F3 Knoxville

Change works for our good


1 Burpee

30 Grady corn

5 cherry pickers

35 SSH
Get the coupon and mossy to the tenis court

  • 4 sets of 40 intervals it’s a Tabata like workout but modified 50 second workout with 10 second rest
  • curls
  • freddy mercury
  • hernia
  • OHP
  • Welsh Dragons
  • LBC with Coupon
  • Triceps Extentions
  • Merkins
  • Squat Thrust
  • Squat


Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
Romans 8:28 – And we know that for those who love God all things work together hfor good,8 for ithose who are called according to his purpose.
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
CSAOP event at the Dog# Next week.

Go Touch Dwayne and Come Back Here…

THE SCENE: Clear, starry morning. Almost pleasant 

F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER Did this, Ribbed asked for repeats as needed 


SSH IC x15

Cherry Pickers IC x%

LBAC x15 each way 

Tempo Squat IC x10

Tempo Merkin IC x 10


Grab a CMU and a buddy 

One partner Farmer Carries the CMU’s towards the Boat Ramp while the other does 15 BBS then moseys to their partner. Repeat. Exercises to complete: 15 BBS, 15 Merkins, 15 Squats. Repeat as necessary until reaching the bottom of the stairs. Wagon Wheel to the SIX. 

Each HIM grabs a cardboard piece with an exercise on them. Line up and complete your exercise while the HIM at the front of the line bunny hops up the steps, runs up the “Dwayne” the rock, and returns to PAX. Each HIM moves down the line to the next exercise. Time to complete one Round. (Special Note: No one seemed to find the “extra credit” exercise of Man-Makers written on some cardboard at the top of the hill at Dwayne. I know that @Trunk is mad he missed it).

Exercises Performed: 

  • Squats 
  • Kettlebell Swings 
  • CDD
  • Blockees
  • Flutter Kicks 
  • V-Ups 
  • BBS 
  • LBCs 
  • OH Press 
  • Freddy Mercury 



Ring of Fire: Only one HIM being extra doing clap merkins (You know who you are). 


12 HIMs showed up in the Gloom this morning! 1 DownRange from F3Franklin. Thanks for joining us @Corncob! 


For those who have attended my Q’s in the past, you know that I go one of two ways. Thoughtful, well-researched, and readout of my notebook WORDs, and those that come to me randomly. This morning I want to talk about patience. BACKGROUND: I spent several hours on the phone with two cell phone providers trying to figure out why my M’s phone was shut off and why another canceled my order for new SIM cards for her and my 2.0s. Patience was needed. Not just for the customer service reps, but also with my wife when I informed her that we had to change the phone number she’s had for half a decade. 

While I was indeed frustrated and running out of patience, I knew that I needed to remain a calming presence while she dealt with this fact. I made sure to talk calmly and not put my own frustrations of the past 4 hours on the phone on her. It wouldn’t be fair to her and would not help the situation AT ALL. The lack of patience can infect your life, your family, your job, everything. Be mindful of how your attitude and frustrations affect those that mean the most in your life. 


CSAUP on August 21st. 

The Long Route to Unity

THE SCENE: Sticky. Clear. Wonderful.



  • Grady Corns IC | SSH IC
  • Mosey to playground.
  • 10 Pull-ups, 20 Merkins, 30 Squats


Do a lap.

Bermuda Triangle for legs. – Squats. Pickle Pointers. Monkey Humpers. 20 each plus 20 SSH at each corner. Lunge between stations. When finished, lunge in opposite direction to wait for six.

Run around stonehenge to dock.

Mucho chesto. Regular, wide, diamond, stagger left, stagger right—10 each. Rinse & repeat.

Triangle for legs. Half the reps.

Around stonehenge to loading zone for welsh dragon until PAX seriously discussed mutiny.

MARY: Tabata. 40on 15off

  • Low Plank | V-Ups | BBS | Box Cutters
  • Flutter Kicks | American Hammers | LBCs
  • Hello Dolly


CIRCLE OF TRUST/BOM: Paul wraps up his letter to the Romans encouraging unity. Rome was a melting pot—plenty of opportunities for discord, not unlike our context. Where can we bring unity?

