F3 Knoxville

SPC James Ames Workout

THE SCENE: Perfect weather for a beatdown. Not too cool, not too warm.

SSHs, Lil’ Baby Arm Circle, ‘Round Towns, ‘Round the Worlds, Temp Merkins, Tempo Squats
Mosey over to Amphitheater for some fun.
10s- Derkins and Rows

Mosey to the bridge for 7s- Burpees and Lunges

Bear Crawls across the bridge and Slowsey over to the Big Ball to knock out 17 Big Ball Pull-ups.

Hit some Route 66 Merkins back to the Fountains.

6 Minutes of Mary at the East Tennessee Veterans Memorial in honor of fallen East Tennessee service members

Swanson, Huffy, Cyclops (FNG), Typo (FNG), Cry Baby, G-6, Mickey, Kermit, Stacks, Jumbo, Magic Mic, Singlet, Grapefruit, Postman, Wedding Singer, Soot
Proverbs 18:14; 2 Corinthians 4:7-10

Veteran’s are twice as likely to end their own lives compared to their civilian counterparts. Roughly 17 veterans take their life every day. As HIMs, we are called to reach out to those who are suffering. As Christians, we have a hope that surpasses all understanding.
If you are a veteran struggling with how to cope, reach out to a trusted HIM and seek help immediately https://www.veteranscrisisline.net/

Release the Quacken!

Note : Q and Backblast by PBR (F3 Spring Hill). Some typing by FixerUpper. PBR, I’ll get you a tag so this can be a lil’ more seamless next time. 

Backblast: Release the Quacken!

AO: #thequacken

Date: 04/26/2023


@FixerUpper (Patrick Core)

@PBR (F3 Spring Hill)


@Wedding Singer

@Z-Pack (Brian Brockman)

FNGs: 0

Q: @PBR (F3 Spring Hill)

Count: 5

Welcome to F3, I am PBR, and I am not a professional. You exercise at your own risk. Modify as necessary to avoid injury, not to avoid work.

F3 stands for Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith. The mission of F3 is to plant, grow, and serve small workout groups for the invigoration of male community leadership.

The 5 Core Principles of F3 workouts are: Free of charge, Open to all men, Held outdoors – rain or shine, heat or cold, Peer led in a rotating fashion, Always end in a Circle of Trust.

The F3 Credo is: “Leave no man behind, but leave no man where you find him.”


  • SSH IC
  • Good Mornings OYO
  • Phelps (after we explained to Trip who he is)
  • WMH (after also explaining to Trip who he is)

Thang 1

  • PBR’s Beer Run
    • Cones were set in a diamond roughly 15 yards apart
    • PAX completed an exercise at cone 1 before a mosey around the diamond
    • Exercises were 20x Pickle Pounders, 20x BBS, 20x Rosalitas, 20x Squats
    • R&R for three total rounds

Thang 2

  • Release the Quacken
    • Modification of Bermuda Triangle from the Exicon
    • Cones were set in a triangle roughly 10 yards apart
    • PAX duck walked from cone to cone, completing a kraken burpee ladder at each stop 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1
    • Results were 75 hand release merkins smothered in burpees smothered in duck walks

Thang 3

The Circle Drill

PAX were arrayed in a circle facing in

An interval timer was used to indicate a 30 second MOT followed by a 60 second stationary exercise

9 rounds were completed, featuring such fan favorites as lateral bear crawls, lateral duck walks, Lt. Dans, J-Los, and heels to heaven, among other ab tortures exercises


Count-off and Nameorama


Check Slack

Hardship Hill coming up Memorial Day

Prayer Requests

Kept private

F3 does not ascribe to a particular faith or religion. We just ask that you believe in something bigger than yourself and respect the beliefs of the Q. I am an Episcopalian and closed the post in accordance with my traditions.

T-Claps to Trip for setting the pace all morning.

PBR Out :beer::muscle:

F3 Open House, 2.0 workout

THE SCENE: 78 and clear

F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Administered. OTB 2.0 workout.


  • RFTS / LIH
  • Cherry pickers
  • Willy Mays Hays
  • Up/down Dogg


  • Form 2 teams – kids vs dads. Line up at one side of the grassy field.  Perform a set of merkins (kids 5, dads 10) – then run to the cones and place one in front of the other so that your team’s cones creep forward incrementally. Continue until one team’s cones pass the finish line (kids won!)
  • Mosey to the small hill. Perform a set of 11s – SSH, run the hill, bobby hurleys
  • Mosey to the big hill. Perform 10 mountain climbers at the bottom, run up, 5 burpees. Repeat
  • Mosey to the grassy island for Bear Infection. All PAX crab walk until touched by a bear, then they become a bear and try to touch the crabs. Continue until only one crab is left.
  • Line up at one side of the field. Jelly Legs. 30 sec Al Gore, 30 squats, sprint. Repeat with 20/20, 10/10.
  • Jelly arms – 30 sec plank, 30 merkins, sprint. Out of time…



