F3 Knoxville


AO: asylum-pm
Q: Lilydipper
PAX: Crawdad (Robbi Dickens), Mermaid, Pele (Jon Lindberg), High Heels, Steam, lebowski, Choir Boy, Veggie (Rylen Huddy), Jumbo(Carter Dickens), Borg, Toretto, Mr Jinxy
FNGs: None
WARMUP: 20 Side Straddle Hops, 10 Tempo Merkins, 10 Burpees, 10 Tempo Squats, Curly Stompers, 7 Twistees, 5 Pterodactyls Forward, 5 Pterodactyls Backward

THE THANG: Mosey to the Pavilion. We will do 11s starting with 10 Picnic Table Pull-Ups and 1 Bench Up.
Mosey to the Playground. We will do 7s starting with 6 Bench Jumps and 1 Decline Merkin.
Mosey to the parking lot with the nice restrooms. We will stop to do 15 American Hammers.
Mosey to driveway that goes toward soccer fields. We will do 15 Flutter Kicks.
Mosey to the newer parking lot by the soccer fields. We will run in a Candy Cane route 1 ½ way around the parking lot, stopping at each crosswalk to do an exercise. Whoever finishes the exercises at the end of the Candy Cane first sweeps everyone back to the start. Here are the exercises we will do with each run:
20 Hello Dollies
20 Bobby Hurleys
10 Dive Bombers
10 Shoulder Taps (both shoulders = 1)
Mosey on the sidewalk that is east of the Outdoor Chapel toward the Caribbean Parking Lot. We will stop halfway to do 15 Freddie Mercurys, then mosey on to the Caribbean.
We will do another Candy Cane run, stopping at three cones to do exercises. The brother who completes the exercises at the third cone first should sweep everyone back. With each exercise we will Bernie Sanders to the first cone, Skip to the second cone, and High Knees to the third cone.
Here are the exercises we will do with each round:
20 Diamond Merkins
20 Wide Merkins
20 Carolina Dry Docks
Mosey toward AO parking lot by going past pavilion. We will stop near gate of parking lot to pick up CMU size boulder. We will do 15 Overhead Presses.
Mosey to the AO.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Two OTB sites kick off next week. The 1st is a ruck-based AO on Mondays at West Hills Park from 5:30 am to 6:30 am. The 2nd is a PM workout from 6:00 pm to 6:45 pm at Bluegrass Elementary. The KARM Dragon Boat Festival is June 15.

COT: The spirit of God is indwelling within us. It is as if God’s pure spirit drifts into our pores. Wrap you mind around that concept, of the spirit of God being within you. When I think upon it, it certainly leads me to desire to be a High Impact Man. Sometimes I feel so far away from the Spirit of God. I feel sluggish, like one feels when they wake up first thing in the morning. I might drink a fine cup of coffee and when I do, I can feel my brain cells start waking up. It’s like ping, ooh that felt good, that braincell just came alive, ping, things are getting a little clearer, ping, yeah, I am starting to get the picture. If I picture the Spirit of God within me, it’s like that good coffee waking me up. Ping, yeah, I can help my fellow man, ping, I’m going to put a smile on my face today, ping, I’m gonna tell my wife how much I love her, ping, I’m going to help that older man get up the curb, ping, I’m going to get involved in a service project, ping, I’m going to make someone’s day brighter today.
My message: wrap your mind around the Spirit of God working within you. Try to picture it and see what it does for you. Picture God’s holiness, purity and strength within you. You might just feel God sinking into your pores and waking up your brain cells. And when that happens, it’s a mighty good thing.

