F3 Knoxville

Death of the IPC

AO: the-equalizer
Q: Blindside
PAX: Stripped, Ice Cold, Unibráu (Nick Robinson), Utah, Snowbird, Blindside
FNGs: None
Cherry Pickers IC x5 | LBAC each way IC x10

IPC 2023 Week 4
There were Murder Bunnies, Bear Crawls, Thrusters, WW3 Situps, etc.

Fellowship Mosey back to AO

Shamrock Shovel-Flag handoff Sept. 29th

Successful people do what unsuccessful people are not willing to do. Don’t wish it were easier, work on being better

What Gets Us Emotionally

AO: asylum-pm
Q: Lilydipper (John Neece)
PAX: Unibráu (Nick Robinson), Tenderfoot, Slabs, Simmons (Justin Creasey), Pusher, Lizzy, Abacus (Erik Ella), Swimmies (Nathan Chesney), Brick (Chris Tittle), Drum Major (Mike Johnston), Curveball P (Dave Purcell), Crash Dummy, F6 (Tim Pope), Appleseed (Jon Smith), Rooney (Carl Whipple), Glamper, Lilydipper (John Neece), Bunker, Owen Smith (Bruce Lee), Konnor Glass (Splat)
FNGs: 2 Owen Smith (Bruce Lee), Konnor Glass (Splat)
WARMUP: 20 Side-Straddle Hops, 10 Twistees, Run to Tree and Back, 10 Cherry Pickers, 10 Tennessee Rocking Chairs, Run Down Steps by Bat Cave and Back, 10 Burpees, 10 Tempo Squats, 10 Baby Arm Circles Forward and Backward, Little of This and That
THE THANG: Mosey to Steps of Admin Bldg. 20 Merkins and Calve Raises
Mosey to Circular Drive Area Southeast of Admin Bldg. 20 Carolina Dry Docks and 20 American Hammers.
Mosey across field to the Caribbean Parking Lot. Do three sets of 15 Merkins at any time on the way. Those getting to Caribbean Parking Lot first circle back to pick up the six.
We will go the following counterclockwise around the parking lot:
• Sprint for three islands, then do 20 Big Boy Sit-ups.
• Bernie for two islands, then do 20 Hello Dollies.
• Karaoke Right for two islands, then do 20 Flutter Kicks
• Karaoke Left for two islands, then do 20 Freddie Mercuries
• Mosey back to start.
• Rinse and repeat.
Mosey to the shaded parking lot across the street from ball fields parking lot. We will run counterclockwise around the lot stopping at each corner to do 5 Shoulder Taps (both shoulders)
Mosey to the Haslam Rock. We will have a 20 second gander at the river and mountains.
Mosey to Shady Tree. We will do 20 Squats.
Mosey to AO, then go down steps by bat cave, run to summit of Mt. Everest, run up and then head back to AO.

MARY: 10 V-Ups, 20 Box Cutters, Stretching
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Be looking for another chance to serve with clean up at Asylum.
COT: Prayers for Curveball’s father who has a variety of serious health issues as well as Curveball and his family. Prayers for Curveball’s friend, Mary, who has breast cancer and will require a double mastectomy. Prayers for all students starting into college and their parents such as Abacus’ daughter, Abacus, and his wife. Prayers of praise for the healing of a long-term rift between some of Tenderfoot’s family members.

Back to School Bash at the Bathhouse

AO: the-equalizer
Q: Bookman (Oscar Hemmelgarn)
PAX: Ribbed (Joshua Sagraves), Stripped (Carter Cross), Unibráu (Nick Robinson), Utah (David Angel), Matlock (Bill Maddox), Cat Gut (Mike Davis), Russell Crook/Crablegs, Woodpecker, Madoff (Daniel Hereford), Snitch (Cory Beilharz ), mouthwash (Mike), Sawdust, Snowbird (Nick Wilson), Bunny, Bookman (Oscar Hemmelgarn), Lilo (I swear he was on Slack a while back), None
FNGs: 1 None
– 20 SSHs
– 4 Cherry Pickers
– 15 Gradycorns
– 10 Rockettes

