F3 Knoxville

Deck of Pain

AO: juco
Q: Dart Gun
PAX: Windex, Mailbox, Butterknife, Lt. Dan, Waffles, Wanderer, Guardrail, Dart Gun
FNGs: None
Harry Rockets IC
Cherry Pickers IC

As an anniversary of my first beatdown…we utilized Trolley’s Deck of Pain that takes us on a tour of JUCO.

We drew cards and enjoyed the consequences of moseying at a 5k pace between stops and partaking in the various exercises.

Flutter Kicks IC


Alright guys we’re going to do something a little different.

We’ll go around the circle one by one and I want you to tell me what your net worth is.

Now that you’ll all taken a deep breath and uttered ‘yeah right’ …I’ll tell you mine
– I feel wealthy because of my eternal riches in Christ!

What you probably all thought of was a monetary version, which I’ll add is temporary. Those thoughts, while important for our time on earth, are ultimately nothing compared to what we have in store after this life is over.

Assets to manage
God has given people assets to manage, and tracking net worth can help people evaluate how to live more generously

Biblical wealth
People with biblical wealth see their wealth as an opportunity to manage what God has given them, and not as something they own.

People with biblical wealth do not attach their self-worth to their net worth.

Self-worth in Christ
Jesus sacrificed for people’s sins so that they could be made whole and given life in Him.

Ephesians 3:8: Christ’s riches are spiritual and unsearchable, and they provide salvation to everyone who believes. 

Pass or stay?

AO: juco
Q: Stye (Hal Phillips)
PAX: Butterknife, Booster, Guardrail, Mailbox, Stye (Hal Phillips), Wanderer, Pelican, Full Tank
FNGs: None
WARMUP: side, straddle hops, cherry pickers, windmills, tempo squats, Moroccan nightclub

THE THANG: mosey to the courtyard, 11s with dips and flutter kicks. Mosey to parking lot near sophomore Hill, a card game of friendship? Draw cards if you’re the highest you do Burpee otherwise you do reps based on card and suit.

MARY: Freddie Mercury, box cutters, hello dollies


COT: as we approach Thanksgiving, we all must remember to have a servant heart. Just like Jesus washed the feet of his disciples. We should get joy out of serving others. We must not serve only those we love or agree with, but those that may not treat us well or disagree with us, it is not enough to know God’s word we must act out in our day-to-day lives.

No regerts

AO: juco
Q: Haggis
PAX: Mailbox, Zerolingo, Booster, Waffles, Wanderer
FNGs: None
Warmup SSSH IW Tempo Merkins Don Quixote

Dora 123 Merkins, Squats and squishy LBC (the sounds were fantastic)
P2 takes sandbag and walks 30 yards and back farmer carry (r then l) shoulder carry (r then left) front/back carry

Competed in Brolympics sandbag toss (throw 60# bag, then 40 bag twice. Mailbox (with one hand) edged out Haggis

Did an “Indian ruck” with sandbags with no specific destination, leader chose time leading and route.

Got back in time for quick Mary including flutters, Nolan Ryan’s (side plank with punches) Freddy Mercury and Superman swimmers. Squats for time as Rushers arrived

Q shared 7th birthday from bone marrow transplant this past Sunday. Talked about the appreciation of support from so many across the years. Along the ruck Zerolingo asked about what is the part of F3 I enjoy the most and I quickly stated the fellowship:being around solid men with similar thoughts and beliefs who help to encourage rather than tearing you down. It’s a joy to call you brothers.
Prayers for many in the circle, especially for Mailbox and happy birthday to Butterknife’s daughter Rachel!

Prayer Pledge Picture

4 corners and angry bungies

AO: juco
Q: Guardrail
PAX: Dart Gun, Pelican, Fetch, Wanderer, Windex, Booster, Archie
FNGs: None
WARMUP: SSH, Mountain climbers, Moroccan night clubs

THE THANG: 4 Corners, laps of 10,20,30,20 and 10 with Jack Jack Jacks (Star, regular, plank Jacks), Squats, Crabettes and Flutter kicks (or choose your own core)

Bernie up the hill to the PUB (Pull Up Bars), where bungies helped us achieve 30 pull ups each. Down to the CMU’s for 30 curls, then Bungie resistance run back.

MARY: Guardrail dips, LBC, Hello Dolly, Pickle pounders

COT: Be angry and do not sin. Do not let the sun go down on your anger. Eph 4:26

Am I allowing myself to get angry about the things God is angry about or do I get angry about my own comfort, preferences or agenda? Confession – it’s the latter. Am I showing my anger in productive ways or taking it out on the people around me?

Consider Jonah – and his unrighteous anger b/c God was merciful.
Consider Jesus – angry over God’s glory and the respect His law wasn’t getting.
Jesus’ angry wasn’t about his comfort. Jonah’s was. Be like Jesus. Prayerfully figure out what to get productively angry about.

Most wouldn’t

AO: juco
Q: Guardrail
PAX: Dart Gun, Fetch, Booster, Butterknife, Wanderer
FNGs: None
WARMUP: Usual: SSH, Cherry pickers, Tempo merkins

THE THANG: Mosey to the big parking lot and use the hill towards the barn for 11’s: Catalina Wine Jack at the bottom, star jumps/jacks at the top
100 hops over the metal gaurdrail, 3 trips on “animal hill” behind that guardrail, craw, bear, peinguin down, run up.
Attempted the 4 person octopus and then 30 merkins for 30 parking spots.
Mini burpee tree biscuit in the back corner for about 25 burpees, then leg raises on the loading dock, dips at the hex benches and step ups on the brick. Sprint, bear across the west lot

MARY:hill billy walkers and flutter kicks.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: 5 days till brolympics

COT: in Matthew 24 Jesus says that as
Wickedness increases>>>Love of MOST will grow cold.
Old men have a path to choose; rather men have a path to choose and the path is clear once they are old
Bitter, or better
Dirty old man or sweet old man. But it’s never too late.
On this veterans day, I want to honor my dad, a Veteran and a guy who is growing to in his Love for the Lord and is a sweet, and funny, old man.
Sweet old man is going to not come from me, but from God’s love in me
I need to grow in passion, not let it grow cold and do what MOST won’t do.
What things do you see good men do?
– In community
– prayer
– Time in scripture
– realizing the stakes are high