Volunteer / Alamo thing. No doubt that this is a central part but it is actually from Isaiah 6:8 where Isaiah is getting his commission from God to speak to his people. “And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then I said, “Here I am! Send me.” Was Isaiah perfect? No. But he was ready to to accept this assignment from God. No doubt that God has prepared him somewhat for the challenged before without Isaiah’s knowing though.
– What do you think God is preparing you for? Is there an assignment you need to take on? Are you willing to say “Send Me.” Be on the lookout for these things, because they are all around us. Some are big things like job, church, or family needs. Some maybe are not so big, but may be just as important…an encouraging word, a bit of charity, doing your tasks with integrity, asking forgiveness, being a peacemaker, being a pleasant coworker, etc.
– In all that you face know that you are being prepared for an assignment, be ready to say “Send Me”

When the SAINTS go marching in…

AO: shamrock
Q: Mermaid
PAX: Base Salary, Commission, Crawlspace, Gringo, Stitch, Eliza, slappy, Tinker, Mermaid
FNGs: None
We carried heavy things today. I repurposed some statues that VOODOO kindly gave to me as a house warming gift. We marked out 1/10 of a mile around a parking area, and performed the following exercises while we carried the saints.
The goal was to start on opposite ends and carry items until you pass the other team.

Divide into two teams. Position each team on the opposite side of a loop. 1/10 mile
Carry the saint and a CMU with one team member while the remainer works through a list of exercises
Swap at every lap

The game ends when one team passes the other team

Grab a CMU and rotate through these exercises
Do them until your player gets back, they are the timer
Every 5 exercises performed meant we added weight, and by round three the weight was near 100lbs.

Saint only 35-40lbs
Bench Press
Flutter Kicks
Saint and CMU 70-80lbs
Bench Press
Flutter Kicks
Saint, CMU, RUCK 100-110 lbs
Bench Press
Flutter Kicks

For the COT we discussed Mary Magdalen getting up early and being a spectator to the stone being rolled away from the tomb that denotes Easter and the resurrection of Jesus. She got up and went to the tomb and as a result, she was able to witness history. That stone was moving that day whether she was there or not. I think we can all apply this to our lives in some way. Events and good things are happening all around us, even at F3. These things will be there whether we attend or not, and it is up to us to be a part of things, or be present within our family. An example is tonight with Haw Ridge, or the upcoming GTE. I have serious FOMO about both events that I can’t fully attend. Great things will transpire and I am going to miss them. You have a choice, and if you can find a way to make these events happen, I am telling you that these are potentially life changing opportunities that you don’t want to miss. Maybe not stone rolling away from the tomb opportunities, but life changing non the less.