F3 Knoxville

The RagnARM

The Dog Pound

THE SCENE: 50 and Clear

SSH x10 IC
Cherry Pickers x10 IC
@Ratchet_F3 Tempo Squats, 6-count x10 IC
Calf stretch alternated w/ calf raises

Mosey to the coupon pile
Medium size rock, everyone get a spot in the “van.” We all do the reps, one guy at a time runs to the tennis courts and back for “rest.”
REPS: 5 each curls, military press, triceps extension for 38 minutes
Rest Area every 6 minutes

1) Merkins/mountain climbers/Carolina dry docks
2) 30 dips / 50 calf raises
3) 50 crunches
4) repeat 1) and 3)
Mosey back to AO

Shoulder Blasters!

This last week is my one-year anniversary at three. My first started it was nearly impossible for me and I was afraid of vomit every time. A year later I’m stronger, faster engine run longer. I recover much quicker for an eye and joy the active much more than I ever have some playing college football. But I haven’t lost any weight.

No, as it turns out I have been working out and exercising continue to eat, and drink, whatever I want whenever I want. As such I’ve lost 4 pounds despite the fact that I have put on much muscle. I realize, that if I am going to lose weight and continue on this journey toward fitness and health and being who I am supposed to be, that I will have to actually try to do what I don’t want to do.

My message to the man is that this is true in many years of her lives. We pour ourselves into doing things that we like to do, and conquer and challenges that we like to conquer. We offer ignore the things that we don’t like to do for their hard for us. This is true in our jobs, our families especially in a marriage is. A guy who loves to do projects will look for any project he can do for his wife as a gift to her, but may completely neglect the things that she would actually like for him to do. The same thing at work, we find the things that were good at stick to those as opposed to tackling the things we need to get better at.

I encourage you men to look at the various facets of your life, find the things that you avoid because they’re not fun, or simply distasteful, and start to do them. Don’t revel in your hard work that comes naturally to you, seek the hard work that you don’t want. I need to do that with my weight, and I know it’ll be a beastly struggle. But it’s worth doing and its worth doing right.

Because of the Ragnar coming up I purposely stayed away from heavy running or excessive legwork. We did some squats today scattered in the rest breaks but I avoided doing damage to the guys and putting them off on the wrong foot for their race this weekend. The workout wasn’t quite as hard as I thought it was going to be, and I feel that we could have done more, but the man gave it their all and I appreciate that.