F3 Knoxville

Reindeer Games

THE SCENE: A very warm December morning, right before the storm. Thankfully the rain held off


SSH, Baby Arm Circles, This and That, Michael Phelps, Tempo Squats, Tempo Merkins, Hill Billies
Today we played reindeer games. Each workout was either a solo or team competition. Losers of each workout owed the winner 10 Burpees. The games were:

  • Bring Sally Up Pushup Challenge: Up and down in cadence with the song, last man “standing” wins
  • Murder Bunny Relay Race: Divided into 2 teams. Each team lined up at the edge of the lawn. From end to end were 5 cones. First person in line Murder Bunnied to the first cone, sprinted back, and led their team in 5 merkins. Next man up ran to the block, murder bunnied to the next cone, ran back, led push ups, and so on until the first team got their block across the field and back (total of 12 segments). Everyone held a plank while waiting to run
  • Hammer Relay: We worked together on this one. In a big circle everyone held an American Hammer position while a 8lb medicine ball was tossed from person to person, making its way around the circle. When you had the ball you owed 5 American Hammers then tossed it to your neighbor. If any feet or the ball hit the ground everyone owed 10 Big Boy Situps
  • Bear Crawl Relay: Divided into 2 teams again. Lined up again on one end of the fountain pavilion, with a cone on the other. Everyone held a plank while one person from each team bear crawled to the cone. Once there, that man called out the next person from their team by name to crawl to the cone. Once an entire team had crossed, together as a team they crawled back to the start point. First team out and back won
  • Beep Test: Just like middle school gym class, run to the cone before the beep, run back before the beep. 2 failures in a row = elimination. Last man standing wins
  • Ultimate Frisbee: Ran a quick game of Box Ultimate to run out the clock. Any dropped disc meant 5 squats for everyone


Continued to share from my routine of developing the habit championed by Jerry Bridges of preaching the Gospel to yourself daily. I’ve also been doing a Biblical Worldview training program called the Colson Fellows that has a ton of assigned readings and daily devotionals. A devotional from a few days ago said “God loved us enough to die for us. But since God can’t die He became a man in order to do so”. I felt like this quote did a good job of stating the Gospel as well as the reason for Advent and Christmas. Part of the Gospel is that we know celebrate the incarnation of God through Christ, and in this season of Advent we wait in hopeful expectation of this, knowing that it also means Christ’s death on our behalf

Welcome to Man in the Mirror


THE SCENE: A very brisk, 46 degree morning with the fog rolling in heavy.

A quick stretch to loosen up in the cold followed by an Indian Run past the amphitheater, across the bridge and back down to the big ball.

Circle of pain: Monkey Humpers

Circle of pain: BBSU

Circle of pain: Merkins
We grabbed some of the classic Big Ball specialty coupons and made our way across the parking lot to a waiting whiteboard that laid out what was ahead of us: The Billy Madison. Pax were told that we were going back to school to try to prove once and for all that we are not so foolish. Each exercise represented the final exam to pass a specific grade- and each exam (much to our disappointment) was completely cumulative for all of the prior years. The final exams were as follows:

  • 1st grade: Merkins x 10
  • 2nd grade: Squats x 10
  • 3rd grade: LBC x 10
  • 4th grade: Coupon curls x 20
  • 5th grade: Plank jacks x 10 (4 ct)
  • 6th grade: Coupon squat press x 10
  • 7th grade: Iron Mike x 10 (2 ct)
  • 8th grade: Mountain climber x 10 (4 ct)
  • 9th grade: Coupon rows x 10
  • 10th grade: American hammer x 10 (4 ct)
  • 11th grade: Side straddle hop x 10
  • 12th grade: Burpee x 10

Though there were many valiant efforts made- least of which from YHC – none of the Big Ball participants had what it took to graduate and move on. Unfortunately in this reenactment of the story, O’Doyle continued to rule.

