F3 Knoxville

Sore Core and So Much More

THE SCENE: Caught a break in the rain but still wet and muggy!

Side Straddle Hop (20 – 4 Ct) Imperial Walkers (20 – 4 Ct) Cherry Pickers (8) Tempo Squats (10) Moroccan Night Club (20 – 4 Ct)

Jogged to Sophomore Hill with the rear man sprinting to the front

  • Four Corners
    • 30 Merkins with Bernie to
    • 30 Big Boy Situps with lateral shuffle to
    • 30 Star Jumps (touch the ground in a squat and then touch the sky with arms and legs extended) with lunges to
    • 30 Rosalitas with lateral shuffle to 1st corner
    • Repeated with 20 reps and then 10 reps
  • 11’s – Flutter Kicks and American Hammers
  • Mosey back to AO with 3 wagon wheels and a jailbreak

Mountain Climbers
Matt 18:21-35 While the damage dealt by the second servant is significant, it is also irrelevant. Their is a peace that surpasses all understanding (Phil 4:7) and this makes every Christian bulletproof, when we meditate on the Gospel.
Praying for Mandolin’s health concerns and Ruby’s safe trip back to Texas!
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

The Guardrail Shuffle

THE SCENE: only 76 degrees but felt like 90.  Sticky as all get out.
SSH, Merkins, Lunges, Freddy Murcuries, Side Lunges, American Hammers, Burpees
THA-THANG:  The Guardrail Shuffle

25 Minute AMRAP of this loop.

Start at guard rail.  Do 10 Derkins (feet on the guard rail).  In between each Derkin (decline merkin) do one side crawl (shuffle) to the right while keeping your feet on the guard rail.  So you remain declined for the whole set of 10 Derkins.  Then stop your Derkins and get up and do 10 burpees.  Then go back to the guard rail and do 10 more shuffling Derkins followed by 10 more burpees.  Finish the set with 5 Sh-Derkins and 5 burpees.

Then do 25 (single count) Lunges, moving towards the corner stop light (entrance to JUCO).  After Lunges, mosey to stop light.

At the stop light do a backwards bear crawl down the street (~35 yards) to the mid way light pole.  Then turn around and do a fowards bear crawl to the next stop light which is almost to the parking lot entrance.

Finish up the loop by sprinting (100%) from the parking lot entrance to the beginning of the guard rail where we started.   Mark your lap (reps) down on chalk.   ~6 minute rounds.

We almost completed three rounds but wanted to leave a little time for a little Burpee Machine Mary.

5 minutes of an enlarged “Burpee Machine” .  5 stations of a continuous de-constructed burpee.  1) Plank 2) Merkin 3) Frogs (knees to elbows — forgot this station) 4) Squats 5) Squat Jumps 6) SSH

Continuing the Parenthood weekly theme – God is our perfect father. He is loving and gracious to you fathers. He is the perfect example of 1 Corinthians 13.  Seek him and lean on him during your times of fathering your own children.  Little by little (as a father does) he will grow you, give you more, challenge you more.  Ask from him, and he hears and gives . He does not give stones or snakes , but instead gives good gifts that fulfill and sustain us.

Matthew 7:7

[c]Ask, and it will be given to you; [d]seek, and you will find; [e]knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. Or what man is there among you [f]who, when his son asks for a loaf, [g]will give him a stone? 10 Or [h]if he asks for a fish, he will not give him a snake, will he? 11 If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give what is good to those who ask Him!

Referenced a long time favorite pastor of mine and his series “A Perfect Father” (Louie Giglio) https://passioncitychurch.com/gathering/a-perfect-father/

Pray for Mandoline’s buddy who is / has gone through a 5 heart bypass surgury.  And our wives who are feeling stressed during job transitions.

Cheer on Fast-N-Easy as his Brickyard competes in a 7 minute Burp-off tomorrow.  I think this months challenge is burpee totals. So stay tuned for an up and coming “utterly stupid” (CSOP??) & “seabiscut” combo thing-a-magiggy I’ve dreamed up to add some excitement to just doing regular burpees.

Setting Records


15 SSH, 15 Mountain Climbers, 10 Tempo Merkins, 15 Moroccan Night Club, 10 Tempo Squats, 10 Windmill

Mosey to JUCOmanjaro.  We are going for a personal Q record today: 3 times up the mountain!  There are 4 pain stations beginning at the bottom along the way up the climb.  At each station, there are three exercises.  One exercise will be performed each time up the climb.  Do your best to run between each station.

