AO: shamrock
Q: slappy
PAX: Waxjob, Stitch, Lizzy, Squatter, Crawlspace, slappy, Band Camp, Smoked Pickle, McGruber
FNGs: None
Welcome to the best day of your life.
-cherry pickers
-twistys with little baby arm circles forward and backward
-shoulder taps
-calf stretches
-runner stretch with the noodle
-mountain climbers
-1 burpee – from slappy cause I say so
-1 burpee – from Waxjob cause he didn’t get enough
-1 burpee – from Squatter cause he loves them
-1 burpee – from @McGruber cause he’s missed all week
-1 burpee – from Band Camp cause he’s a Fla St fan and loves torture
-1 burpee – Crawlspace imposed a penalty on the car parked on in our warm up space
-1 burpee – from Stitch cause he wanted to reach 100 today
-1 manmaker burpee – from Lizzy because he’s a contrarian
We ran like the wind to Jesus where the gameboard was set up. Think Monopoly with a F3 / Shamrock AO flavor. There were three teams. Each team gets three hotels (coupons), two big dice, and one colored chalk. The team with the most property squares win. Roll the dice, move to a square, and do the exercise on the card. If the card isn’t owned you can claim it by marking the pavement with the team number beside the card. You can put a hotel on your property and make everyone else do double of the exercise. If you land on your own property, dealers choice. This ended up being a burpee heavy workout for some teams because some of the players (Stitch) are terrible rollers. It was fun, we listened to a sweet playlist. The workout flew by.
After we racked the coupons we went back to the flag. We decided to do AMRAP burpees until time was up. 100 was reached by a couple dudes.
-Clinton AO will launch soon next Friday I think.
-Escape from Haw Ridge is the best party of the year and you don’t want to miss. If you do you should feel shame and cry yourself to sleep. It occurs on 3/28/25. I will doing a shirt order if you want to jump on mine to save on shipping. Just let me know what you want. I will order next week.
I missed this on Valentines day, but here’s my advice to dudes in regards to the lady…
– Acknowledge me (is what she’s thinking, don’t let her down)
– Make space when it’s busy. It’s not always about the kids.
– Watch out for “Roommate Mode”
– Study God’s grace. Figure out to forgive. Don’t sweat the small stuff.
– Encourage her interests
– Be friends. Figure out how to connect regularly.
– Learn to like the same stuff.
– Don’t get nice things (this was a joke)
Seriously it was an honor to lead this workout and I hope you all had fun. I needed it.