F3 Knoxville

The blackness of discipline

The Project
AO: the-project
Q: Mathlete (Jacob Platfoot)
PAX: Biohack (Andrew Ditmer), Papa Lock (Chris McCarthy), Ocho (Matt Hudson), Fire inthe Hole (Dave Duhamel), Munge (Nathaniel Bond), Comfort Zone (Colin Courtney), Rocket (dave weston), Mathlete (Jacob Platfoot)
FNGs: None

hairy Rockettes, windmills, cherry pickers, LBACs, Grady corn, projectivators
Mosey to each spot and do 3 sets
Fountain – 20 derkins, 20 split squats
Playground – 7 pull ups, 10 Bobby Hurleys
Pool wall – 5 wall ups, 15 gas pumpers
Parallel bars – 15 BBS, 15 Inv Rows
Bell – 10 drydocks, 20 step ups
Corners – 3 8-ct body builders and sprint
K-5 hill – 7s of squats and merkins
no time
Biohack will be taking the flag on August 3rd, be there.
Why does F3 love the color Black? because black is the color of discipline. Why? Because discipline takes place primarily in secret, invisible to all others. For example, the discipline to post is founded on a thousand small decisions made during the hours leading up to it, from your dinner, to your drinking, to your sleep, to your alarm clock. By the time you make it to the parking lot, 80% of the work is already done.