Working as hard as we could to graduate on time left us no room for Mary today. She wil
G-6 (respect, respect, respect), Wedding Singer, Magic Mic, Frizzles

Today was some encouragement towards EHing those around us. F3 is too good of a thing to keep to ourselves and we should continue to keep eachother accountable in inviting others in. A quick example of the way that F3 can be used in a man’s life was seen at the F3 10 year convergence a couple of weeks ago when F3 Nation leadership was naming FNGs on the beach:

“Our newest FNG was named ‘Rojas’ at the 10 year convergence. Olaf from F3 The Fort gave him an EH as we ran to the workout. He joined us for the full beatdown. After a couple of minutes of throwing out ideas in the Name-a-Rama, we settled on ‘Rojas’ after a character on the show ‘Ted Lasso’. We didn’t know until afterward, but he was honored to get the nickname. Unbeknownst to any of the 355 men there, Rojas was his mother’s maiden name. She passed away three months ago and on the morning we ran by him, he was thinking about her. If you do not believe in a higher power, perhaps this story will remind you that there are no coincidences. Leave space for the miraculous.”
It is unfortunate that the exams were timed as I believe all Pax would have successfully graduated if they had been allowed all the time they needed. Perhaps next time we will move quicker in to the exam time and see what kind of performance is achieved. Maybe we can even see what some of these guy get up to after graduation! It was also a disappointment when everyone realized there would be no recess included in the studies. Perhaps including a quick recess in future attempts would improve morale and allow for some graduates to shine.

IPC Week 2 at The Quacken

THE SCENE: At the Gresham Track, lower 60s

SSH and static stretching
IronPAX Challenge Week 2:

  • Round 1: Do 8 Burpees on the sideline, sprint to the far sideline and do 8 more. Continue until the 11th set of 8 Burpees are complete (88 total)
  • Round 2: Do 8 Squrls on the sideline, coupon carry to the far sideline and do 8 more. Continue until the 11th set of 8 Squrls are complete (88 total)
  • Round 3: Do 88 Overhead Presses on the sideline, rifle carry to the far sideline, do 88 more (176 total)
  • Round 4: Do 88 X-Factors on the sideline, Bear Crawl to the far sideline. Do 88 more, then Crawl Bear back to the sideline (176 total)


Continuing my theme of encouraging us to preach the Gospel to ourselves daily, I talked about John 17:3 where Jesus lays it out simply: eternal life is to know God and know Jesus. Our ability to live life to the fullest begins the moment we place our faith, trust and obedient submission in Jesus

The Fallen 13

[ The Scene ] 

Ruckers just getting in from a pre-ruck sesh. The quiet before the storm looked like light stretching and mumble chatter.

[ Welcome/Disclaimer ]

  • Welcome to F3: Fitness, Fellowship, Faith
  • Name is Steam and I’m honored to be your Q this morning 
  • Few things before we begin: 
    • I’m not a professional 
    • You’re here on your own volition 
    • If you need to modify anything we do this morning, feel free to do so, but push yourself and the men around you, they deserve it and so do you! Hang in there with me and them for a solid 45 minutes.
  • FNGs?

[ Warm o Rama ] 

  • SSH: 30 (1ct)
  • Mountain Climber: 30 (2ct)
  • Baby Arm Circles: 20 (F – 1ct)
  • Baby Arm Circles: 20 (B – 1ct) 
  • Rockette: 10 (4ct)
  • Windmill: 10 (4ct)

[ The Thang ] 

(Mosey to the track) 

