F3 Knoxville

Big Ball Stair Climb

THE SCENE: Low 70s and light drizzle to steady rain

  • Side straddle hops
  • Tempo squats
  • Merkin tempo
  • Hillbilly’s


Mosey towards Mordor, stop about halfway for 15 derkins and 15 dips.
Continue to Mordor stairs for  9/11 Stair Climb. 9 exercises, 11 reps each, stair climb after each exercise:
  • Get up ups
  • 8 count bodybuilders
  • Mucho lego
  • Captain Thor
  • Burpees
  • Mucho chesto
  • ARods (JLo and pickle pounder combo)
  • Catalina wine mixers
  • Hurpees

Mosey to the Big Ball to honor the first responders lost. Run to the top of Big Ball stairs and back after each set.

  • 8 port authority officers (8 count bodybuilders)
  • 23 NYPD (toes to bars)
  • 37 port authority officers (pull ups)
  • 343 firefighters (hammers as a group)

12 including 1 FNG: Air Gretzky, Butterfly, Cornhole, Onstar, Wedding Singer, Drive Thru, John Deere (FNG), Postman, Magic Mic, Duggar, Precious, Abort

Bruce Lee and the Catalina Wine Mixers

THE SCENE: No rain, which is always a disappointment for YHC.

SSH, cherry pickers, little arm circles, tempo squats, mosey!
Bear crawl across the bridge at the South end of the pond.

Bruce Lee- super set the following:

  • American Hammer (x10 4ct)
  • Leg raises (x10 4ct)
  • LBCs (x10 4ct)
  • Hell touches (x10 4ct)
  • Crunchy Frog (x10 4ct)
  • 100s (x10 4ct)
  • 30 second rest. Then repeat. We completed 3 sets this morning!

Mosey down the path for some DORAs:

  • 100 merkins
  • 200 Cataline Wine Mixers
  • 300 single leg squats

Mosey to the sun sphere- then ALL OUT back to the flag.

Drive-Thru, Abort, G-6, Ariel, Secret Shower, Wedding Singer, Fixer Upper, Red Writer, FNG Cascade, Frizzles
Outsourced the Word to the sixth man Fixer Upper who shared about feeling a lack of motivation lately. We were encouraged by his resilience in desiring to provide for his family in the midst of this season.
Learn from us- in a DORA format, 200 CWMs is a bit ambitious- especially on the concrete… Wedding Singer was picking gravel out of his elbows on his way back to the car.

Less Than Ultimate Frisbee

THE SCENE: 65 or so and clear

SSH, Michael Phelps, Hamstring Stretch, Quad Stretch, Butterfly Stretch (since he was in attendance)

PAX divided into two teams. There was Team 1 and I forgot the other team’s name. Two rucks were available, and each team was assigned a ruck to carry during the workout.

A bonus concept that emerged was “Don’t forget about the guy with the ruck.” While you are doing your thing, it is easy to forget that there are those who would appreciate your help. Bonus concept there.

Part 1

Timed AMRAP exercises. Since this wasn’t a race, the focus was on form. Straight back for Merkins, Straight back for squats, touch knee to ground for lunges (or as deep as possible), 1 min each exercise

  • Hand release Merkins
  • BBS
  • Squats
  • Lunges
  • Burpees

Part 1.1

CMU bear crawl across lawn. Some PAX did it with the ruck. Not sure why.

PAX not crawling were performing SSH or gasping for air.

Part 2

Less than Ultimate Frisbee

If the Frisbee hits ground – 1 burpee for everyone

If one team scores – 2 burpees for other team

When one team scores, an item is added to the team:

1st score – add ruck to carry (we set it down for a short while, it soon came back)

2nd score – add 1) 5 lb dumbbell to carry

3rd score – add 2) work gloves (from Harbor Freight)

4th score – carry CMU short distance across field 1x

5th score – add the Burpee Ball. This was a foam rubber offensive weapon which a PAX could use on the other team. Hit an opponent, they have to do a burpee. After this, the possession goes to the other team.

This proved to be a lot of of chaos and fun, and YHC would have continued the game longer if not for time. Teams were evenly matched and despite a direct hit to the face, the Burpee Ball was a crowd favorite.

Ran outta time

10 PAX including FNG Henna
YHC recently turned 40, I and took 40 days to concentrate on my habits. I added some things and took away some things.

Took away:

  • Sugary snacks, donuts, candy, ice cream, etc.
  • YouTube for entertainment purposes (fixing lawn mower – ok)
  • No phone in the bathroom (this is embarrassing)
  • Coffee limited to one cup a week on Saturdays


  • Exercise 45 mins, 3x a week
  • Cook meal 1x a week for family (didn’t want this to be all about me)


I did well, and was glad that I did it. I’d like to take another 40 day period to build on this one.

