F3 Knoxville

Top to Bottom

THE SCENE: Clear skies, 35 degrees F., 78% humidity.

SSH, Knees to Chest, Arms across Body, Quad Stretch, Arm Circles (1st Forward, 2nd Backward), Spine Openers (two rounds)

Bear Crawl and Crab Crawl across the grinder.


Top to Bottom 21-15-9

Dry Dogs – Merkins – Shoulder Taps (perform 21, 15, and then 9 of the three exercises in sequence)

Run a Lap (about 1/4 mile)

Hollow Holds (30 seconds) – Tuck Ups – WWII Situps (perform 21, 15, and then 9 of the three exercises in sequence)

Run a Lap (about 1/4 mile)

Step Ups – Air Squats – Iron Mikes (perform 21, 15, and then 9 of the three exercises in sequence)

Run a Lap (1/4 mile


Did THA- THANG until time was up
9 total HIMs including three FNGs.  Welcome Peach, Shorthorn, and Walk-On
The sweet spot is often utilized in business training sessions.  It is the area of intersections of three circles.  An example of the three circles might be 1.) What We Want, 2.) What They Want, and 3.) What We Can Do.  The sweet spot, where the three circles intersect, is the place of mutual benefit and capability for the parties.  There has been another example floating around lately.  It has to do with COVID 19.  The three circles are People taking COVID 19 seriously, People worried about expansion of authoritarian government policies, and People very concerned about impending economic devastation.  In this case the sweet spot is ME.  That is the place where I am during this time in history.  I don’t want to let any one of the circles to be bigger than the others and I want the sweet spot to be as big as possible.  I think all three issues are huge problems and all three need to be balanced in thought and efforts.  There certainly has been a lot of air time given to the treating this flu seriously as there is a lot of effort going toward opening up the economy.  An area that lagged the attention I believe it needed was the overstretch of government rules and regulations.  It has gained some steam with protesters showing up in various places around our country.

The three circles devoted to COVID 19 would get me on my pulpit in social media and I used to to make my point.  At least I did use it.  Not any more.  Now when I thing about it I think that Jesus is the one I should be concerned about.  I should not worry about government officials exerting too much on me.  I need to let Him exert His authority over my life.  Do I let His light shine on me, in me, and through me to others? That is what Jesus wants.  That needs to be all I want.
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Remembering Bill

THE SCENE: Dark, mostly cloudy, 71 degrees F, 93% humidity

SSH, Imperial squat walkers, Peter Parkers, Little baby arm circles. Mosey to the bottom of Waxjob Hill.


Waxjob Hill 7’s

Burpees at the bottom

Bear crawl up hill

4 count flutter kicks at the top

Run down to the bottom

CMU SET at the Grinder

x12 each (or as noted) competed sequentially.

Bent Rows, Swings, Triceps Extensions, Upright Rows, Squat Press, Curls, On The Shelf (6 per side), Lawn Mower Pulls (12 per arm)

Run down path to junction with Alcoa Road

Calisthenics at Alcoa Road

x12 each completed sequentially.

Merkins, WWII Sit-ups, Shoulder Taps (4 count), Iron Mikes, Dry Docks, SSH (4 count), Get Ups, Body Builders (8 count)

Run back to Grinder and continue AMRAP.  Most completed two rounds.

Push Pull

Completed two rounds of 10 Pull Ups and 10 Box Jumps.

Protractors, Box cutters, LBCs.

Total of 21 HIMs including 1 FNG (Mitten – Mike Hanlon).  Good to have a couple back at the Bomb Shelter after a break.


April 1974, after touring Alcoa’s TN Operations, I was sitting across from Bill Mueller. He offered me a job prior to my flight back to Beaumont and the last few months of college. He is the reason I moved my wife to East TN two weeks after our marriage. Bill was a good manager. He wasn’t flashy. He was kind. He was giving. He had high expectations. He was a teacher. He had my back. He went before me. He protected me when engineering layoffs came in 1975. I wasn’t one of 7 mechanical engineers let go.
Bill’s personal life was tough. His wife Donna fought brain cancer for several years and the surgeries and radiation left her with significant mental and physical limitations. Bill pulled extra duty raising their three children.  He never complained. He only provided his love, patience, and care. He was devoted to Donna, Jeff, Julie, and Jayne.
Bill gave himself to Habitat in his retirement and has over 100 builds under his belt. His final one was called the Bill Mueller Build. Bill died last Saturday at the age of 91 and was buried yesterday.
I use Bill as an example of someone who has gone before me. Someone who has made my path straighter and less difficult. We all have these kind of people in our lives. Sometimes we realize it. Many times we don’t.  As Cap’n Crunch said after our F3 Convergence, “we all need Paul’s in our life.”  Bill Mueller was one for me.
Today I encourage us all to reflect on the Bill Muellers in our lives and to give thanks. Better yet, if your Bill Mueller is still alive, call him up and let him know just how much he means to you.
Prayers for Daniel, a friend of Flash, as he give the eulogy at a funeral tomorrow.  Prayer for guidance, reconciliation in next steps as one of our HIMs faces the prospect of divorce.
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Round and round they go…

THE SCENE: Warm and humid

  • LBAC, forward/back x10 IC
  • 20 SSH IC
  • 8 ct. body builder x10 IC

THA-THANG: 3 Round Dora (Run small lap between each round)

  • 250 Calf jumps     Partner: Bernie to Scrap Yard, 5 pull-ups
  • 150 Merkins
  • 100 Squats with CMU
  • 200 CMU Bent Row,       Skip for height to Scrap Yard, 10 Iron mikes (1ct)
  • 100 Peter Parker (2ct.)
  • 100 BBS
  • 100 Dry Dock           Skip for distance, 15 dips
  • 100 Squat Jumps
  • 50 Shoulder Taps (4ct)


  • Salsa for the winners:
  • 30 LBCs 
  • 30 Plank Jacks (2ct) 
  • 15 WW2 sit-up 
  • 30 OH Press with CMU  
  • 10 burpees 

MARY: Around Circle CMU Hammers. Around the Circle Plank



We can all come out here to work on our physical weakness, but we also have weaknesses that we cannot personally overcome. Paul suffered from a “thorn in the flesh” and Christ’s words to him are something we must also apply: 2Cor. 12:9 My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. Paul’s response should be our response: I will boast in my weakness so Christ’s power rests on me.


I threw myself a 38th birthday party at the Bomb Shelter…

THE SCENE: Cool and comfortable

-15 Little baby arm circles, both directions

-10 Cherry pickers

-20 SSH


Partner up. One man does 38 reps, while the other executes the CMU work.

-CMU lift and tricep extension

38 Merkins

-CMU twists

38 Big boys

-Squat and press with CMU

38 WW2’s

-CMU chest press

38 burpees

-CMU curls

38 Dry docks

One mile cool off mosey around the park, finish strong with overhead claps and merkins
Sake, Tin Man, Snorkel, Neighbor, RadioShack, Moses, Taco, Hammy, Napster, Flash, Pinnochio, Espy, Walk-On, Woodshack

You may not always think about it but you put off an aroma. People around you notice it, be guided by 2 Cor., 15-17 and make your aroma, the thing people notice about you, positive and Christ-like

2 Corinthians 2:15-17 English Standard Version (ESV)

15 For we are the aroma of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing, 16 to one a fragrance from death to death, to the other a fragrance from life to life. Who is sufficient for these things? 17 For we are not, like so many, peddlers of God’s word, but as men of sincerity, as commissioned by God, in the sight of God we speak in Christ.

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