F3 Knoxville

Fade In/Fade Out

THE SCENE: 75 and Humid

->SSH (4ct IC) x20
->tempo squat (4 second down, 3 second hold, 1 second up) x5
->some of these/some of those
->quad stretch

Mosey to the top of the guard rails

Derkins x20

Mosey to the speed bump
-> speed bump
—- 20 (4ct) flutter kicks
—- 20 (4ct) Alt dead bugs
—- 20 (4ct) LBCs

-> Speedbump to Backbone
—- Bernie to top of hill/jog down
—- sprint to top of hill/jog down

—- 50 Merkins
Run to back bone

-> backbone
—- 5 pullups
—- 5 negative pull ups
—- 5 chin ups
—- 5 toes to bar/target

Run to top of hill

—- 10 1.5 squats
—- 10 lunges each leg
—- 10 close feet squats
—- 10 sumo squats

Tweet-E’s turn or Pee Rock lift with Junk


-> recently I had my father message me saying where his last will would be in case anything would happen. And that’s the thing about life, we never know God’s plan for us, but we trust him and follow his words or his message. This got me thinking about the impact we have on people around us.

This led me to some song lyrics by one of my favorite bands, which are:

Just the other day I looked at my father
It was the first time I saw he’d grown old
Canyons through his skin and the rivers that made them
Carved the stories I was told
He said
“Son, I have watched you fade in
You will watch me fade out
When the grip leaves my hand
I know you won’t let me down
Go and find your way
Leave me in your wake
Always push through the pain
And don’t run away from change
Never settle
Make your mark
Hold your head up
Follow your heart”
Just the other day I stared at the ocean
With every new wave another must go
One day you’ll remember us laughing
One day you’ll remember my passion
One day you’ll have one of your own

Because of all the uncertainties in life, I’m asking you to create some sort of message for the people around you. What sort of message do you want them to have. You can make a gratitude list for the people around you, you can list off a set of values that you have learned, whatever it is. Make it personal for the person you care about. Let the people around you know they are appreciated.

Thank you,

IronPax Week1 next Tuesday starting at 5:15am.

Traveling Tabata

THE SCENE: Around 70 degrees, humid, no rain

SSH x 20 (4 ct)

Baby Arm Circles Forward x 10 (4 ct)

Baby Arm Circles Backward x 10 (4 ct)

Imperial Walkers x 10 (4 ct)

Tempo merkins x 10

Tempo squats x 10

A little of this

A little of that


Mosey to the flag pole

Tabata workout – 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off, 8 rounds of each exercise, run after the 8th round to a new location for the next exercise

Merkins at the flagpole then mosey to the circle beyond the splash pad under the light

Big boy sit-ups then mosey to the circle at the dock and then back to the bathrooms

Pull-ups on the bars hanging from the bathroom building then mosey back to the flagpole

Squats at the flagpole then mosey to the tables at the splash pad

Table rows at the splash pad

Mosey to the AO

V-ups x 10 (4 ct) courtesy of Ribbed (I should have seen that coming)

Peter Parkers with a 6-inch hold courtesy of Mouthwash

Flutter kicks x 20 (4 ct) courtesy of Snitch


7 PAX strong, including Shutterfly who does not have a tag in the system.

Summer is ending and school is beginning.

This time of year always makes me sad and reflective.

This year is obviously different.

I’m actually glad to see school returning, and I think my kids are too, but they won’t fully admit it.

It will be different, and it won’t be easy.

But there is hope that we are a bit closer to better days.

And we should not let what we are going through defeat us.

Any one heard of Vikto Emil Frankl?

I read about him this week.  Apparently, he was a famous neurologist, psychiatrist, and author of about 40 books.  He died at 92.

He survived Nazi concentration camps, even though his first wife, mother, father, and brother did not.

Here is what he wrote about the importance of attitude: “Everything can be taken from a man or a woman but one thing: the last of human freedoms to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s way.”

Proverbs 17:22 – “A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.”

This is from the Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers: 

“By rights we shouldn’t even be here.  But we are.  It’s like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo.  The ones that really mattered.  Full of darkness and danger, they were.  And sometimes you didn’t want to know the end.  Because how could the end be happy?  How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened?  But in the end, it’s only a passing thing, this shadow.  Even darkness must pass.  A new day will come.  And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer.”

Ecclesiastes 3:1 – “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.”

Ecclesiastes 1:9 – “What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.”

Face change and challenge with a positive attitude and faith in God and his plan for your life.

