F3 Knoxville

Back to the Basics

  • THE SCENE: 40 degrees and cloudy.  Much warmer morning than previous
  • SSH IC x15
  • a little Michael Phelps
  • Tempo squats IC X10
  • a little of this and that


Route 66-11 cones set up along the road.  1st cone 1 rep and add 1rep after each cone.  Last cone will be 11 reps last cone.  66 total reps per excercise.

1st round – Burpees, 2nd round – squats, 3rd round-merkins

  • Mosey to Materdorn (horn?).  7s 1 rep (jump squat) bottom and to light pole 6 reps (Carolina dry docs).  Back to bottom 2 reps and back to light pole 5 reps.  Always a total of 7s Rinse and repeat.  Finish when 6 reps on bottom and 1 up top.
  • Finished with sprint to top of hill.
  • mosey to road.  Suicides 1st round 50% to 1st light pole and 100% to 2nd pole.  2nd round Bernie sanders suicides.
  • Mosey to another hill.  Crab walk or lunges to top and finish with 20 sit-ups.  Back down and lunges Or crabwalk to top finish with 10 sit-ups.
  • Back to AO.  Finish with 25x flutter kicks

17 PAX

As someone who has struggled with depression I challenge all HIMs to seek those who may struggle with these disease.  A lot of times you may not realize they are going thru this.  So this holiday season talk to your family, friends, co-workers, and your kids.  Say hello to those you may not necessarily hang out or talk to.  A simple hello can be such a powerful gesture.  If someone you suspect is going thru depression invite them to church or an F3 workout.  I have been blessed to have been led to  F3 knoxville.

Inner city 2.0 workout this Sunday at 2pm at the Wesley house.  All F3 and non-F3 guys welcome.  See Tank for further information.

No Phish, Just Embracing My Inner Singing Cowboy in the Clouds with EDM Playing in the Background

THE SCENE: Warm 32 Farenheit
Warm up

Round the clock merkins x 5

High knees and butt kickers

squat and stretch

Some stuff on your own

That’s it, we got to it.

Insert information about the workout.

  • Mosey to track, 15 merkins IC, 1 Lap as fast as possible, Flutters after IC
  • Mosey to Indoor Rink, Lunge across, 10 burp skurps (burpees), 2 rounds of sprints
  • Indian run to the big hill (MatterEverest?), IC merkins, superman swims, and Flutters IC, Then we charged the hill
  • At the top, more swims, flutters, and merkins
  • Mosey to the base of the Tavern, 2 rounds of 5 turkish getups each leg with a trip to the rock (Now named Icculus), 50 calf raises, and some Hello Dollys IC
  • Mosey back to AO
    MARY: We saiddddd naaaaahhhhhh to Mary today. We got no time for her today.
    20….. Where was this last time?
    It is good to remember that often, ideas have people, not that people have ideas. Be careful when making decisions to avoid falling into the trap of attempting to justify decisions after making them.

    Come out to The Wesley House Sunday and exercise with some young lads. Football is over and I know none of you watch hockey, so come out der.


THE SCENE:  54 and gloomy

Imperial Walkers x 15 IC
Windmills x 15 IC
Cherry Pickers x 15 IC
SSH x 15 IC
Mountain Climbers x 15 IC
Plank Jacks x 15 IC
Squat x 15 IC
   Burpees x 5
   Lunge each leg x 10
   Imperial Walker x 15
   Merkins x 20
   Plank Jacks x 25
   Squats x 30


Quads v. Abs
Outhouse Mosey to across-the-street
Squat / Slap Ground / Jump x 10 OYO
Inchworm 20 yards
LBC x 25 IC
Duck Walk 20 yards
Chinook Squats – Chinook Arm Circles x 3 / Squat x 15 OYO
Ice Skaters x 20
WWII Sit-up x 15
Ice Skaters x 20
Copperhead Squat x 15
Karaoke Right Face 20 yards
Superman/Banana x 10 IC
Karaoke Left Face 20 yards
Gorilla Humpers – Wide Monkey Humper x 15
Backwards Run 20 yards
American Hammer x 20 IC
Fire Hydrants x 15 Each Leg IC
Frog Jump 20 yards
Rosalita x 20 IC
Frog Jump 20 yards
Happy Jacks – SSH x 5 / Jump Squat x 2
Inchworm 20 yards
Mosey back to AO

Shoulder Blasters
Just a quick story and encouragement around planning for the unexpected.
We worked a few exercises that the men hadn’t seen in a while – kept everybody moving so there was little standing around.  I was glad to hear the mumblechatter this morning…
See you Saturday for the Convergence at the Asylum 7am!

Halloween Special

THE SCENE:   42 – cool & crisp



  • SSH x 30
  • 5 Merkins IC
  • This/That stretch
  • Cherry Picker


Halloween special.  PAX got to choose either a Trick or a Treat at each location.   Exercise performed depended on what the PAX chose.  I have to give credit where it’s due, the whole “Trick or Treat” thing was fun but it wasn’t an original idea.  I borrowed it from P-Nut, who did this for last year’s Halloween workout!  Good ideas are worth repeating, thanks P-Nut!

  1.  AO Parking lot
    • Frankenstein lunges to the speed bump & back
    • Creepy Crawlers to speed bump & back
    • Trick or Treat #1:  Shock & Awe Thruster Merkins (10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1)
  2. Mosey to steep hill by the boats
    • Trick or Treat #2:  7’s on the Hill.   Burpees at the top / Squat Jumps at bottom
  3. Mosey to Matterhorn
    • Trick or Treat #3:  Suicides up the hill
      • Round 1:  Broad jump up & bear crawl down
      • Round 2:  Bernie Sanders up & bear crawl down
      • After 2 rounds complete Bernie Sanders all the way up & complete 10 Merkins and 3 Burpees OYO


  • Trick or Treat #4
    • Hello Dolly x 25 IC
    • American Hammers x 15 IC
    • Peter Parker

18 strong including 1 FNG:  Coolio, Abacus, Tweet-E, Shooter, Tank, Bueller, Rainfly, Heisenberg, Flute Loop, Underhand, Detention, Peach Fuzz, Frenchie, Butters, Vanilla (FNG), Junk, Sparky, Bartman

BOM was more of a public service announcement:  today is Halloween which means kids will be Trick or Treating tonight.  Please be safe and drive slow as it gets dark this evening.  Watch out for little kids walking around neighborhoods and remember to check your kids’ candy before giving it to them.

Great to see Tank back in action after several weeks on the sideline.   Welcome back brother!


  1. Saturday’s 2 year F3 Knoxville anniversary has been moved to First Baptist Concord gym due to weather.  This will mean less opportunity to cook-out so remember to bring a dish.   Also, remember to vote for the F3 awards – Tank will be posting something on GroupMe for those who haven’t voted.
  2. Saturday will be a Convergence workout at the Asylum at 7:00 to celebrate the 2 year anniversary of F3 in Knoxville.   Cap’n Crunch and Ratchet will be leading so bring your heart rate monitors!  On 2nd thought, you may just want to leave the HR monitors at home….with those two on Q you’ll probably be scared of the numbers you see.