  1. Honor the 13
    • 13 fallen heroes in Afghanistan
      • David L. Espinoza
      • Nicole L. Gee
      • Darin T. Hoover
      • Ryan C. Knauss
      • Hunter Lopez
      • Rylee J. McCollum
      • Kareem M. Nikoui
      • Johanny Rosariopichardo
      • Humberto A. Sanchez
      • Jared M. Schmitz
      • Maxton W. Soviak
      • Daegan W. Page
    • 13 laps with an exercise in between
    • Each lap will be dedicated to one of the slain heroes 
    • Laps will be ran in silence
    • Lap 1 — Marine Corps Lance Corporal David L. Espinoza
      • “David Espinoza, a Laredo native Marine killed in Afghanistan, embodied the values of America: grit, dedication, service, and valor,” Cuellar wrote. “When he joined the military after high school, he did so with the intention of protecting our nation and demonstrating his selfless acts of service. I mourn him and all the fallen heroes in Afghanistan.” We owe him our gratitude for paying the ultimate sacrifice.
      • The X: 13 merkins (up/down)
      • Run the lap
    • Lap 2 —  Marine Corps Sgt. Nicole L. Gee
      • Just days before her death, Sgt. Nicole Gee posted a photo on Instagram of herself in uniform while holding a baby in Afghanistan with the caption, “I love my job.” We owe her our gratitude for paying the ultimate sacrifice.
      • The X: 13 big boy situps (up/down)
      • Run the lap 
    • Lap 3 — Marine Corps Staff Sgt. Darin T. Hoover
      • “Staff Sgt. Hoover served valiantly as a Marine and died serving his fellow countrymen as well as America’s allies in Afghanistan,” Utah Gov. Spencer Cox said. “We honor his tremendous bravery and commitment to his country, even as we condemn the senseless violence that resulted in his death.” We owe him our gratitude for paying the ultimate sacrifice.
      • The X: SSH: 13 (4ct)
      • Run the lap 
    • Lap 4 — Army Staff Sgt. Ryan C. Knauss
      • Ryan was a fellow Knoxvillian and Tennessean, and we own him our gratitude for his sacrifice. We owe him our gratitude for paying the ultimate sacrifice.
      • The X: The Bend and Reach: 13 (4ct)
      • Run the lap 
    • Lap 5 — Marine Corps Corporal Hunter Lopez
      • Lopez is the son of two Riverside County Sheriff’s Department officers, Captain Herman Lopez and Deputy Alicia Lopez. The department announced Lopez’s death on Friday. Sheriff Chad Bianco said on Facebook that Lopez planned on following in his parents’ footsteps and joining the department as a deputy when he got home from his deployment. We owe him our gratitude for paying the ultimate sacrifice.
      • The X: Squat: 13 (4ct)
      • Run the lap 
    • Lap 6 — Marine Corps Lance Corporal Rylee J. McCollum 
      • McCollum’s father, Jim, told The New York Times that McCollum was helping with evacuations and guarding a checkpoint when the attack at the airport happened. His father said this was McCollum’s first deployment and that he had gotten married recently. His wife is expecting with their first child. McCollum’s sister Cheyenne told East Idaho News that her brother was “going to be the best dad.” Cheyenne said her brother was the youngest of four siblings, her single father’s only son, and that he knew he wanted to be a Marine from a young age. We owe him our gratitude for paying the ultimate sacrifice.
      • The X: Imperial Walker: 13 (4ct) 
      • Run the lap 
    • Lap 7 — Marine Corps Lance Corporal Dylan R. Merola 
      • Cpl. Dylan Merola was a graduate of Los Osos High School, according to ABC 7 of Los Angeles. Students honored him at a football game on Friday night by wearing red, white and blue, the TV station reported. He was only 20 years old. We owe him our gratitude for paying the ultimate sacrifice.
      • The X: Mountain Climber: 13 (4ct)
      • Run the lap
    • Lap 8 — Marine Corps Lance Corporal Kareem M. Nikoui
      • “My understanding is that he rescued – per a sergeant that wrote the family – he rescued three families,” Bash told the TV station. “And he was in the process of saving children, translators that had worked for the U.S. government. He passed off a child and went back into the crowd and that’s when the bomb went off.” “He really loved that [Marine Corps] family,” Steve told The Daily Beast. “He was devoted—he was going to make a career out of this, and he wanted to go. No hesitation for him to be called to duty.” We owe him our gratitude for paying the ultimate sacrifice.
      • The X: LBC: 13 (4ct) 
    • Lap 9 — Marine Corps Sgt. Johanny Rosariopichardo
      • Johanny was 25 years old and from Lawrence, Massachusetts. We owe her our gratitude for paying the ultimate sacrifice. 
      • The X: The cherry picker: 13 (4ct) 
      • Run the lap 
    • Lap 10 — Marine Corps Corporal Humberto A. Sanchez
      • Humberto was only 22 years old and from Logansport, Indiana. We owe him our gratitude for paying the ultimate sacrifice. 
      • The X: The Iron Mike: 13 (1ct) 
      • Run the lap 
    • Lap 11 — Marine Corps Lance Corporal Jared M. Schmitz
      • His father told the St. Louis radio station KMOX that his son had always wanted to be a Marine and that he had “never seen a young man train as hard as he did to be the best soldier he could be.” We owe him our gratitude for paying the ultimate sacrifice.
      • The X: Flutter Kick: 13 (4ct) 
      • Run the lap 
    • Lap 12 — Navy Hospitalman Maxton Sonika
      • His family says that Max was most proud of being a Navy Corpsman and “devil doc” for the Marines. The statement said Max leaves behind a big family of 12 brothers and sisters. “Our nation mourns the loss of Navy Corpsman Max Soviak, whose uncommon courage in the face of unfathomable danger ensured the safe passage of countless civilians,” Kaptur said in her statement. “We will never be able to repay the debt we owe him, but we will be forever grateful for his willingness to serve when America needed him most. Our hearts go out to his family during this time, and we lift them up in prayer that they may find comfort in his memory.” We owe him our gratitude for paying the ultimate sacrifice. 
      • The X: Plank Jack: 13 (4ct) 
    • Lap 13 — Marine Corps Corporal Daegan W. Page
      • Daegan was 23 years old and from Omaha, Nebraska. We owe him our gratitude for paying the ultimate sacrifice. 
    • Run one more lap together in silence in honor of them all