Prayers for Lillydipper’s wife, Doubtfire and his family, Stripped’s wife, Ribbed’s wife, everyone who could not join us for the workout today for whatever reason, and the kids and the new school year.

None mentioned, but check the weekly email

52 at the Dog Pound

THE SCENE: Perfect – 68 degrees for a 1968 B-day celebration

4×13 = 52

  • SSH
  • Rockettes
  • Babby Arm Circles
  • calf raises

A little run to Northshore stopping along the way to do 2 sets of 26 reps


  • Incline Merkins
  • Dips
  • Decline Merkins

Base of Matterhorn Speed Bump

  • V-ups
  • Iron Mikes
  • Jump Squats

Light just past Pavalon gravel lot

  • BBS
  • American hammer
  • Bobby hurley


  • Merkins
  • Monkey Humpers
  • Pickle Pounders

Mosey back to AO with Mayberry leading cheetahs and stopping to wait on six along the way with a few more reps of

  • BBS
  • Backbone
  • Squats

5 burpees and 52 Hello Dollies

Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
The HIM helped me celebrate 52 years!  Many Thanks
Coffeteria with La-Z-Boy coffee, good times!
Iron Pax starts Tuesday; just do your best and don’t worry about the others…

Backbone and DORA’s

THE SCENE: 65 and Pleasant

5 cherry Pickers

1 Squat
We Mosey to the steps and partner up.

  • Dora Exercise while you partner runs up to the rock and completes 5 burpees.
    • 100 hand release merkins
    • 200 V-up
    • 300 Wide stance squats
  • Shoulder taps while we wait for the six.
  • Mosey to backbone
  • Dora exercise while you partner runs up to the top of the hill and holds position while doing hello dollies.
    • 10 burpee pull ups
    • 20 dive bombers
    • 30 merkins
  • Called for time and mosey back to the AO

Everyone on their six

10 V-up

10 crouches on both sides
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
I’ve enjoyed watching the “American Gosple” on Netflix. I recommend it. Also I recommend re-reading Gentle and lowly. It’s a wonderful read for your soul.
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Starting next Tuesday at 5:15 we are competing in the Iron pax challenge. Watch Slack for more info.

Your own worst critic

THE SCENE: F3 degrees Celsius outside

SSH (4ct IC) x20
Tempo squat (4 count down, 3 count hold, 1 count up IC) x5
Windmills (4ct IC) x10
Baby arm circles forward (4ct IC) x10
Baby arm circles reverse (4ct IC) x10
Overhead thumbs up (4ct IC) x10
Overhead thumbs down (4ct IC) x10
Overhead press (4ct IC) x10

CCD to dive bomber  x10
Flutter kicks (4ct) x25

Run to splash pad

Navy seal burpees x10
LBC (4ct) x25

(Lunge, squat, lunge, squat=1) x10

Run to docks and repeat

Abs until the six

Mosey to AO at 6:05

Alt dead bugs (4ct) x20
Dead bug toe touches (hold for 10 seconds every 5 reps) x15
Rocking planks x10

Overhead thumbs up (4ct IC) x10
Overhead thumbs down (4ct IC) x10
Overhead press (4ct IC) x10

Forward fly’s Thumbs forward (4ct IC) x10

Forward Fly’s Thumps back (4ct IC) x10


Today I wanted to talk about that criticism we put ourselves through and how it’s important to focus on self love and self care. There was a song that really stood out to me lately called “talk to a friend” by Slaves.

Tell me, what kind of man am I supposed to be?
When the lines the razor blade made are faded
Is there really any hope for me?
If a simple conversation’s complicated

I know everything I’ve ever done wrong
That kind of memory won’t let me move on
Though there’s bound to be some things that you ain’t told me
I could never be ashamed of you

I wouldn’t talk to a friend the way I talk to myself
See the voice in my head really needs some help

Step inside this is my confession
I let resentment turn into a deep depression
I spend the next five lines asking bad questions
How could I hit rock bottom never learning a lesson?
Do I deserve this hurting?
If my body goes limp, would I float to the surface?
Or can I live in a world with no purpose?
How could I change when I’m still the same person?

What I’m wanting everyone to think about from today is how are you taking care of yourself today? If you can’t love yourself, then it’s nearly impossible to love someone else or accept love.


IronPax workouts at the dogpound weeks 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 going on 8/25, 9/1, 9/8, 9/15, 9/22 respectively. Sign up if interested.

There will be a normal Q at 5:30am if you are not doing the IronPax