  • 18 PAX (1 FNG, 10 2.0s)
  • KickFlip
  • Duggar
  • Wedding Singer
  • Keyless Entry
  • Skinny Jeans
  • John Deere
  • FNG Wrangler
  • FixerUpper
  • Raptor
  • Willow
  • Chewbacca
  • Jelly Legs
  • Bunny
  • The Boss
  • Ace
  • Peaches
  • Buggy
  • Shruggy

Talked with the dads about the mission of F3, “…to plant grow and serve small workout groups of men…for the invigoration of male community leadership”. F3’s ultimate goal is not your fitness…it is you being a virtuous leader in your home, your church, your workplace, your community…
Talked to the kids about prayer and a model for prayer that could be helpful in knowing what to say to God;
H – Honor God by saying honoring things about Him.
E – Examine yourself and talk to God about your challenges, trials, temptations…
A – Ask for things you need
R – Request things for others
T – Thank God for His blessings



Back at 3155 Fountain Park tomorrow at 6pm

Big Ball Battle Buddy Beatdown ch. 3

THE SCENE: Perfect conditions for a beatdown. Clear and cool.


SSH, Arm Circles, ‘Round Towns, ‘Round-the-Worlds, Temp Squats, Tempo Merkins, Scorpions, Cherry-Pickers


  1. Battle Buddy Body Builder Circuit (All 3 sets of 15 reps per PAX)
    1. Battle Buddy Merkins
    2. Battle Buddy Presses
    3. Titanics
    4. Battle Buddy Throwdowns
  2. Indian Runs to Ampitheater
  3. 11s- Cobras and Inverted Rows
  4. Slowsy back to Fountains

Rowers to hit the rear delts

9 PAX! Soot, Amazon, Fixer Upper, Postman, Abort, Smoky, Vanilla, Wedding Singer, Drive-Thru

“Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17

Goo Nation often touts living in the Comfort Zone as effective Self-Care and is a safe place to retreat from Involuntary Hardship. In an attempt to handle the stress of life that wears on us, we can often choose to retreat to our Comfort Zone and become isolated, dull, and ineffective Sad Clowns.

In this fallen world, we will face Involuntary Hardship (negative stress). Struggles (and even tragedies) at work, in our families, and in our communities will always be present. Life will always be hard to one degree or another. Instead of choosing to live life hiding in the Comfort Zone, we can choose Voluntary Hardship (positive stress). Voluntary Hardship sharpens us and refines us. Voluntary Hardship can look like consistency in the Gloom, having a mentor or accountability partner who hold our feet to the fire, or living in the 3rd F by serving others and a cause greater than ourselves. Voluntary Hardship builds resiliency and makes us stronger and more capable to withstand the Involuntary Hardship that will come.

As Proverbs 27:17 states, one of the best ways to sharpen our blades with Voluntary Hardship is in relationship with other HIMs. We are called to push each other to be better. In this morning’s workout, we literally pushed each other to grow stronger. HIMs pull Sad Clowns out of their Comfort Zone, but HIMs also push other HIMs to accelerate their growth.

The challenge this morning is to not buy the lie that the way to a good life is by eliminating all stress. The challenge is to examine our lives and find where we need more Voluntary Hardship. More specifically, where do we need to be sharpened by our fellow HIMs and where can we help sharpen others? How can we use Voluntary Hardship to refit, retrain, and refocus after a season of Involuntary Hardship?

Be on the look out for Haw Ridge and North Hills Workouts!

Big Ball Stair Climb

THE SCENE: Low 70s and light drizzle to steady rain

  • Side straddle hops
  • Tempo squats
  • Merkin tempo
  • Hillbilly’s


Mosey towards Mordor, stop about halfway for 15 derkins and 15 dips.
Continue to Mordor stairs for  9/11 Stair Climb. 9 exercises, 11 reps each, stair climb after each exercise:
  • Get up ups
  • 8 count bodybuilders
  • Mucho lego
  • Captain Thor
  • Burpees
  • Mucho chesto
  • ARods (JLo and pickle pounder combo)
  • Catalina wine mixers
  • Hurpees

Mosey to the Big Ball to honor the first responders lost. Run to the top of Big Ball stairs and back after each set.

  • 8 port authority officers (8 count bodybuilders)
  • 23 NYPD (toes to bars)
  • 37 port authority officers (pull ups)
  • 343 firefighters (hammers as a group)

12 including 1 FNG: Air Gretzky, Butterfly, Cornhole, Onstar, Wedding Singer, Drive Thru, John Deere (FNG), Postman, Magic Mic, Duggar, Precious, Abort