Friday Morning @ The Equalizer 8/6/21 – Earn The Weekend

THE SCENE: Magnificent

Twisters, Side Straddle Hops, Touch your Toes (20 count), Baby Arm Circles front/back, Rockettes, Mosey to the Pavilon where a surprise awaited
Tomato Tabata – 40 work, 20 rest, 1:30 travel and recover

  • Complete 2 rounds of “A” and then 2 rounds of “B”
  • 1:30 travel and recovery – after each round travel to Stonehenge to complete 1 Body-Builder before returning to your CMU
  • A
    • Goblet Squats
    • Rocky Balboas
    • Blockees
    • Rows
    • Over the Top Merkins
    • Starfish Plank
  • B
    • Iron Mikes
    • Curls (21s)
    • Chest Press
    • Lateral Hops (over CMU)
    • Big Baby Crunches (LBC’s with CMU raised over chest)
    • Starfish Plank

– Jogging tour of the Southwest side of the park

– 5 burpees at the Flagpole

– Indian run back to the AO
You don’t have to travel or gain to earn rest in God

1 Timothy 1:15-16: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners – of whom I [Paul] am the worst.  But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe on him and receive eternal life.
Paul was a really bad dude.  He hated Christians and and enjoyed killing them / watching them be killed for sport.  In the very midst of that, on a trip to Damascus to participate in more persecution, God met him.  God doesn’t need for us to achieve a certain status or clean up our act before he’ll meet us.  He seeks after us constantly and desires to meet us exactly where we are so that his grace and mercy can be put on display, and so our faith in him can grow more abundant.  You can’t earn it, so don’t allow your ego let you think that you need to put forth more effort before you call on him.
Congrats to Sprinkles on the announcement of his wife’s pregnancy!

Big shout out to the servant leaders among this group for their support of Blindside and his teachers at Kelly Academy

Last day to sign up and secure your customized swag for CSAUP

Last day to sign up for Dad Camp

Wax Job has another 2nd F opportunity August 13-15.  Message him for details’

Be on the lookout for forthcoming info about this year’s Hardship Hill being held on October 2

Wednesday Morning @ The Equalizer 8/4/21 – High Places

THE SCENE: Glorious

Touch your toes (20 count), Tempo Squats – sumo stance and hold at the bottom, Windmills, This & That, Calf/Achilles stretch (20 count each side), Mosey to the rock pile


Complete the following in order:

  • A: 3 times through this cycle before moving to B
    • A1: deadlift to straight arm overhead raise (10)
    • A2: Rocky Balboa – toe tapping your rock (10)
    • A3: American Hammers (10)
  • B: 2 times through this cycle before moving to C
    • B1: Wood Splitters (side to side overhead raise) (20)
    • B2: Reverse Lunge, straight arm extension with rock, and twist (10)
    • B3: WW1 sit-ups – place rock between legs on first up, retrieve rock on second up.  Count rep when rock is retrieved (10)
  • C: 2-4-6-8-10-12 – complete 2 reps of each exercise, then 4, then 6, and so on to 12 before moving to D
    • C1: Halos – pull rock from left hip to right should, around back of head to left shoulder, and lower to right hip, then reverse
    • C2: Goblet Squat
    • C3: Mountain Climbers
  • D: 1 time before moving back to A
    • D1: karaoke run to midfield
    • D2: switch stance and continue karaoke to other side of field
    • D3: sprint back to your rock and start back on A

Time was called at 6:03 for all PAX to return their rocks to the pile and mosey to the Flagpole for 8 minute abs.

Completed a run around the tennis court in 40 seconds to round out 1 mile of running for the morning
Word on King Hezekiah and how to deal with aspects of our lives that are distracting us from a committed relationship with God.

2 Kings 18:3-7 – [Hezekiah] did what was right in the eyes of the Lord, just as his father David had done.  He removed the high places, smashed the sacred stones, and cut down the Asherah poles.  He broke into pieces the bronze snake Moses had made, for up to that time the Israelites had been burning incense to it.  Hezekiah trusted in the Lord, the God of Israel.  There was no one like him among all the kings of Judah, either before him or after him.  He held fast to the Lord and did not cease to follow him; he kept the commands the Lord had given Moses.  And the Lord was with him…


God wants a relationship and sometimes we’re unwilling to commit because of certain aspects of our lives that we’re afraid of being asked to let go of.  Remove your high places and smash your sacred stones.  God’s rewards will far outweigh what you’ll leave behind.