F3 Knoxville

Moving day (Extra Heavy)

AO: rampart
Q: Skeletor (Tyson Canup)
PAX: No Treble (Drake Vilendrer), Lucille (Austin Williams), Wingman (Maverick Gregory), Airborne (Chase Perkins), Super Soaker, Mo’Raka
FNGs: 1 Mo’Raka
WARMUP: SSH, Tempo Merkin, Tempo Squat, LBC’s. KCP’s, LBAC-f, LBAC-b, more shoulder, Windmills, High Knees
THE THANG: Strap on your ruck and grab a CMU and Mosey to the slide where the 80lb body bag awaits, circle up. One PAX climbs the slide with the bag, slides the bag down first, then slides down himself, carries the bag to the next man, Rinse & Repeat, the PAX not on the slide are curling CMU’s. Repeat for three rounds.
Mosey to the waters edge where the 100lb sand medicine ball awaits. Same cycle, only one PAX pushes the med ball up the ramp and back down while the rest of the PAX are performing bent over rows. Everyone pushes, then we move.
Mosey to the playground where we ditch the rucks and CMU’s. Every PAX completes 20 squats with the 80lb bag on back rack. The other PAX are holding Al Gore and cheering on the man holding the bag.
MARY: Mosey to the flag
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Airborne on Q at rampart tomorrow, 6pm OTB at Birdhouse on Thursday, Biohack brings ultimate frisbee on Saturday.

February/August Metric

AO: rampart
Q: Wingman (Maverick Gregory)
PAX: Skeletor (Tyson Canup), Feeny (Josh Banken), Lucille (Austin Williams), Wingman (Maverick Gregory), No Trouble, Porthole
FNGs: None
WARMUP: (20) SSH, (10) Willie Mays Hayes, (5) Knox. Cherry Pickers, (10) Tempo Squats, (10) Tempo Merkins, (10) Bib Baby Arm Circles 5 foreward 5 back, (10) LBAC, (10) RLBAC, (10) Grady Corn, (10) Chatt. Cherry Pickers, (10) SSH
We’re doing our 2nd metric checkup this year.
1 minute MAX Merkins
1 Minute MAX Big boys
1.5 Mile Run
Max Pull-Ups
5 Minute MAX Burpees
No time
Don’t wait on God to work out in your life, God is working IN your life, working on things you don’t see, things you don’t think about. Your responsibility is to work out the things you physically see in your life.

Lieutenant Dan!

AO: rampart
Q: Lucille (Austin Williams)
PAX: Stetson (Cayden Emory), Airborne (Chase Perkins), Candy Crush (Reese Banken), Eric Cruz (Spielberg), Feeny (Josh Banken), GoDaddy (Zack Williamson), Lucille (Austin Williams), Piston (Ralton Emory), Runaway Bride (Seth Strahan), Skeletor (Tyson Canup), Wingman (Maverick Gregory), Porthole
FNGs: None
WARMUP: 10 CMU swings, 10 Shoulder to shoulder, 5hand release merkins, 10 wide Squats, 4 Knoxville Cherry pickers, shoulder blast
THE THANG: 5 rounds of forward raises followed by over head presses, isolated curls, extensions, flat bench. All seated. Alternating 10,15,20,25 rep count rotating each round. Final round everything 30 reps to equal 100 of each. Then bent over rows/ Big Boy 11’s starting at the 5/6 halfway point.
MARY: CMU V sit hot potato
COT: A Little Fellow Follows Me.


AO: rampart
Q: Wingman (Maverick Gregory)
PAX: Outnumbered (Daniel Hildebrandt), (Binks) Caleb McDaniel, Wingman (Maverick Gregory), Gloria
FNGs: None
10 SSH
10 Tempo Squats
10 Willie Mays Hayes
6 Cherry Pickers
100 blades + Samson
10 LBAC (Foreward+Backward)

Gross 12 Excercises 12 Reps PAX choose

Burpees, Diamond Merkins, TN rocking Chairs, Lay down Pull-Ups, One arm rows, dips, step ups, mosey, monkey humpers, lunges, big boys, burpees

Love is patient and kind; lately I’ve been struggling with finding patience for my children. But if we look back at Jesus, his first reaction was always love. No matter what he may have been going through he was always patient and showed love before anything.

Week 0 Fat Coe Sandwich modified

AO: rampart
Q: Wingman (Maverick Gregory)
PAX: Lucille (Austin Williams), Feeny (Josh Banken), Skeletor (Tyson Canup), Outnumbered (Daniel Hildebrandt), Candy Crush (Reese Banken), Wingman (Maverick Gregory), Dr. Philgood, Porthole, Old English, 1-FNG Gloria!!!
FNGs: 1 1-FNG Gloria!!!
10 SSH, 10 LBAC (➡️+⬅️), 10 Moroccan Night Clubs, 10 Grady Corn, Hold Samson, 10 Tempo Squats, 6 Willie Mays Hayes, 5 Knoxville Cherry Pickers

Modified version of the 2022 Iron Pax Week 0 challenge “Fat Coe Sandwich”

Round 1
20 thrusters
20 Merkins
Bear Crawl out to Light pole Burpee Broad jump back. Every 5th jump do 3 burpees

Round 2
20 Goblet Squats
20 Curls
Crab walk to light, Lunge Back every 5th step do 3 burpees

Round 3
20 Heavy Big Boys
20 Bent Over Rows
Mosey to sign then burner back. Every light pole do 1 burpee.

Mary for time.