F3 Knoxville

A JUCO Gift Exchange

AO: juco
Q: Windex
PAX: Butterknife, Haggis, Love Shaq, Windex
FNGs: None
SSH, Tempo Squats, Tennessee Rocking Chair, Cherry Pickers

Mosey to a parking lot.
Gift 1: See The Lights
1st Light Pole – 5 Merkins
2nd Light Pole – 10 Merkins
3rd Light Pole – 15 Merkins
4th Light Pole – 20 Merkins
5th Light Pole – 25 Merkins
6th Light Pole – 30 Merkins

Mosey to CMU Pile.
Gift 2:
20 Curls, 20 O.H. Press, 20 Heavy Squats. Mosey up the stairs and touch the building. Repeat 1x

Mosey to the duck lot.
Gift 3:
100 Collective Burpees

Mosey to the Science walls.
Gift 4:
1 Runs to the end of the lot and back. Others do box jumps. Switch runner. Do toe taps.
Repeat until everyone runs 2x

Mosey to the big lot.
Gift 5: Suicidal Bears
Run 1 line, Bear Crawl back 1 line
Run 2 lines, Bear Crawl back 1 line
Run 3 lines, Bear Crawl back 1 line
Run 4 lines, Bear Crawl back 1 line
Run 5 lines, Bear Crawl to curb.

Mosey back to the flag.

Flutter Kicks, Scissors, and Freddy Mercury

The workout is over :rolling_on_the_floor_laughing:

As some know, my foot has been a real problem for the last 5 months. The majority of the time, the pain was at an 8 or 9. This unintentional thing with my foot, forced me to literally transform the way I live. I walked with a limp, putting a shoe on was torture, I could not walk barefoot, and the day to day of going about my life was exhausting to say the least. I did go to the foot doctor about 6 weeks ago and got something for it. About two weeks ago it started to slowly feel better; and a couple of days ago, the pain completely went away.

Back up a couple of months – I was driving and thinking, “God, what am I supposed get from this unintentional thing that has completely transformed how I go about my life?” (At this point I was about ready to cut my foot off)

All I heard, or thought, or felt was this – or something similar.

“Be intentional in knowing me, and I will transform your life.”

My takeaway is this: something unintentional forced me to change; and God wants me to be intentional (in knowing Him), and He will do the changing.

James 4:7-8
7 So give yourselves completely to God. Stand against the devil, and the devil will run from you.
8 Come near to God, and God will come near to you. You sinners, clean sin out of your lives. You who are trying to follow God and the world at the same time, make your thinking pure.

Workout Before Christmas 🎄

AO: juco
Q: Butterknife
PAX: Suds, Lt. Dan, Windex, Archie, Butterknife, Erector, Guardrail, Pelican, Wanderer, Roll-Back (Columbia TN)
FNGs: None
25 Merkins
Cherry :cherries: Pickers

Mosey w/ the leader falling off for 2 burpees
12 station circuit 45 secs with each station
Fighter Merkins
Curls w/ CMU
Tris w/ CMU
Agility Ladder drills
Thrusters w/ med ball
Flutter kicks
Kettlebell Swings 35lb
Mt Eveverest
Man makers w/ 20 lb dumbbells
Step Ups

Mosey to the pull up bars 10 pull ups, Merkins while waiting. Mosey to the loading docks for some figure 8s.



Not sure if you’ve noticed it, but there appears to be a homeless camp 🏕️ between Lovell road and Carmichael. When you’re headed North on Pellissippi and get to the Lovel Rd exit, look to the left just below the apartments.

It’s been pretty cold lately…

It makes me sad and I really don’t know what to do about it.

We are super blessed. I may not be money 💰 rich, but I’m so rich. I have a wife and kids that adore me (OK maybe a stretch) that I also adore. I have a roof over my head and cars in my driveway. Our kids are in one of the best schools in an overall great school district. I have a job and I have men that I trust, can workout with, and check in on me.

Life happens and sometimes it’s hard, but I encourage you to take on an attitude of gratitude. Count your blessings and you will start to see just how blessed you are.

If you don’t have a church, join me at Faith Promise on Christmas Eve. I’ll be at the 4p service.

“Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.”
‭‭1 Thessalonians‬ ‭5‬:‭16‬-‭18‬ ‭

Rise Above This Christmas

AO: juco
Q: Guardrail
PAX: Windex, Mailbox, Butterknife, Ike, Pelican, Booster, Dart Gun, Love Shaq
FNGs: None
WARMUP: High knees, Butt Kickers, Reach for the stars and let it hang, tempo merkins and bear crawl to center

THE THANG: Mosey to wall by Haslam for dips while partner did a burpee at the bottom of the stairs.
Then “Dora Scout” where one runs out to the next light pole while the partner did the excercies. Then both run to the scouted pole, while the other guy checks out and comes back, repeat.
Collectively 100 merkins, 200 Squats and 300 Big boys.
MARY: Spicy Dragon, Cross over Mountain climbers, Flutter kicks, pickle pointers and freddy.

Merry Christmas. Windex is open to meet Christmas morning and may do a virtual option for those of us traveling
I love the word Preeminent: meaning first, of greatest importance: Rise above. Stand out in importance.
We all agreed we want Jesus Christ to be preeminent in Christmas.
Challenge: Partner up (keep your partner from this morning) and set a plan of how you are going to do it. Then follow up after Christmas and how did it go.
Get a phone number and set a plan to connect.
Merry Christmas!

No Comfort

AO: juco
Q: Dart Gun
PAX: Love Shaq, Booster, Guardrail, Waffles, Windex, Suds, Ike, Dart Gun, Wanderer, Mailbox, Pelican
FNGs: None
Motivators (countdown style from 6)
Harry Rockets
Merkins OYO
Tempo Squat

Mosey to the coupon pile – stopping at trees to do Burpees!
Merkins with the coupons
Hold plank – move the coupon around your hands

2 rounds of Amrap – Curl/Squat/OHP
Partner runs to the pull up bar and does 2-5 before returning

Merkins OYO

Wall sit while we pass the CMU

Mosey back stopping for merkins and slow crossing mountain climbers

One more round of merkins
Flutter kicks
Freddie Mercs


Getting out of your comfort zone:

What if your best laid plans and goals were thrown off for some reason….there are terrible ways that can happen like losing your job or an accident, but there are also positive ways like job opportunities, unexpected callings or kids

The character of a person…and in this case a MAN… is how you react in those situations. I don’t want a show of hands, but if you cringed or had a negative reflection of how you would probably react…then you need to remember that gods in control. You should feel comfort in Him and fall back on your values and trusts that you are in good hands.

Sometimes He like to take us out of our comfort zones and frankly laughs at them. He’s laughed at mine twice over the past year…

Matthew chapter 4
Jesus, God’s son is the trustworthy one
Example in chapter 10: throwing sheep into a den of wolves. Trust in Him.

It’s getting hot in herrre!

AO: juco
Q: Mailbox
PAX: Pelican, Zerolingo, Waffles, Lt. Dan, Fetch, Mailbox, Guardrail, Love Shaq, Wanderer, Booster, Windex
FNGs: None
Warmup: SSH, mountain climbers, tempo merkins, Grady corns, tie fighters

The Thing:

Mosey to big lot

Quick paced jog (similar to run) across lot – 25 toe merkinss at the end, run back
24 squats
12 lunges 4ct
12 Bonnie Blair’s 4ct
12 Bobby Hurleys

Mosey to inner campus knee wall
24 explosive stepups with knee to chest
12 split squats left leg
12 split squats right leg
12 curtesy lunges 4 ct
Run lap around inner campus and repeat

Mosey to coupons
Snow plow across street and do 10 overhead presses, snow plow back and due 9 work your way down to 1

Wall sit coupon pass…after pass coupon go to end of line and continue all the way along the wall

Finished with a ring of fire to warm up

COT: Talked about my injury and the clarity of hindsight and all the things I knew to do differently before hand but failed to do them in the moment. Encouraged everyone to slow down and try to have the clarity of hindsight in the moment during this holiday season. What is that relationship or conversation you wished to have, what is that act of kindness or generosity you might miss, what is that error in judgment that you might be tempted with. Don’t wait for hindsight to have clarity in your actions.