F3 Knoxville

99 Problems with a Buddy!

THE SCENE: nice but a little humid

took 2 times to repeat the disclaimer that I made up. No one was really buying in the first time so we repeated it for good measure. After all, its a legal statement right?


jog across Parking lot x2, Millenial run x2, Millenial Sprint x2

Line up for ROckettes x20. Capn Crunch had some rebels with him and we were a little out of sync so we started over.

20 squats all together in a line, perfecto!! Well a little wavy but pretty good for 37 dudes doing squats together

circle up for Merkins x10 IC, Monkey humpers x10 IC, and 10 Body builders OYO
99 Problems with a buddy

  • 99 star jacks
  • Run a 1/4 mile lap(roughly)
  • 99 merkins
  • Run a lap
  • 99 squats
  • run a lap
  • 99 Mtn climbers
  • Run a lap
  • 99 LBC
  • Run a lap
  • 99 CDD
  • Run a lap

For the guys that finished first, they partnered up with the guys that had not finished. As they partners , each pax counted their reps toward the 99 needed(Like DORAs) Once the said exercise was completed, the buddies ran the hill instead of a lap. Pretty much all pax ended up running the hill regardless of partnering up or not. Plunger helped me finish my Dry docks and he pushed me to sprint up the hill. Thanks Buddy!

Hello DOllys x10 IC

Boat, Catamaran, canoe

Flutters x10 IC

Side tri rises x10 IC
37 buddys gettin work done!
What is the mission of F3? To Plant, Grow, and serve small workout groups to invigorate male community leadership! Well, based on that and what I read on the survey,most guys don’t want to Q because they feel uncomfortable , I think F3 is a huge success in Knoxville but we can do better to invigorate male community leadership. We buddy up, yes. We push our selves physically, yes, but how much are we really pushing our brothers to be leaders in our community?

Well, if you look at the F3 nation website, it gives 10 things a new guy should know. #5 says Q a workout. By leading workout, it enables you to lead your peers. Lets all be more proactive in getting more men to Q, If you brought an FNG out and he has been posting on a regular basis, get him to Q. We need more positive peer pressure for guys to Q! Anybody can do it. If I can do it, anyone can!

I have Q’d several times. I like to Q and I like to sign up, BUT I get a lot of anxiety the night before and sometimes doubt myself. So why do I Q? I do it to challenge myself and get out of my comfort Zone. I am certainly good at one on one situations but put me in front of a bunch of my peers, men I look up to and respect tremendously and I get a bit of stage fright. I guess what I am saying is, if I can do it, so can you. If you have anxiety about leading a workout, then I think you should JUMP IN and Q! The only way we can get better is to do things we are not so good at. WHY did I or any F3 pax join F3? Well, we were looking for something different. Now that we are in F3 and for those that have been in F3 for a while, we need to evolve as the leaders we are meant to be. We need to put our big boy pants on and embrace the things we are not so comfortable with. More or less, Embrace the Suck or become a stale fish!

Hardship Hill this weekend!

A little training for Hardship Hill

THE SCENE: 58 degrees and humid



  • SSH IC x 20
  • Tempo Squats IC x 10
  • Cherry Pickers IC x 10
  • Merkins IC x 10


Set up a miniature obstacle course around the new path. Not sure the exact distance, but each lap was probably somewhere between 1/2 – 3/4 mile long. The objective was to put in some miles, so there were only 4 “obstacles” along the way.

  • 5 Dive Bombers
  • 10 Hand-release Merkins
  • 10 yard Crab Walk
  • 20 yard Bear Crawl up the hill

Ended up doing 4 laps.


  • Sweat Angels IC x 15
  • SSH IC x 10
  • Flutter Kicks IC x 20
  • SSH IC x 10
  • Finished off with some plank work


21 strong – 1 FNG (Contact)


Nothing groundbreaking – just have been reflecting on how F3 has impacted my life, how much each of these brothers means to me, and how God has used them in my life. I’m thankful for the opportunity to be around so many HIMs.

Also, a big shift for me in how I viewed F3 happened when I started Q’ing. By leading the group, I felt a sense of ownership and accountability that wasn’t present before. I cared more deeply about the other men, about the mission of F3, and it gave me confidence to push past my own comfort level. If it’s been a while since you’ve Q’d or if you’ve never Q’d before, there are so many guys that would love to help you to plan/execute a workout. It’s not only a great way to serve others, but it’s also a great way to grow as an individual and as a leader.

Suburban Assault

63 and Clear


Ruck the loop


Perform the following exercises for 3 minutes, AMRAP AFAP while maintaining form.  1 minute rest between sets:

  • 3x Ruck Thruster
  • 6x Merkins
  • 9x Squats
  • Rinse and repeat 3x

Ruck to Trade Joe’s and back.

