F3 Knoxville

Escalator by the sun

AO: bigball
Q: Wedding Singer
PAX: Postman (Scott Colby), Swanson, vanilla, G-6 (Rick Kuhlman), PDA (Joe Mynatt)
FNGs: None

WARMUP: (All in cadence)
15 SSH
10 Baby Arm Circles
10 Rockettes
10 Hillbillies
10 Seal Claps
Michael Phelps OYO

@Sunsphere Stairs
Do the following exercises OYO with a run up the stairs in between:
10 pull ups
20 Burpees
30 MTN Climbers 4 ct
40 Flutter Kicks
50 T Merkins
60 Big Boys
70 Squats
80 SSH

Each Pax led favorite ab exercise:
Pickle pounders
Hello Dollies
Flutter Kicks
Right Center Left Center LBCs
Static stretching
G6 is going with a group from the cross to Pikeville KY Fri- Monday and asked for prayer

Wedding Singer has toe surgery next week and will greatly miss being able to exercise for the next 6- 10 weeks.

LMU Circuit and Coupons

AO: bigball
Q: Drive-thru (Mikel Towe)
PAX: vanilla, G-6 (Rick Kuhlman), Swanson, Drive-thru (Mikel Towe), Cowabunga, Escobar
FNGs: None
Run up to LMU for circuit
Apollo Ohnos
Left center right centers

Mosey back to coupon pile
1.5 minutes of:
Skull crushers
Chest press
Front raise

Ab Circle
COT: Be kind and reach out to those struggling.

IPC Week 2

AO: bigball
Q: Magic Mic (Jarrett Woodall)
PAX: Swanson, Drive-thru (Mikel Towe), Huffy (Ken Hill), Postman (Scott Colby), Passport (Ryan Matthews), vanilla, Graham Cracker, Jenner (Matt Pfeiffer), FixerUpper, Cornhole (Stephen Puplampu), John Deere
FNGs: None
IPC Week 2: BDE Mile

45min AMRAP
400-meter track with 100-meter increments clearly visible

The Thang
The workout begins when the timer starts
400-meter lap
5 BDE burpees
400-meter lap
5 BDE merkins
Repeat until time is called.

Total number of meters rounded down to the closest 100 when time is called.
For example, if time is called and you are running between 4800 and 4900 meters, your score is 4800 meters.

BDE Burpee. Burpee – bonnie blair – squat. That’s 1.
BDE Merkins: Hand release merkin – touch right knee to right elbow – hand release merkin – touch left knee to left elbow – hand release merkin. That’s 1. Question? See the video.

Forg3 2023 Tour: Big Ball AO

The Scene 

  • Big Ball AO
  • 5:30am – 6:30M
  • Humid

F3 Welcome + Disclaimer

  • Welcome to F3: Fitness – Fellowship – Faith 
  • My name is Steam and I’ll be your Q this morning – alongside my Co-Q later this morning – Onstar!
  • A few things before we begin: 
    • I’m not a professional 
    • You’re here on your own volition
    • You know your injuries if you have any so if you need to modify anything we do today feel free to do so, but push yourselves and the men around you. They deserve it and so do you. 
  • FNGs?

(Breakdown: Steam: 5:30 – 5:50 / Onstar: 5:50 – 6:15)


  • SSH: 10×4
  • TN Rocking Chair: 10×4
  • Rockette: 10×4
  • Imperial Walker: 10×4
  • Man-Maker: 5×8

The Thang 

(What went down during the workout)

(Mosey to the Big Ball Base)

(1) Nickel – Dime – Quarter

  • 3 POC
    • Base: 5 Incline Merkins (1ct)
    • 1st plateau: 10 squats (1ct)
    • Top plateau: 25 LBCs
  • Rinse and repeat 2x – for a total completion of 3 rounds 
  • Round 1 — 1 count
  • Round 2 — 4 count 
  • Round 3 — All levels are 25 reps on a 1 count

(Hand off to Onstar to 5:50)

Mosey to the bridge (“long way”)
25 BBS at the bridge
Mosey to the amphitheater, bernie up behind it, mosey down and into it.

Battle buddy up:
1 runs up steps and does 10 rows
1 performs reps
200 squats
150 derkins
100 lunges (two-count)
100 dips
100 step ups

Mosey back to AO

COT (Circle of Trust)

Count Off

  • 10

Name o Rama

  • Onstar, Kickflip. Postman, Magic Mic, Vanilla, Steam, G-6, Ariel, Orkin


  • Donald Partin –> Dolly

Word — Forg3 Invitation 

  • Forge (v.) – to shape and mold into a new condition, by heating in a fire / to move forward gradually and steadily.
  • Forg3 is a weekend retreat created for F3 men, by F3 men. 
  • Forg3 (n.) – an invigorating 40-hour weekend retreat to challenge and encourage F3 men in their pursuit of high impact manhood. You can expect to engage with other men in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd F sessions, to better understand who you are, whose you are, and the High Impact Man God has called you to be. You’ll have opportunities throughout the weekend to seek adventure, to rest, and to sharpen iron with other F3 men physically, mentally, emotionally, relationally, and spiritually.


(Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements)


Big Ballers Leg Blasters

THE SCENE: Cool and gloomy. Perfect for a beatdown

SSH, Arm Circles, ‘Round Towns, ‘Round-the-Worlds, Temp Merkins, Tempo Squats, Cherry Pickers, Don Quixotes
Insert information about the workout.

    • 100 Merkins
    • 200 Squats
    • 300 Flutter Kicks
  • 7s
    • Dippy Birds
    • Star Jacks
  • Ring-of-Fire Squats to 7

Shaking out the lactic build up in our legs.
Soot, Vanilla, Fixer-Upper, Walrus, Stout (downrange from F3 Davidson)
We need to exercise our skills, wisdom, and leadership. Get out and grow!
Pray for PAX and families who have recently experienced the loss of loved ones.