F3 Knoxville

EMOM & Thunder

AO: asylum-am
Q: Double Wide
PAX: P3, Cat Gut (Mike Davis), Cinco (Scott McGuire), Double Wide, Farley, Gibbler, Hands, Love’s, Matlock (Bill Maddox), TRC/Crab legs, Waffle House (Brady Greene), Tropicana
FNGs: None
SSH, Big arm circs, side lunges, tempo mercs and squats, balboas, jogging the lot then sprinting the lot.
1st EMOM: 4 mins with 10 to 12 burpees
Then lap up Baby Everest
Superman’s, LBC’s, Scuba Steve’s all in cadence
2nd EMOM: 4 mins with 4 to 6 Mountain Man Makers
Lap up Baby Everest
Bonus: Thunderstruck Burpees
No time available due to shushing Gibbler

Stop procrastinating and be more intentional

Crablegs switcher

AO: asylum-am
Q: TRC/Crab legs
PAX: P3, Hands, Sawdust, Gibbler, TRC/Crab legs, Tropicana
FNGs: None
A little this and a little of that
25 merkins at a couple of locations, up Everest, some AMRAP exercises while your buddy ran around the admin loop, pavalon for the Crablegs trifecta.
Who is she and why is she always in the backblast?
Form your teams now for next year’s EFHR.
You had to be there. It was epic.

Getting Ready for March Madness

AO: asylum-am
Q: Sawdust
PAX: Pac-man, Hands, Matlock (Bill Maddox), TRC/Crab legs, Grandslam, Tropicana, F3 Pluto ( Hugh Nystrom)
FNGs: None
– Stretch
– Tempo Merkins
– Cherry Pickers
– Abe Vigodas
– Rockettes
– Tie-Fighters
– X-Wings
– Line Drill with Bobby Hurleys

1. Phase I:
– Peter Parkers at the base of Baby Everest
– Bernie halfway up and sprint the balance to the Summit
– One Manmaker at the Summit
– Run up to the Asylum Building and down to the Basketball Court, stopping at certain areas for exercises along the way
1. Phase II:
– We attempted to play a game of HORSE by having the PAX do an exercise while one person took a shot. If the shot was made, the shooter had to do a burpee. If he missed, the whole PAX had to do a :burpee:. F3 Pluto ( Hugh Nystrom) was overjoyed with the amount of :burpee: that were done by all. Let’s just say we’re not competing in any basketball tournaments as a team.
1. Phase III:
– Made our way to the artificial turf baseball diamond
– One PAX Bearcrawled to 1st base, Karaoked to 2nd base, Bernied to 3rd base & Karaoked Home.
– During the iteration, the rest of the PAX did an AMRAP of an exercise. It changed for each time someone rounded the bases.
1. Phase IV:
– Make our way back to the AO stopping at stations for various exercises.
– BBQ Squats

– Haw Ridge Sign-up

COT: Be a chain breaker! One of the men I know in my small group shared some of his life story. His family and the area he grew up in was impoverished and contained some bad environs. He joined the Air Force out of high school and got out of the bad situation and has seen the blessings of following the Lord. Reviewed Isaiah 58:1-12.

Timed AMRAP’s

AO: asylum-am
Q: Double Wide
PAX: Hands, TRC/Crab legs, Rainbow, Charmin (John Willis), Tropicana, Cat Gut (Mike Davis), Matlock (Bill Maddox), Hot Tub (John Muller), Cinco (Scott McGuire), Double Wide, Love’s, Newton
FNGs: None
SSHs, Ti Fighters, Tempo Squats, Calves on the Curb, Balboas, One jog down and back
3 rounds of 30 second X 5 exercises 3 times through

Round 1: Reverse lunge left
Reverse lunge right
Side lunge left
Side lunge right
Round 2: I can’t remember the rest
I’ll have to edit later

Two minutes of Boat-Canoe

Haw Ridge
Tropicana is mustering a team.

Don’t underestimate the power prayer.

3 rounds of 3 rounds

AO: asylum-am
Q: Gibbler
PAX: Matlock (Bill Maddox), Tropicana, P3, Bunny, Cat Gut (Mike Davis), Hands, Hot Tub (John Muller), Cinco (Scott McGuire), Double Wide, Gibbler, TRC/Crab legs, @Newton
FNGs: None
WARMUP: tie fighters and squat and merkins

THE THANG: mosey to oval for a variety of merkins, squats and abs with running to a fantastic destination for up downs and dealers choice at muscle beach and finish with squat suicides.

MARY: mixed in with everything else

ANNOUNCEMENTS: haw ridge and brolunch with Matlock (Bill Maddox)buying become loves us so much. Prayers for Hands family.

COT: God is working in and around us even though we lack the big picture. Come back tomorrow