F3 Knoxville

Holiness is Not a Trait. It is a Result

THE SCENE: The weather outside is the weather. 

F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Did this very well.


Blindside warm-upy things (I do the same warm-up every time I Q, pay attention). 


Tennis Courts: Each court has a different routine. Both are explained and PAX chooses where to begin. When one is finished, complete the other one. Repeat each routine 5 times. 

  • Routine 1: 
    • 5 Burpees to start 
    • Shuffle along baseline right to left
    • Sprint diagonally to net shuffle along net right to left sprint diagonally to far baseline
    • 5 Burpees 
    • Retrace steps, shuffling left to right this time
    • 5 Burpees at the start
  • Routine 2: 
    • 10 Merkins at the first corner
    • Lunge down baseline
    • Sprint to the opposite baseline along the sideline 
    • 20 LBCs at baseline
    • Lunge to net
    • Bear Crawl to the middle of the net
    • 10 Squats
    • Bear Crawl back to the sideline
    • Walk back to start

Tennis Court Kraken: Grab a CMU. Kraken consists of completing an exercise, taking a lap around the outside of the fence, passing your previous station, and going to the next. All exercises are 20 reps. 


  • Merkins
  • 4 ct. Flutter Kicks 
  • OH Press
  • 4 ct. Hello Dolly
  • Squats 
  • Calf Raises
  • LBCs
  • Imperial Walkers 


Back and forth between Squat and Merkin Ring of Fire 


20 HIMs; 1 FNG (Squeakers); 5 PreRuckers; 1 PreRunner; Several Kotters


Holiness isn’t a trait. It is a result.

Training Like the Elves Do

THE SCENE: Chilly morning, LOOK AT THAT MOON! 

F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER Done and Done. I will NOT comment on the outfits of TweetE and ToePick, I just won’t do it. 


SSH IC x15 | LBAC IC x12 each way | Little bit of This; Little bit of That | Cherry Pickers IC x4 | Tempo Squats IC x5


Time to train like the elves do getting Jolly Ol Saint Nick ready for his Christmas Eve journey! 

  • Santa’s Workshop (Flagpole)
    • 7s 
      • Toymakers (Manmakers) @ Flagpole
      • Squat Jumps @ Playground
  • Loading Santa’s Sleigh (Field)
    • 5 cones set up down the field (about 20 yards apart)
    • Rifle carry CMU to 1st cone, set it down, sprint to the start and back
    • Rifle carry CMU from 1st cone to 2nd cone, set it down, sprint to start and back
    • Repeat to the 5th cone, then repeat the process from the 5th cone back to start
  • On Dasher, On Dancer, On Prancer… (Tennis Courts)
    • Pick a corner of the court; do 8 Diamond Merkins and 8 Imperial Walkers
    • Sprint to the next corner and do 7 of each
    • Repeat down to 1 rep of each exercise
  • Run, Run, Rudolph
    • “Colonizer Run” from Tennis Courts to Stonehenge 
      • Opposite of an Indian Run, HIM at the front of the line drops off and does SSH until the entire line has passed. 
      • Yells out “Back!” when the last HIM in line passes and rejoins the run
      • The new HIM at the front drops off and repeats 
  • Down the Chimney with Lots of Toys! (Stonehenge)
    • Start with 8 reps of each exercise and drop a rep each round
    • Chimney Jumps (Box Jumps)
    • Inchworm Merkins
  • HO-HO-HIIT (Splashpad)
    • Tabata timer (20 seconds work/10 seconds rest) for 16 rounds alternating:
      • Chimney Climbers (Mountain Climbers)
      • Tree Toppers (Star Jacks)
  • Fellowship Mosey back to the AO

Special Coffeeteria of Milk and Cookies!


Did you know? 