Partner up and head to the hill next to the tennis court.


Ruck Crawls
Battle Buddy 1: Bear Crawl Alternating Ruck Pulls (Ruck underneath you. Bear crawl forward and pull ruck forward with right, then left arm, repeat) up the hill.  Then ruck sandbag around to parking lot and back up the trial to Battle Buddy 2.

Battle Buddy 2 perform the following until Battle Buddy 1 returns

  • Ruck Curls x15
  • Front-Loaded Squats x20
  • Upright Rows x20
  • Burpees (ruck off) x10

Each Battle Buddy takes 3 trips up the hill based on time.


Coupon Train
Battle Buddies ruck up and carry sandbags for one more trip around the loop.


4ct Flutter Kicks x30
Rinse and Repeat



We live in a culture that seems to be saturated with anger.  Lately, I’ve found myself falling victim to anger.  I did a quick search on what God has to say about it…it’s pretty convicting:

  • Proverbs 14:29
    He who is slow to anger has great understanding, but he who is quick-tempered exalts folly.
  • Proverbs 16:32
    He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he who rules his spirit, than he who captures a city.
  • Proverbs 17:27
    He who restrains his words has knowledge, and he who has a cool spirit is a man of understanding.
  • Proverbs 19:19
    A man of great anger will bear the penalty, for if you rescue him, you will only have to do it again.
  • Proverbs 19:11
    A man’s discretion makes him slow to anger, and it is his glory to overlook a transgression.
  • Proverbs 22:24
    Do not associate with a man given to anger; Or go with a hot-tempered man,
  • Proverbs 29:11
    A fool always loses his temper, but a wise man holds it back.
  • Proverbs 29:22
    An angry man stirs up strife, and a hot-tempered man abounds in transgression.
  • Ecclesiastes 7:9
    Do not be eager in your heart to be angry, for anger resides in the bosom of fools.
  • James 1:19-20
    This you know, my beloved brethren but everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger; for the anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of God.

Anger is different from zeal.

  • Zeal is associated with the righting of an injustice or passion for a righteous call.
  • Anger is a secondary emotion usually triggered by hurt, fear, shame or unmet expectation.

Anger can be openly aggressive, or simmer internally and leak out in passive aggressive behaviors.  Both are toxic to relationships, derail our efforts and cloud our mission.  Anger has no place in the life of HIMs.  Anger is disruptive and disconnects us from reason and vision.

I feel like the answer is to see anger for what it is, a symptom of something deeper.  Use your anger like a Check Engine light for your soul.  Ken Sande says, “Anger is most often a sign that one of your idols is being poked!”  That makes anger a helpful tool in personal growth and maturity.  When you find yourself stirred, take a moment and reflect on what it is that is upsetting you.  A question I ask myself is, “Why is ________________ a problem?” inserting whatever is bothering me in the blank.  More often than not my blank is filled with ego, pride and selfishness.  So I’m learning to use anger as tool to root those out and replace them with grace, humility and selflessness.  It’s not easy, but not much in life worth pursuing is.


Submitted by Cap’n Crunch

A Fifth of Fun

THE SCENE: really nice in the mid 60’s

We 10 SSH

Starting at AO with 10 burpees, 20 merkins and 20 squats. Moseyed through park stopping 14 more times for the same. We did 150 burpees, 300 merkins and 300 squats for 750 total reps (hence the workout name).

15 crunchy frogs 4-count IC

20 cross leg sit-ups

20 plank jacks 4-count IC
10 men
This sucked big time. We were going to do it OYO but decided we would be able to push each other through the high reps if we stayed together. You won’t always have someone there pushing you to take care of business. Often at work or home you have no motivation to take care of your responsibilities but it must be done. Dig down in yourself and find the motivation to move forward.

Thanks to Woodshack, Pinnochio and Umbro for joining me on a ruck to the educator for 5 rounds up with 15 coffin sit-ups and 15 plank jacks.

Around and around we go

THE SCENE: cool and comfortable

  • 2 laps around the parking lot
  • windmills
  • rockettes
  • tempo squats
  • tempo merkins

4 corners – increasing #’s for each of the below exercises 5, 10, 15 and 20 followed by running up the hill w/2 burpees at the top

  • wide merkins
  • LBC
  • CDD
  • squats
  • narrow merkins
  • iron mikes
  • flutter kicks
  • narrow squats
  • hello dolly
  • diamond merkins

merkin/bear crawl across parking lot and lunge back with a twist at each lunge

20 PAX
own what you need to own.  Don’t do a non-apology apology.  Be honest and transparent with people.  Have integrity and admit when you’ve messed up.  we all mess up and will again.  don’t be too big to ask for forgiveness