F3 Knoxville

Keeping It Simple

THE SCENE: A somewhat cooler morning, upper 60’s and not too humid

SSH, Arm Circles, Shoulder Taps, Moroccan Night Clubs, Overhead Claps, This and That, Tempo Squats
Moseyed over to the drive in front of Gresham. We did 3 rounds of Doras, changing partners each time. We started at the end of the side walk and would run to the stop sign at the other end of the drive.

  • Round 1: 200 Merkins plus running
  • Round 2: 300 BBS plus running; if you finished first when running with a group you could add 5 reps to your total
  • Round 3: 400 Squats and running; if you finished before the person who started running before you you could add 10 reps to your total

Moseyed back and did a very fast round of the Protractor


The Office is easily my favorite show of all time. One of my favorite quotes is where Dwight gives Ryan sales advice saying “Michael always says ‘K-I-S-S: Keep It Simple Stupid’. Great advice, hurts my feelings every time”. This is really helpful advice for me as well because I have a tendency to over complicate things, even when making workouts, which is why today we did only 4 things that everyone knows how to do: running, push ups, sit ups and squats. This quote also got me thinking of how simple our call as believers can often be. Paul instructed the Thessalonians to lead a quiet life and work with their hands, Jesus’ answer to the question of what command is greatest was simple: love God and love your neighbor. Looking back on my life the men who had the most impact on me were not engaging in any sort of crazy complicated approach to anything, they just simply loved God and loved me. So my advice to us all is to keep it simple stupid.

The Un”bear”able Lap

THE SCENE: 70 degrees, humid and clear

SSH, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, This and That, Arm Circles
We did two laps around the lawn, with a set of exercises at each corner and another set at each cone which was in between each corner, so 4 corners and 4 cones. Lap 1 we bearcrawled the entire lap, lap 2 we walking lunged

  • Corners: SSH x 10, Flutterkicks x 10, Merkins x 10, Flutterkicks x 10, SSH x 10
  • Cones during Bearcrawl lap: Imperial Walkers x 10, Box Cutters x 10, Carolina Dry Docks x 10, Box Cutters x 10, Imperial Walkers x 10
  • Cones during Walking Lunges: Shoulder Taps x 10, LBC x 10, Cobra Merkins x 10, LBC x 10, Shoulder Taps x 10


Yesterday Drive Thru spent his Word talking encouraging us to sign up to lead a work out soon, especially if we haven’t led before. So I decided to give my Word to talking about why it’s worth meeting the need of leading workouts. When I think of why leading is worthwhile I think in terms of 3 “ships”. The first one being obvious: leadership. Raising up male community leaders is one of the foci of F3 and leading a workout is an opportunity to grow in that. The second is ownership. I went from feeling like someone who occasionally attended F3 to someone who is a part of F3 after leading workouts. The third ship is fellowship. I feel like I know those who lead often more than those that don’t, and that others know me better through me leading. So I added this onto Drive Thru’s encouragement to sign up to lead

Focker’s Bachelor Party

THE SCENE: A nice comfortable morning. No rain and just enough sun.

SSHs, lots of joint rotations, tempo merkins and squats.
Started off nice and easy with some Doras. Battle Buddy pairs completed 50 merkins, 100 squats, and 150 LBCs.

After that, we took a lap around the field stopping at six stations along the way. The first round was a demonstration with 5 reps each. Then we released OYO to complete the ladder of 5-10-15-10-5.

  1. Squats
  2. Merkins
  3. Flutter Kicks
  4. Lunges
  5. Prone Row
  6. Burpees

Once we completed going ’round the field a couple of times, we gathered by the flags near the fountain. Running between the two circles of flags, we completed two rounds of 7s. First was merkins and squats; second was SSHs and flutter kicks.

With four minutes remaining, some of the veteran PAX took turns leading us in core work.

22 PAX to include 6 out-of-town FNGS (Heisenberg, Tyson, Martha, Floater, Hustler, Snake Eyes).

Misfire gave his soon-to-be brother-in-law, Focker, some words of wisdom and encouragement. We concluded with a BOM praying for Focker and his soon-to-be wife.

Leg Day at the Big Ball

THE SCENE: Dry, cooler, mid 60’s

SSH, Hillbillies, Imperial Walkers, Tempo Squats, Calf Stretches, Cherry Pickers
moseyed over to the Big Ball for the beep test. After the beep test we had 3 rounds of 20 reps of exercises at the bottom of the steps and 10 reps of Sit Up Ups at the top. We also worked a lap around the pond in between round 1 and 2

  • Round 1: Sumo Squats, Lunges, regular Squats
  • Round 2: SSH, Iron Mikes, 180 Jump Squats
  • Round 3: Flutterkicks, Hello Dollys, Box Cutters

After this we did another round of the beep test

The Protractor: everyone held legs off the ground and we went around the circle calling out an angle which every had to hold their legs at during a ten count. Went all the way around the circle

Shared a bit about suffering. Last week at the Quacken we talked about how suffering is to be expected. This past Sunday our pastor was talking about how to live faithfully as Christians in the context of suffering and one of his main points was to have the right mindset. Scripture in multiple places tells us to adopt the same thoughts and mindset as that of Jesus, who on the cross said of those who had put Him there “forgive them Father for they know not what they do”. So when we are wronged or hurting what is our mindset? Is it one of self preservation or aggression, or is it similar to Jesus’?

Return to Walnut Hill

THE SCENE: Rather chilly, low 30’s

SSH, Arm Circles, Shoulder Taps, Tempo Squats, Tempo Merkins

  • Sunsphere: Went around the sunsphere doing 5 pull ups on each beam and 5 jump squats in between each beam
  • Bridge over Cumberland: Did 50 BBS OYO, using the rails to hold our feet in place
  • Moseyed over to the Walnut Hill
  • Walnut Hill: Laid out 4 cones towards the top of the hill, maybe 10-15 yards apart from one another. At the bottom of the hill we would do 5 Sit Up Ups then run to the first cone and do 10 merkins facing the top, then ran down. We did this 4 times, adding a cone each time, changing the direction of the merkins at each cone. So cone 1 was facing the top, 2 was facing the right, 3 was facing the left and 4 was facing the bottom. Each lap we still hit previous cones, so by the end we had done 40 top merkins, 30 right merkins, 20 left merkins, and 10 bottom merkins, as well as 20 Sit Up Ups
  • Moseyed back to the AO, dodging traffic as we went
  • AO: Did some bear crawl duck duck goose to finish the clock out

Welcome Dismount!
Shared about a conversation I had with a student about evangelism. He shared what his past experience with it was, which is probably very relatable: knowing that its worth doing, but not wanting to offend, or hamper a relationship, or not feeling competent enough, or not having the time, etc. We then spent some time looking at what Scripture has to say about it, specifically Romans 1:16 and 1 Peter 3:15. In Romans Paul says he is unashamed of the Gospel because he knows it is the power of God for the salvation of all who believe, and Peter calls us to be ready to give an answer to any who ask us for the reason for the hope we have. So though there are a hundred, very relatable, excuses as to why we may not want to share Jesus with those around us, we are all called to be ready and unashamed to do so. Matthew 4:19 is an invitation to follow Jesus with the byproduct of becoming “fishers of men”, so lets allow Jesus to make us into fishers of men as we seek to follow Him.