(Mosey back to the AO)

[ Mary ]

Moment of silence for the fallen.

[ COT ]

  • # off — 12
  • Name o Rama
  • FNGs? — No
  • BOM
    • Everything in life will fail you at some point in time. The tragic loss of life that was seen last week in Afghanistan was an incredibly visible failure of leadership and ownership. Your government will fail you, your president will fail you, your country will fail you, your friends will fail you, your family will fail you — at some point in time everything will fail you to some degree.
    • But God.
    • But God are probably two of the most powerful words in the world. But God will not fail you nor forsake you (Deuteronomy 31:6 — Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you).

Remember and Honor the fallen.

Big Ball Lawn stuff

THE SCENE: Insert info about the weather, etc.

Insert information about the warmup.
Building blocks on the lawn. Start at first cone. Do 1 of 1st exercise. Move to next cone, do 2, next cone 3 etc. Total of 10 cones across lawn. Run a lap around field after completing 10 cones and switch to second exercise.

exercises are:

  • Merkins with runs
  • Squat jumps with bear crawls (every other)
  • Dry docks with Bernie Sanders
  • Lunges with side shuffles

Afterwards we did some sprints on the lawn, 40yd, 50yd, 60yd, 80yd. Then, jog then sprint 60yd x2.

Flutters x32, side crunches x20, LBCs x20
Hardship Hill, OEW and Sacrifice.
Thought we had some merlot spilled but it was just a bathroom break. The name Merlot is thought to be a diminutive of merle, the French name for the blackbird, probably a reference to the color of the grape. So I fed Merle Haggard is really the Haggard Blackbird. His voice certainly sounds that way. Speaking of haggar, if you ever need a suit, I’ve been very happy with Haggar suits. Super comfortable and they are well made with those elastic type waists. Me likey when I eat too much. So Qing at the Big Ball was a great experience and I would suggest it to anyone looking to Q at a palace. Well it certainly seemed like one compared to the depressing darkness of the Dog Pound and Equilizer where you’re not sure if you are going to get sprayed by a skunk or break an ankle on some chewed up concrete. But I do still love my Dog Pound and Equilizer AOs. well enough for today. Remember, if you want to join the I read Tank’s BB club simply put a gorilla 🦍 emoji on the slack post. No comment, just the emoji and your decoder pin will be in the mail. Late.

wesley house snacks