  • The desire to quit is strong, but the desire to cheat is even stronger
  • Quitting usually comes after cheating
  • I found myself not wanting to go back to the old habits, now that 40 days is up. That is, it would not feel like a relief to watch YouTube for hours, eating ice cream.
  • Positive habit change is possible.
  • Don’t try to “get it all back at once.” If there are areas that you know need change, take measured, reasonable steps, but it usually happens in smaller increments that we would like.
  • Cooking took more time and effort than I anticipated. I appreciate my M even more now.
  • If you try something like this, it can have positive influence on those around you. My M decided to focus on her eating habits and has lost 8 lbs in the past month. It was her idea to do this, and it has been beneficial to her.


    See above
    Wedding Singer’s mom has surgery this week, reminder to sign up for Convergence next week

Looking for the next one

THE SCENE: Dry and about 55 deg

SSH x 25 IC

OH Claps x 40 IC

Seal Claps x 25 IC

LBAC F x 20 IC

LBAC R x 20 IC

Hamstring and quad stretching

Mosey to the coupon pile by L&N. A flying EH was attempted by YHC to a local man in the gloom, but it was not received. Mosey back to the lawn.

Thang 1 Coupon Exercises

50 OH Press

50 tricep extensions

50 goblet squats

50 partner merkins

Thang 2 Coupon Relay

4 cones were set up in a rectangle measuring approximately 25 x 20 yds.  PAX were to take turns sprinting with a coupon to the next cone and return to the original starting point. PAX remaining at cone performed an exercise, dealer’s choice style. One the coupons were all delivered to the next cone, the group likewise moved on. Exercises included:

  • Merkins
  • Squats
  • SSH
  • Flutter kicks
  • Burpees
  • And other crowd favorites

Thang 3 Silly Lawn Stuff

Recreated the Battle of Ice Planet Hoth. PAX partner up, face each other across the field. First PAX begins doing Imperial Lunges across field. Second PAX sprints toward other and does 2 bear crawls around first, then sprints back to beginning point. Repeato until first PAX crosses field. Switcheroo.

Hot feet. What you see at high school football practices where someone yells out up, down, roll right, roll left, jump, hot feet, for what seems like forever. It was like that, except YHC did not have coaches’ shorts on, sadly.

Ball tag. Within the aforementioned cone rectangle, one PAX has a Wal-Mart kickball and attempts to hit another PAX. The rectangle got progressively smaller. After a PAX was hit, he did 5 burpees. The one who hit him with the ball did 2.

Having too much fun playing ball tag to do

10 PAX including Fridge DR from Louisville
YHC leads games for children ages 4 – 11 at church on Wednesdays, and I got a lot of pushback from some kids last night. The basic idea was that I was not fair in my assessment whether they were out or not in a game. In short, I told the kids that I am trying to be as fair as possible, but I have to make a call. There was some pouting.

Upon further reflection, I realized that we as men can be the same way. If things don’t go exactly like we think they should have, we have 2 options. #1 Pout, or #2 Look for the next opportunity. We will get another chance, and we might miss it if we are pouting.

Prayer for Swanson. Made a plug for the F3 Nation Slack Channel, where I got the Battle of the Ice Planet Hoth
CSAUP 5/6. Convergence 7/2


THE SCENE: 30 degrees and clear. The calm before the storm to come!

SSH, Imperial Walkers, Daisy Pickers, Calf Raises, Hamstring Stretch, SSH
Turned on some tunes and started with an Indian run mosey. Once we were nice and warm we did a quick circle of pain with squats before jumping in to the main event:

FIVES. Find a partner to stick with the whole time and then follow the instructions:

Start with the first exercise. After each round, run a lap and then add an exercise:

  • 5 Burpees
  • 10 Merkins
  • 15 LBCs
  • 20 Bonnie Blairs
  • 25 Mt. Climbers
  • 30 second plank
  • 35 American Hammers
  • 40 SSH
  • 45 BBSU
  • 50 Squats

Due to some overplanning, no one even managed to finish the main event so we didn’t have time for Mary today.
Frizzles, G-6, Postman, Huffy, Magic Mic, Fixer Upper, Air Gretzky, Secret Shower, Wedding Singer
Just a reminder about the 5 core principles:

  • Free of charge
  • Open to all men
  • Always held outdoors
  • Peer led
  • Ends in a circle of trust

F3 is much more than just a morning workout. Take advantage of the ability to step up and lead!