  • 15 burpees, 15 Peter Parkers w/ merkin, 15 Mountain Climbers IC
  • 20 Merkins, 20 Diamond merkins, 20 Carolina dry docks
  • 30 Squats, 30 Lunges (total), 30 Jump squats
  • 15 Flutter kicks IC, 15 Freddie Mercury IC, 15 side crunches each side

No time!
13 today at JUCO
One of the most difficult things to do is parent.  It is a big responsibility and I struggle every day.  I am reminded of Proverbs 22:6 – “Train a child up in the way he should go, and even when he is old he will not depart from it.”  To be honest, I am scared that I am not training my children the way I should and I am fearful of where they will be one day because of the influence I had.  I encourage you to share your experience with others and encourage them to lead by example and truly consider how our lives impact those watching us.

VQ on Friday:  Commission!

The Super Kraken

THE SCENE: 73°F, Gloomy and Muggy
WARM-O-RAMA: (all IC 4-count)

  • SSH x36  IC 4-count
  • Merkins x12 OYO
  • Imperial Walker x36  IC 4-count
  • Merkins x12 OYO
  • Imperial Squawkers x36 IC 4-count
  • Merkins x12 OYO

Mosey to the ORHS Front Circle
Super Kraken (its a big loop):
Complete exercises at each cone and keep running around the ORHS Front Circle. Rinse and repeat until time is up.

  • Cone 1 – Jump Squats x36
  • Cone 2 – Shoulder Taps (4ct) x36
  • Cone 3 – Mountain Climber 4ct x36
  • Cone 4 – Squats x36
  • Cone 5 – Smurf Jacks x36
  • Cone 6 – Merkins x36
  • Cone 7 – Dry Docks x36
  • Cone 8 – Lunges x36 (18 each leg)

Mosey back to SP


  • Flutter Kicks x36 IC
  • Stretching Flow: touch the sky–> touch your toes–> touch the sky–> touch your toes–> leg stretch–> leg stretch

Rocket, Chaco, Erector, Frenchie, Snaggletooth, Kickflip, Trolley, Archie (QIC)

As a parent it is important to:
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.”
‭‭Proverbs 3:5 ESV‬‬
God is in control of how your kids turn out. Be faithful and do what you think He is telling you to do. Trust in God for the outcome.

Recommendations from Frenchie for next year:

  • Give the PAX the option to skip 1 cone at their own choosing, but they still have to run the associated lap. It’s like a birthday present to the PAX 🙂
  • Make any 10 count rest a 36, or next year a 37 count

Happy Birthday, America! With fireworks and beat downs- 1776 Challenge

THE SCENE: It’s July, so warm and humid!

Begin with a bang!  Fireworks provided by Code Brown while we warm up with SSH x 50, Squats x 50, Moroccan Nightclubs x 50 and Overhead claps x 50.

Despite the Q’s best efforts to plan out a very organized workout to get everybody to Patriot or American Eagle status, things fell apart rather quickly as the PAX finished things at different intervals and moved on to the next exercise.  In the end, we all completed the 1776 challenge, with 4 PAX (Swimmies, Gobbler, Trolly, and Cheatsheet) doing double time and finishing the American Eagle.  Everybody else became Patriots today.  We broke up the pull ups.

Everybody started the mile run together.  Everybody gathered around the flag at the Pavalon together for flutter kicks and plank jacks, and everybody finished together with the bear crawl to the flag and burpees.

None today!

1.  When our founding HIMS adopted the Declaration of Independence, Benjamin Franklin famously said “we must all hang together, or we will surely hang separately.”  There is a lesson here for us today.  We cannot and should not battle alone.  Rely on your brothers and in turn, support them as well.  Great things can be accomplished!

2.  The Declaration of Independence established a new nation built on the idea that “all men are created equal,” that we have the right to pursue our happiness (not the same as the right to be happy!).  As Abraham Lincoln noted almost 90 years later, that a country could be so formed and survive was not a sure thing.  And we have not, as a country, lived up to that idea.  But what makes our country special among all other nations is that we continue to strive toward that idea.  F3 is dedicated moving this country forward toward that very idea.
4 American Eagles, including an FNG (welcome Gobbler!) and 8 Patriots today!