F3 Knoxville

Team 1 vs. Team Kill

THE SCENE: Dry, around 25 degrees, sunny by the end of the workout

SSH x 25, Baby Arm Circles x 10 forwards and 10 backwards, Shoulder Taps x 10, Tempo Squats x 10, Cherry Pickers x 5
We split into two teams of three, Team 1 and Team Kill. Each of the following exercises was a team competition and the winner of each workout got to choose an exercise for us all to do afterwards

  • Sunsphere: Best two out of three; Everyone on each team would do an exercise at the bottom of the stairs while one person from each team ran to the top of the stairs, did 10 reps of an exercise and ran back down. then the next person on the team would go, first team to finish won. First round was holding a plank at the bottom with 10 merkins up top, second round was holding an Al Gore at the bottom with 10 Cobras up top. Team Kill won the first two rounds and chose to do 10 pull ups
  • Under the Bridge below Clinch: Everyone held a wall sit while one person from each team bearcrawled across to the opposite wall and backwards bear crawled back, then the next person went. Team 1 won and chose to have everyone do shoulder taps in a plank while one person at a time ran around the wall
  • Amphitheater: Best two out of three; Everyone on each team would do an exercise at the bottom of the stairs while one person from each team ran to the top of the stairs, did 10 pull ups/inverted rows and ran back down. then the next person on the team would go, first team to finish won. First round was dips at the bottom with 10 pull ups up top, second round was incline merkins at the bottom with 10 pull ups up top, third round was box jumps at the bottom with 10 pull ups up top. Team 1 won and chose to do a ring of fire of boat canoes
  • Bridge over Cumberland: Everyone held a plank at one end of the bridge while one at a time one person from  each team bear crawled across and held a plank on the opposite end. once the entire team was across, the whole team would bear crawl back together. First team back won. Team 1 won and chose 25 Big Boy Situps
  • Rock Pile by Neyland Dr: Each team shared a rock and tried to get the most reps of an exercise in a minute. Best two out of three. Round one was curls, two was overhead presses, three was a combination of both. Team 1 won and chose 15 partner shoulder presses
  • Then we moseyed back to the AO


A couple days ago one of my students mentioned learning about cascading failure, meaning one unchecked problem leads to another, which leads to another, and so on. He said he feels like he sees that happen in his own life. My initial response was to point out that that doesn’t necessarily apply to us, since we aren’t machines and not all aspects of our lives are related to one another. But then I realized that I’m currently allowing myself to experience cascading failure. I’ve been having some serious pain in my stomach, which led to me not working out for a month, which led to me not getting up early, which led to me not going to bed early, which led to me wasting time on things like TV at night instead of reading and getting good rest, which has also led to me eating less healthy, which all of this has led to me being more irritable towards others and to spending less time in the Word. Taking time off from exercise to recover is fine, but it doesn’t mean I have to give up getting up early and eating well and getting good rest. So I encouraged the guys not to allow what Paul calls “a thorn in our sides” to become a cascading failure