F3 Knoxville

Dips with Lily

Asylum AM

F3 Workout, Thursday, December 1
10 Burpees
20 x Jumping Jacks
15 x Cherry Pickers
15 x Gradual Squats

Mosey to Walking Track

50 Dips Using Benches
50 Baby Crunches while others do dips
Rinse and Repeat

Mosey to Hill By High Fence

Team up with partner. Each team does 200 merkins and 100 big boy sit-ups. One partner runs up hill while the other is doing the exercise

Mosey Back up Cardiac to Benches by Start of Walking Track

50 Dips Using Benches
50 Baby Crunches while others do dips

Mosey to Parking Lot By Playground

(Each man grabs one Cinder block and two bricks. Bricks are placed in middle of parking lot while Cinder blocks are places on playground end of parking lot.)

25 bench presses with cinder block then run to bricks
15 flys above chest with bricks while lying on back
10 man-makers with brick then run to cinder blocks.

25 curls with cinder block then run to bricks
Repeat the 15 windshield wiper raises and 10 man-makers then run to CINDER BLOCKs

Rinse and Repeat Twice

Mosey to AO


We all long for God but may not even realize it
Children try to satisfy that longing with toys – doesn’t last
Adults try to satisfy through bigger toys, cars, houses, boats, or meeting the right woman or getting the perfect job.

Even in relationships, if we expect the longing to be fully satisfied we will be upset – we see this in marriages where spouses blame the other for not meeting their needs.
God has make us with holes in our hearts – made us that way so that He can fill the hole. We must thirst for God.

CS Lewis in Mere Christianity said,
“If I find in myself desires which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world.” It doesn’t mean the universe is a fraud, it means that “earthly pleasures were never meant to satisfy it, but only to arouse it, to suggest the real thing.”

In F3 we point one another to the “real thing.”