7 PAX; 0 FNGs; 3 for Pre-Ruck 


With the hustle and bustle of the Christmas Season, even though we are often reminded of the true “Reason for the Season.” Many times this is ignored or not given a lot of thought. Of course, Christmas time is the season to celebrate the birth of Jesus, but often we are distracted. I saw on the sign at a church down the road a new phrase that can reinvigorate us during this time. “Don’t focus on the presents, focus on His presence.” 

Christmas celebrates God becoming Man. The Word incarnate. The Almighty Lord of the Universe humbled Himself enough to become a little baby, born into this world to experience all of the pain and suffering of humanity… and He did this for us.

Just Cold Enough to be Annoying

THE SCENE: Just cold enough to be annoying 

F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Did this, forgot to mention I had my cell phone, they quickly understood


SSH IC x15 ; LBAC each way IC x10 each ; Little of this, Little of that ; Cherry Pickers IC x5 


Mosey to Splash Pad for a Tabata workout + Field Trips 

20 work/10 seconds rest x 8 ; After 3 exercises, field trip to the bathhouse 

  • Set 1:
    • Dips
    • Step-ups 
    • BBS
  • Field Trip to the Bathhouse 
    • 5 Burpee Pull-ups
  • Set 2: 
    • Shoulder Taps
    • Imperial Walkers 
    • Freddie Mercury
  • Field Trip to the Bathhouse 
    • 5 Bodybuilders
  • Set 3: 
    • Merkins 
    • SSH 
    • Reverse Crunch 

Aborted set 3 halfway through SSH as the Q didn’t hear the PAX at the other end of the SplashPad yelling that it was 6:13, then 6:14…

Quick mosey back to AO (arrived after time 6:16)


There just wasn’t enough time. 


8 HIM (2 pre-rucked)


When Ribbed asked me about my weekend this morning during the pre-ruck, I told him that “It was good, just not enough time to do nothing.” While this wasn’t going to originally be the focus of my BOM, that phrase churned in my mind throughout the workout. During the holiday season, many of us become busier and busier. Whether it is kid’s concerts at school, holiday parties with work or friends (shoutout to Judge Judy for welcoming us into his home this weekend, what an incredible evening!), shopping for presents, etc. We tend to go, go, go during this last half of December. I challenge you all to take time out of your day to do “nothing.” I don’t mean sit and stare at a wall nothing, but do something unscheduled, something without a deadline, something that makes you a better HIM. For me, I am committing to spending an extra 15 mins before heading out into the gloom this week, sitting in front of my lit Christmas tree, with my gas logs going, and spending some extra time in silent prayer.

Humility of Christ

THE SCENE: warm and blistery

5 cherry pickers

26 SSH

1 10X squate
Mosey over to the flag poll and partner up.

  • 100 V ups
  • 200 Squats
  • 300 SSH 4x
  • After everyone is done we mosey over to the play set.
  • 100 BBS
  • 200 Plank Jacks
  • 300 LBC
  • fellowship mosey back to AO
    • Jail brake to OA for Mary


reverse pickle pounders

Hello Dollys

Side crounch



Zechariah 9:9

Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion!
    Shout aloud, O daughter of Jerusalem!
Behold, your king is coming to you;
    righteous and having salvation is he,
humble and mounted on a donkey,
    on a colt, the foal of a donkey.


This is our savoir and king. Not with fanfare but with humility did he come.
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Loaded Deck

THE SCENE: a balmy 35

SSH x25; Imperial Walkers x15; Tempo Merkins x10; Cobra Kai; Grady Corns x10

Mosey to splashpad.

EMOM:  5 box jumps, 10 squats, 10 merkins (5 rounds)

Deck of Cards. We moseyed around the park doing 5 exercises at various locations from our deck of cards.

  • Hearts = Merkins
  • Clubs = Squat Jumps
  • Diamonds = V-ups
  • Spades = SSH
  • Jokers = Burpees

No time.
11 HIM
Resist the urge to complain and be frantic with so many things to do this season. Slow down, enjoy your family, set the pace by enjoying God and his gifts this season.