In Honor of PFC Clinton Riddle

AO: asylum-daybreak
Q: Waffle House (Brady Greene)
PAX: Brick, Drum Major, Pusher, Lulu (Greg Huddy), Choir Boy, Jumbo(Carter Dickens), Veggie (Rylen Huddy), Crawdad (Robbi Dickens)
FNGs: None

Shoulder blaster





Plunging Into the New Year

AO: asylum-daybreak
Q: Lilydipper , High Heels (Henry Ritchie), Charmin (John Willis)
PAX: OnStar, Rainbow, F6, High Heels, Veggie (Rylen Huddy), Crawdad (Robbi Dickens), Matlock (Bill Maddox), Choir Boy, Dung Beetle, Gibbler, Charmin (John Willis), Jumbo(Carter Dickens), Pusher, Pele (Jon Lindberg), Drum Major, lebowski, Tropicana, P3, Scully, Honeydew, Tenderfoot, Lilydipper
FNGs: None
WARMUP: Charmin had us doing all kinds of things that unnerved us before even getting to The Thang.
THE THANG: Charmin took us to three different pavilions where we were crushed with his mesmerizing and crushing exercises. We took CMU size boulders to the first pavilion and he made us raise and swing those things around until are arms could no longer take it.
High-Heels took over after the third pavilion of exercises by Charmin. High-Heels took us to the Caribbean parking lot where we ran from 6 o’clock counter clockwise to 9 o’clock stopping at 3, 12 and 9 o’clock to do various exercises. We did this about a million times until we were barely breathing. Lilydipper took us from there back to the 1st Pavilion to grab those doggone boulders that Charmin wore us out with. We had to go to the AO parking lot and team up for Doras. Partners did exercises with the dagnab boulders while the other ran around the parking lot, a heaving and a bursting with air until partners traded places. We weren’t done after we put the boulders back. Lily made us run various sprints (Bernie, High Knees, etc.) until we had stumble to the pavilion for the BOM.
MARY: We were so beat down what we didn’t have the time nor ability to do the Mary.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Convergence at Big Ball on January 20!!
COT: Message: Plunging Into The New Year
Why do we this F3 Thing for another doggone year
1. It is completely stupid
2. It involves community.
3. It is a line of demarcation.
4. It is acceptance of pain.
5. It is release.
6. It is invigoration.
7. It is celebration.
Also, prayers for F6 on vocational search, prayers for those heading back to school or college, and praise for the health of Matlock’s nephew, John.

You Need to Let Go to Take On Something New

AO: asylum-daybreak
Q: CRISPR (David Smelser)
PAX: Choir Boy (Kenny Saffles), Veggie (Rylen Huddy), F6 (Tim Pope), lebowski, Matlock (Bill Maddox), Lulu (Greg Huddy), CRISPR (David Smelser), Dung Beetle (Scott Kimsey), Brick (Chris Tittle), Swimmies (Nathan Chesney), Qbert (Bob Buckner), Jumbo(Carter Dickens)
FNGs: None
WARMUP: SSH, cherry pickers, rockettes, this and that, imperial walkers

25x step up, pull up, dip, incline merkin, rocky balboa, SSH, imperial walker, squat, then 20, 15, 10, 5

LT Dan down the parking lot, then merkins up the dragon, some squat ring of fire, imperial walkers down the dragon, core 4 around the parking lot, and ending with some rounds of William Wallace.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: 2nd F at Abacas tonight, choir boy family travels

COT: I’ve been struggling with Heroic Individualism as defined by Brad Stulberg. My intent had been to do Words based on his book The Practice of Groundedness, but life got in the way and couldn’t prepare a Word for this Q. Actually, heroic individualism got in the way. I had an opportunity to do some professional development that would be amazing and a big resume builder. But it’d be a huge commitment and require a massive amount of time. My wife and I chatted and she asked what I’d have to give up to take something like that on? What’s less important in my life right now that I could replace it with this opportunity? Her, the kids, work, F3, church, etc? Turns out she’s right and I have no more time to give, or at least that much time for that level of commitment.

Everything has an opportunity cost. Taking something on might mean not taking something on lad or perhaps having to let go or step back from something you’re already doing. There is only so much time available to you, so while you may want to take on all the amazing opportunities that come your way, but choose wisely so you don’t over burden yourself to a point you’re half doing everything and losing focus on those things that matter most.