Mosey to bathhouse

Tha Thang:
– Burpees 8 x 20sec on, 10sec rest
– 40 SSHs
– 30 sec rest

– Merkins 8 x 20sec on, 10sec rest
– SSHs for 1 mins
– 30 sec rest

– Squats 8 x 20sec on, 10sec rest
– SSHs
– 30 sec rest

– Lunges 8 x 20sec on, 10sec rest
– SSHs
– 30 sec rest

– Flutterkicks 8 x 20sec on, 10sec rest
– SSHs
– 30 sec rest

– LBCs 8 x 20sec on, 10sec rest
– SSHs
– 30 sec rest

– Wall Sits 8 x 20sec on, 10sec rest

Fellowship Mosey to Shovelflag

MARY: None.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Poker night at Voodoo 8/17. See Crableg’s note f3knoxville.slack.com/archives/C01EK08G6FQ/p1691414358333559
Flag handoff on 9/1! Be THERE.
COT: Prayers for favor for Ribbed’s family and the SSA and Everett’s successful procedure

We can’t solve everything ourselves. Trust in your faith, yourself, and your people. When things get too intense or chaotic, you seem confused or frustrated, break it back down to basics to help move forward. Be grateful for what you have and the experiences you are going through at this moment and in the past.

What’s behind DORA number 1?

AO: the-equalizer
Q: Stripped (Carter Cross)
PAX: Blindside (Davis Bodie), Snowbird (Nick Wilson), Ribbed (Joshua Sagraves), mouthwash (Mike), Stripped (Carter Cross), Snitch (Cory Beilharz ), Headgear, Unibráu (Nick Robinson)
FNGs: None

SSH IC | Grady Corns IC
SSH IC | Windmills IC
SSH IC | Rockettes IC

Mosey to the flag pole (CW). Partner up for DORA. Partner A runs CW lap while Partner B performs exercise at flag pole. Move on to next exercise when cumulative reps are completed.
100 Lunges (each leg)
200 Squats
300 4Ct StepUps

Elevens – Calf raises. Bridges at flag circle

Bend down & grab toes
Sit squat



The lord is your shepard

AO: the-equalizer
Q: Ribbed (Joshua Sagraves)
PAX: Unibráu (Nick Robinson), Madoff (Daniel Hereford), Potato Head (Bryant Blackwelder), Swimmies (Nathan Chesney), High Heels (Henry Ritchie), Nugget (Connor Cliburn), Snitch (Cory Beilharz )
FNGs: None
1 tempo squat

Station 1 – The Playground:
Exercise 1: Merkins
Exercise 2: Squats
Exercise 3: Mountain Climbers

Station 2 – The Gloom:
Exercise 1: Burpees
Exercise 2: Lunges (alternating legs)
Exercise 3: Plank Jacks

Station 3 – The Murph:
Exercise 1: Jumping Jacks Exercise 2: Tricep Dips
Exercise 3: Bicycle Crunches

Station 4 – The Slaughterhouse: Exercise 1: High Knees
Exercise 2: Step-ups
Exercise 3: American Hammers

Station 5 – The IronPAX:
Exercise 1: Plank Hold
Exercise 2: V-Up’s
Exercise 3: Flutter Kicks

Partner A starts at Station 1 performing push-ups while Partner B runs to Station 2.
Partner B performs burpees at Station 2 while Partner A runs back to Station 1.
Partners switch places, with Partner B now doing push-ups and Partner A running to Station 2.
Repeat steps 1-3 for Stations 3, 4, and 5, ensuring both partners have a chance to run and perform each exercise.
hot yoga with ribbed
F3 in the Nude Next Saturday
PaxMiner goes live Monday
Psalm 23
“The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
He makes me lie down in green pastures.
He leads me beside still waters.
He restores my soul.
He leads me in paths of righteousness
for his name’s sake.

Even though I walk through the valley
of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
they comfort me.

You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies;
you anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
all the days of my life,
and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord